
sabounié [France and Belgium] – synonym of Oedalechilus labeo

sabre argenté [France and Belgium] – synonym of Lepidopus caudatus

sabre noir [France and Belgium] – synonym of Aphanopus carbo

sabre [France and Belgium] – synonym of Lepidopus caudatus

sabre [France and Belgium] – synonym of Trichiurus lepturus

Saccopharynx ampullaceus

Saccopharynx harrisoni

Saccopharynx paucovertebratis

Saccopharynx ramosus

Saccopharynx thalassa

saddled bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Oblada melanura

saddled snake eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Pisodonophis semicinctus

sadko sculpin [UK and USA] – synonym of Cottunculus sadko

Saemundsson, 1949: 13. – synonym of Triglops murrayi

Sagamichthys schnakenbecki

Sagre commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Etmopterus spinax

Sagre nain [France and Belgium] – synonym of Etmopterus pusillus

Sagre rude [France and Belgium] – synonym of Etmopterus princeps

sailfin dory [UK and USA] – synonym of Zenopsis conchifer

Sailfin roughshark [UK and USA] – synonym of Oxynotus paradoxus

sailfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Istiophorus albicans

sailfishsucker [UK and USA] – synonym of Remora osteochir

Sailray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja lintea

saint-pierre[France and Belgium] – synonym of Zeus faber

saithe [UK and USA] – synonym of Pollachius virens

salamun [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Argyrosomus regius

salema [UK and USA] – synonym of Sarpa salpa

Salmo salar

Salmo trutta

salmon smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Conocara salmonea

salmon [UK and USA] – synonym of Salmo salar

salmonete [France and Belgium] – synonym of Pseudupeneus prayensis

Salvelinus alpinus

sand goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Pomatoschistus lozanoi

sand goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Pomatoschistus minutus

sand shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Eugomphodus taurus

sand smelt [UK and USA] – synonym of Atherina hepsetus

sand smelt [UK and USA] – synonym of Atherina presbyter

sand sole [UK and USA] – synonym of Solea lascaris

Sand tiger shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Eugomphodus taurus

Sandbar shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Carcharhinus plumbeus

Sandy ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja circularis

sanglier [France and Belgium] – synonym of Capros aper

sanoure [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Conger conger

sanzo's goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Lesueurigobius sanzoi

sar à grosses lèvres [France and Belgium] – synonym of Diplodus cervinus

sar à museau pointu [France and Belgium] – synonym of Diplodus puntazzo

sar à tête noire [France and Belgium] – synonym of Diplodus vulgaris

sar commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Diplodus sargus

sar rayé [France and Belgium] – synonym of Diplodus sargus

sar tambour [France and Belgium] – synonym of Diplodus puntazzo

sar [France and Belgium] – synonym of Diplodus sargus

sar [France and Belgium] – synonym of Diplodus vulgaris

sarag [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Diplodus vulgaris

saran [France and Belgium] – synonym of Serranus cabrilla

sarato's goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius fallax

Sarda sarda

sardien [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Sardina pilchardus

Sardina pilchardus

sardine commune [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sardina pilchardus

sardine [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sardina pilchardus

Sardinella aurita

Sardinella maderensis

sargassum anglerfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Histrio histrio

Sargocentron hastatus

Sargocentron rubrum

sargue [France and Belgium] – synonym of Diplodus annularis

sarko crveni [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Xyrichthys novacula

Sarpa salpa

sarun [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Trachurus mediterraneus

sarun [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Trachurus trachurus

saumon argente [France and Belgium] – synonym of Oncorhynchus keta

saumon atlantique [France and Belgium] – synonym of Salmo salar

Saumon coho [France and Belgium] – synonym of Oncorhynchus kisutch

saumon rose [France and Belgium] – synonym of Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

saumon [France and Belgium] – synonym of Salmo salar

saupe de mer rouge [France and Belgium] – synonym of Crenidens crenidens

saupe [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sarpa salpa

saurel [France and Belgium] – synonym of Trachurus mediterraneus

saurel [France and Belgium] – synonym of Trachurus trachurus

Saurenchelys cancrivora

Saurida undosquamis

Sawback angelshark [UK and USA] – synonym of Squatina aculeata

sbouga [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Boops boops

scaldfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Arnoglossus imperialis

scaldfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Arnoglossus laterna

scale-rayed wrasse [UK and USA] – synonym of Acantholabrus palloni

Scalloped hammerhead [UK and USA] – synonym of Sphyrna lewini

scalloped ribbonfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Zu cristatus

Scartella cristata

schar [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Limanda limanda

schartong [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis

Schedophilus medusophagus

Schedophilus ovalis

schelvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Scheponopodus prototypus Canestrini, 1872, Fauna Italia, (3): 112 (type locality: Italy; variation of spelling of Skeponopodus N – synonym of Tetrapturus belone

scherpsnuit [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Raja oxyrinchus

schmidt's goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius strictus

Schnakenbeck's searsid [UK and USA] – synonym of Sagamichthys schnakenbecki

schol [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Pleuronectes platessa

schotje [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Salmo trutta

schrapper [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Atherina presbyter

schurftvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Arnoglossus laterna

Sciadonus cryptophthalmus

Sciadonus galatheae

Sciaena umbra

Scomber japonicus

Scomber scombrus

Scomber trachurus Pallas, 1811, Zoogr. rosso-asiat., 3: 218. – synonym of Trachurus mediterraneus

Scomberesox saurus

Scomberomorus commerson

Scomberomorus tritor

Scombrolabrax heterolepis

Scopelarchus analis

Scopelarchus michaelsarsi

Scopelengys tristis

Scopeloberyx opisthopterus

Scopeloberyx robustus

Scopeloberyx rubrivenster

Scopelogadus beanii

Scopelosaurus argenteus

Scopelosaurus lepidus

Scopelosaurus smithii

Scopelus gemellarii: Günther, 1864: 415 | Canestrini, 1872: 126. – synonym of Lobianchia gemellarii

Scophthalmus rhombus

scorba [Ar – synonym of Sciaena umbra

Scorpaena (Helicolenus) dactyloptera: Buen, 1919: 47 – synonym of Helicolenus dactylopterus

Scorpaena azorica

Scorpaena elongata

Scorpaena laevis

Scorpaena loppei

Scorpaena maderensis

Scorpaena notata

Scorpaena porcus

Scorpaena scrofa

Scorpaenodes arenai

scorpion-fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachyscorpia echinata

scour [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Labrus bergylta

scour [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Labrus bimaculatus

scour [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Labrus merula

scour [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Labrus viridis

scour [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Symphodus ocellatus

scour [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Symphodus tinca

scour-fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Ruvettus pretiosus

Scyliorhinus canicula

Scyliorhinus stellaris

Scymnodon obscurus

Scymnodon ringens

sea bass [UK and USA] – synonym of Dicentrarchus labrax

sea bass [UK and USA] – synonym of Dicentrarchus punctatus

sea lamprey [UK and USA] – synonym of Petromyzon marinus

sea or brown trout [UK and USA] – synonym of Salmo trutta

sea scorpion [UK and USA] – synonym of Taurulus bubalis

sea snail [UK and USA] – synonym of Liparis liparis

sea-cat [UK and USA] – synonym of Anarhichas lupus

sea-horse [UK and USA] – synonym of Hippocampus hippocampus

sea-horse [UK and USA] – synonym of Hippocampus ramulosus

Searsia koefoedi

Searsia schnakenbecki Krefft, 1953b, Zool. Anz., 151(9/10): 259-266, part. (ISH no. 50/11c only). – synonym of Holtbyrnia macrops

seascorpion [UK and USA] – synonym of Myoxocephalus scorpius

Sebastapistes nuchalis

Sébaste américain [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sebastes fasciatus

Sebastes fasciatus

Sebastes marinus

Sebastes mentella

Sebastes viviparus

seheli [UK and USA] – synonym of Liza carinata

Selar boops

Selar œil de bœuf [France and Belgium] – synonym of Selar boops

Selene dorsalis

senegal sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Diplodus bellottii

senegal sole [UK and USA] – synonym of Solea senegalensis

senegalese frogfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Antennarius senegalensis

serdouk [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Serranus scriba

sergeant-fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Rachycentron canadum

Seriola carpenteri

Seriola dumerili

Seriola fasciata

Seriola rivoliana

Sériole babiane [France and Belgium] – synonym of Seriola fasciata

sériole couronnée [France and Belgium] – synonym of Seriola dumerili

Sériole guinéenne [France and Belgium] – synonym of Seriola carpenteri

sériole limon [France and Belgium] – synonym of Seriola rivoliana

seriole [France and Belgium] – synonym of Seriola dumerili

serpent blenny [UK and USA] – synonym of Lumpenus lampretaeformis

serran à queue noire [France and Belgium] – synonym of Serranus atricauda

serran chevrette [France and Belgium] – synonym of Serranus cabrilla

serran écriture [France and Belgium] – synonym of Serranus scriba

serran impérial [France and Belgium] – synonym of Serranus atricauda

serran [France and Belgium] – synonym of Serranus cabrilla

Serranus atricauda

Serranus cabrilla

Serranus hepatus

Serranus scriba

Serrivomer beani

Serrivomer brevidentatus

Setarches guentheri

seven-gilled shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Heptranchias perlo

Shagreen ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja fullonica

shan [UK and USA] – synonym of Lipophrys pholis

shanny [UK and USA] – synonym of Lipophrys pholis

sharksucker [UK and USA] – synonym of Echeneis naucrates

sharktooth moray [UK and USA] – synonym of Gymnothorax maderensis

Sharpnose seven-gill shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Heptranchias perlo

sharpsnout sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Diplodus puntazzo

shi drum [UK and USA] – synonym of Umbrina cirrosa

shining gurnard [UK and USA] – synonym of Aspitrigla obscura

shocac dugas [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Liza saliens

shore clingfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Lepadogaster purpurea

shore rockling [UK and USA] – synonym of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus

short fin pearleye [UK and USA] – synonym of Scopelarchus analis

short-bodied sardine [UK and USA] – synonym of Sardinella maderensis

shortbeard grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Chalinura brevibarbis

Shortfin mako [UK and USA] – synonym of Isurus oxyrinchus

shortfin spiny eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Notacanthus bonapartei

shorthorn sculpin [UK and USA] – synonym of Myoxocephalus scorpius

shortnose greeneye [UK and USA] – synonym of Chlorophthalmus agassizii

Shortnose velvet dogfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Centroscymnus cryptacanthus

shortspined sculpin [UK and USA] – synonym of Myoxocephalus scorpius

shrimp scad [UK and USA] – synonym of Alepes djedaba

siauclet [France and Belgium] – synonym of Atherina hepsetus

sibri [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Diplodus annularis

sidderrog [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Torpedo nobiliana

sigan marbré [France and Belgium] – synonym of Siganus rivulatus

sigan sombre [France and Belgium] – synonym of Siganus luridus

Siganus luridus

Siganus rivulatus

silac [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Thunnus alalunga

Silhouettea aegyptia

Silky shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Carcharhinus falciformis

Sillago sihama

silver scabbard fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Lepidopus caudatus

Silver sillago [UK and USA] – synonym of Sillago sihama

silvery pout [UK and USA] – synonym of Gadiculus argenteus

Simenchelys parasitica

siouclet [France and Belgium] – synonym of Atherina hepsetus

siphonostome [France and Belgium] – synonym of Syngnathus typhle

six-eyed sole [UK and USA] – synonym of Microchirus hexophthalma

six-gilled shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Hexanchus griseus

skaram [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Sphyraena sphyraena

skipjack tuna [UK and USA] – synonym of Katsuwonus pelamis

skipjack [UK and USA] – synonym of Katsuwonus pelamis

skipper, saurie [UK and USA] – synonym of Scomberesox saurus

skocac (or cipal) balavac [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Liza ramada

skocac (or cipal) putnik [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Chelon labrosus

skocac glavas [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Mugil cephalus

skocac plutas [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Oedalechilus labeo

skocac zlatac [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Liza aurata

skusa [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Scomber scombrus

slakdolf [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Liparis liparis

slender argentine [UK and USA] – synonym of Microstoma microstoma

slender finless eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Apterichthus anguiformis

slender goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius geniporus

slender snipe-eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Nemichthys scolopaceus

Slender sorcerer [UK and USA] – synonym of Saurenchelys cancrivora

slender suckerfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Phtheirichthys lineatus

slijmprik [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Myxine glutinosa

slijmvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Lipophrys pholis

slimhead grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Coryphaenoides zaniophorus

slingura barbaroga [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Parablennius tentacularis

slingura dubljinka [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Blennius ocellaris

slingura mrkulja [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Parablennius gattorugine

Sliznatka [former Chechoslovakia] – synonym of Myxine glutinosa

sljepulja [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Myxine glutinosa

sloane's viperfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Chauliodus sloani

small red scorpion fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Scorpaena notata

small redfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Sebastes viviparus

Small-eyed ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja microocellata

small-headed clingfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Apletodon dentatus

small-scaled scorpion fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Scorpaena porcus

small-spotted dogfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Scyliorhinus canicula

small-toothed argentine [UK and USA] – synonym of Glossanodon leioglossus

smalleye catshark [UK and USA] – synonym of Apristurus microps

Smalleye hammerhead [UK and USA] – synonym of Sphyrna tudes

smalleye smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Alepocephalus productus

Smalleyed rabbitfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Hydrolagus affinis

smallmouth spiny eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Polyacanthonotus rissoanus

Smallscale searsid [UK and USA] – synonym of Maulisia microlepis

smallscale smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Bathytroctes microlepis

Smallspotted catshark [UK and USA] – synonym of Scyliorhinus canicula

Smalltooth sand tiger [UK and USA] – synonym of Odontaspis ferox

Smalltooth sawfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Pristis pectinata

Smalltooth velvet dogfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Scymnodon obscurus

smelt [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Hyperoplus lanceolatus

smokva [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Labrus bimaculatus

smooth grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Nezumia aequalis

Smooth hammerhead [UK and USA] – synonym of Sphyrna zygaena

Smooth lanternshark [UK and USA] – synonym of Etmopterus pusillus

smooth sand-eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Ammodytes tobianus

smooth sand-eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Gymnammodytes semisquamatus

Smoothback angelshark [UK and USA] – synonym of Squatina oculata

Smoothhound [UK and USA] – synonym of Mustelus mustelus

smudut [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Dicentrarchus labrax

smudut [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Dicentrarchus punctatus

snake blenny [UK and USA] – synonym of Lumpenus lampretaeformis

snake blenny [UK and USA] – synonym of Ophidion barbatum

snake mackerel [UK and USA] – synonym of Gempylus serpens

snake pipefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Entelurus aequoraeus

snipe (trumpet) fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Macroramphosus scolopax

snipe eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Nemichthys scolopaceus

snipvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Macroramphosus scolopax

snotolf [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Cyclopterus lumpus

snouted sole [UK and USA] – synonym of Solea nasuta

snubnosed eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Simenchelys parasitica

snubnosed spiny eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Notacanthus chemnitzii

Softhead grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Malacocephalus laevis

softskin smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Rouleina attrita

sole adriatique [France and Belgium] – synonym of Solea impar

sole commune [France and Belgium] – synonym of Solea vulgaris

Sole d'Egypte [France and Belgium] – synonym of Solea aegyptiaca

sole des profondeurs [France and Belgium] – synonym of Bathysolea profundicola

sole du Sénégal [France and Belgium] – synonym of Solea senegalensis

sole grise [France and Belgium] – synonym of Symphurus nigrescens

sole ocellée [France and Belgium] – synonym of Microchirus ocellatus

sole panachee [France and Belgium] – synonym of Microchirus variegatus

sole pole [France and Belgium] – synonym of Solea lascaris

sole ruardon commune [France and Belgium] – synonym of Synaptura lusitanica

sole séteau [France and Belgium] – synonym of Dicologlossa cuneata

sole tachetée [France and Belgium] – synonym of Solea kleinii

sole velue [France and Belgium] – synonym of Monochirus hispidus

sole [France and Belgium] – synonym of Solea kleinii

sole [France and Belgium] – synonym of Solea vulgaris

sole-langue de la merrouge [France and Belgium] – synonym of Cynoglossus sinusarabici

sole-langue nigérienne [France and Belgium] – synonym of Cynoglossus browni

sole-perdrix commune [France and Belgium] – synonym of Microchirus variegatus

sole-perdrix juive [France and Belgium] – synonym of Microchirus azevia

Solea aegyptiaca

Solea impar

Solea kleinii

Solea lascaris

Solea nasuta

Solea senegalensis

Solea vulgaris

solenette [UK and USA] – synonym of Buglossidium luteum

Somniosus microcephalus

Somniosus rostratus

sopa [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Sarpa salpa

soultan [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Coris julis

soumir [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Symphodus mediterraneus

souris de mer [France and Belgium] – synonym of Agonus cataphractus

southern atlantic smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Alepocephalus australis

spaanse makreel [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Scomber japonicus

spaanse zeebrasem [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Pagellus acarne

spanish bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Pagellus acarne

spanish ling [UK and USA] – synonym of Molva dipterygia

spanish mackerel [UK and USA] – synonym of Scomber japonicus

spar [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Diplodus annularis

sparaillon africain [France and Belgium] – synonym of Diplodus bellottii

sparaillon commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Diplodus annularis

Sparisoma cretense

Sparus aurata

Sparus tricuspidatus Spinola, 1807, Annls Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, 10: 367, pl. 20 (fig. la-b) (Gulf of Genoa). – synonym of Spicara maena

spatulate sculpin [UK and USA] – synonym of Icelus spatula

spear-snouted grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Coelorhynchus occa

spearfish remora [UK and USA] – synonym of Remora brachyptera

spearfishsucker [UK and USA] – synonym of Remora brachyptera

Speckled ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja polystigma

Spectrunculus grandis

Speleogobius trigloides

Sphagemacrurus grenadae

Sphagemacrurus hirundo

Sphoeroides cutaneus

Sphoeroides spengleri

Sphyraena chrysotaenia

Sphyraena sphyraena

Sphyraena viridensis

Sphyrna lewini

Sphyrna mokarran

Sphyrna tudes

Sphyrna zygaena

Spicara flexuosa

Spicara maena

Spicara smaris

spider fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Bathypterois dubius

spider fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Bathypterois longipes

spider fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Bathypterois mediterraneus

spiering [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Osmerus eperlanus

spike fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Istiophorus albicans

Spinachia spinachia

Spinetail ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Bathyraja spinicauda

Spinner shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Carcharhinus brevipinna

Spiny butterfly ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Gymnura altavela

Spiny eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Polyacanthonotus challengeri

spiny gurnard [UK and USA] – synonym of Lepidotrigla dieuzeidei

spiny scorpionfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachyscorpia echinata

spiny-cheeked grunter [UK and USA] – synonym of Therapon puta

splitfin smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Leptoderma sp.

Spondyliosoma cantharus

spotted dragonet [UK and USA] – synonym of Callionymus maculatus

spotted flounder [UK and USA] – synonym of Citharus linguatula

spotted herring [UK and USA] – synonym of Herklotsichthys punctatus

spotted ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja montagui

spotted sea-cat [UK and USA] – synonym of Anarhichas minor

spotted seabass [UK and USA] – synonym of Dicentrarchus punctatus

spotted snake blenny [UK and USA] – synonym of Leptoclinus maculatus

spotted snake eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Ophichthus ophis

spotted snipe-eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Nemichthys curvirostris

spotted tonguesole [UK and USA] – synonym of Symphurus nigrescens

spotted weever [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachinus araneus

spotted wolffish [UK and USA] – synonym of Anarhichas minor

sprat [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sprattus sprattus

sprat [UK and USA] – synonym of Sprattus sprattus

Spratelloides delicatulus

Sprattus sprattus

sprot [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Sprattus sprattus

Spurdog [UK and USA] – synonym of Squalus acanthias

squadron [UK and USA] – synonym of Makaira nigricans

Squale boucle [France and Belgium] – synonym of Echinorhinus brucus

Squale liche [France and Belgium] – synonym of Dalatias licha

Squale nain [France and Belgium] – synonym of Squaliolus laticaudus

Squale savate [France and Belgium] – synonym of Deania calceus

Squale-chagrin a longue dorsale [France and Belgium] – synonym of Centrophorus lusitanicus

Squale-chagrin commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Centrophorus granulosus

Squale-chagrin de l'Atlantique [France and Belgium] – synonym of Centrophorus squamosus

Squale-grogneur a queue echancree [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scymnodon obscurus

Squale-grogneur commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scymnodon ringens

Squaliolus laticaudus

Squalus acanthias

Squalus blainvillei

Squatina aculeata

Squatina oculata

Squatina squatina

squirrel hake [UK and USA] – synonym of Urophycis chuss

squoumri [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Scomber japonicus

squoumri [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Scomber scombrus

srdela [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Sardina pilchardus

srdella velika [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Sardinella aurita

srebrnica [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Argentina sphyraena

srebrnjak [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Argentina sphyraena

staghorn [UK and USA] – synonym of Gymnacanthus tricuspis

stargazar [UK and USA] – synonym of Uranoscopus scaber

Starry ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja asterias

Starry ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja radiata

Starry skate [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja radiata

starry smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Photostylus pycnopterus

Starry smoothhound [UK and USA] – synonym of Mustelus asterias

starry sturgeon [UK and USA] – synonym of Acipenser stellatus

steenbaars [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Polyprion americanus

steenbolk [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Trisopterus luscus

steinitz's goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gammogobius steinitzi

stekelrog [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Raja clavata

Stellate smooth hound [UK and USA] – synonym of Mustelus asterias

stellate tadpole-goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Benthophilus stellatus

Stenodus leucichthys

Stephanolepis diaspros

Stephanolepis hispidus

Sternoptyx diaphana

Sternoptyx pseudobscura

sterrog [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Raja radiata

steur [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Acipenser sturio

steven's goby [UK and USA]. – synonym of Gobius gasteveni

stickleback (threespined stickleback) [UK and USA] – synonym of Gasterosteus aculeatus

stickleback [UK and USA] – synonym of Pungitius pungitius

Stomias boa

Stomias brevibarbatus

Stomiatella D Roule and Angel, 1930 (partim), Rés. Camp. sci. Monaco, 79: 17-18, pl. 1 (fig. 10) (between Azores and Spain, base – synonym of Flagellostomias boureei

stone bass [UK and USA] – synonym of Polyprion americanus

straight-nosed pipefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Nerophis ophidion

Straightnose rabbitfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Rhinochimaera atlantica

Strait, S off Cape Palliser, New Zealand). Holotype: V.U.W. no. 1898. – synonym of Bathyraja richardsoni

streaked gurnard [UK and USA] – synonym of Trigloporus lastoviza

streaked weever [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachinus radiatus

striped goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius vittatus

striped mullet [UK and USA] – synonym of Mullus barbatus

striped red mullet [UK and USA] – synonym of Mullus surmuletus

striped sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Lithognathus mormyrus

Stromateus fiatola

sturgeon [UK and USA] – synonym of Acipenser sturio

Stylephorus chordatus

sublaire [France and Belgium] – synonym of Symphodus rostratus

Sudis hyalina

sun-fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Mola mola

surgeon fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Acanthurus monroviae

surmulet pontique [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mullus barbatus

surmulet [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mullus barbatus

Svetovidovia lucullus

swallow grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Sphagemacrurus hirundo

swordfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Xiphias gladius

Symbolophorus veranyi

Symphodus (Crenilabrus) cinereus (Bonnaterre, 1788) – synonym of Symphodus cinereus

Symphodus (Crenilabrus) ocellatus bertini: Garnaud, 1970, Bull. Inst. océanogr., Monaco, 69, no. 1411: 12 p., 6 fig. – synonym of Symphodus ocellatus

Symphodus bailloni

Symphodus cinereus

Symphodus doderleini

Symphodus mediterraneus

Symphodus melanocercus

Symphodus melops

Symphodus ocellatus

Symphodus roissali

Symphodus rostratus

Symphodus tinca

Symphurus ligulatus

Symphurus nigrescens

Symphurus reticulatus

Synaphobranchus kaupi

Synaptura lusitanica

Synchiropus phaeton

syngnathe a long museau [France and Belgium] – synonym of Syngnathus tenuirostris

syngnathe aiguille [France and Belgium] – synonym of Syngnathus acus

syngnathe de duméril [France and Belgium] – synonym of Syngnathus rostellatus

Syngnathus abaster

Syngnathus acus

Syngnathus phlegon

Syngnathus rostellatus

Syngnathus schmidti

Syngnathus taenionotus

Syngnathus tenuirostris

Syngnathus typhle

Syngnathus variegatus

Synodus saurus

Synodus synodus

syrman goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Neogobius syrman

Systematic status of a subspecies described under the name Caspialosa tanaica etemi Battalgil, 1914, from Manyas Lake and – synonym of Alosa caspia