Liza saliens

Author: Risso, 1810

Liza saliens Risso, 1810

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Liza saliens (Risso, 1810) (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: head broad, space between eyes about equal to width of mouth cleft; adipose eyelid poorly developed; upper lip thin, less than pupil diameter; corner of mouth cleft reaching to below front nostril. No pectoral axillary scale. Scales on head extend forward to level of front nostrils, mostly bearing 2 grooves. Pyloric caeca 7-8. Colour: back blue/grey, flanks and belly pale or silvery. Size: to 35 cm SL.

Habitat: pelagic, usually inshore, entering lagoons and estuaries. Food: bottom and planktonic organisms. Reproduction. summer months.

Distribution: Atlantic coasts northward to the Bay of Biscay; also, whole of Mediterranean, Black Sea and Sea of Azov. Elsewhere, southward, perhaps as far as Angola; introduced into the Caspian Sea.

Eggs, larvae and young stages. Brunelli, 1916: fig. 1 (young stage) | Vialli, 1937: pl. XXXV (fig. 1-5) | Vodyanitzki and Kazanova, 1954: 250, fig. 8 (4 fig.) | Morovic, 1957 (fig. after Vialli) | Perlmutter et al., 1957: 297, fig. 6A-F | Burdak, 1957 (postlarval development) | El-Zarka, 1964: 337 ff., fig. 4 | Varagnolo, 1964: 254, pl. 4 (fig. 18-22).
Otoliths (sagitta). Koken, 1888: 274, pl. XVII (fig. 7) | Chaine and Duvergier, 1928b: 253, fig. 6-7 | Chaine, 1938: 210, pl. XVI | Morovic, 1953: 5, fig. 3 | Bauzá-Rullán, 1960: 52, pl. IV (fig. 11-14) | Erman, 1960: pl. 1 (fig. 2).