Serrivomer brevidentatus

Author: Roule and Bertin, 1929

Serrivomer brevidentatus Roule and Bertin, 1929

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Serrivomer brevidentatus Roule and Bertin, 1929 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: body very elongate, its anterior section oval, caudal region tapered, 72-75% TL. Skin thicker and more resistant than in S. beani. Head long; snout beak-like, jaws produced, lower longer than upper. Teeth on vomer 20-35, blade-like, with triangular tips, about twice as long as wide, in two parallel lines alternating and forming a rather low ridge on roof of mouth, extended anteriorly (beyond maxillae) by numerous irregularly placed small teeth, multiserial to beak tip; maxillary teeth in 3 rows, increasing in size from outer to inner row; dentary teeth in 4-6 rows, the penultimate inner row the biggest. Branchiostegal rays 8, only the sixth (at angle of ceratohyal) with a process extending beyond point of its attachment. Dorsal fin origin over twelfth to thirteenth anal ray, finrays 175-199; anal finrays 165-185; caudal finrays 7. Vertebrae: 158-166. Colour: uniformly blackish-brown. Size: to 65 cm.

Habitat: adults epi- to abyssopelagic at 150-6,000 m, larvae (Leptocephalus lanceolatoides) at higher levels (0-350 m), with maximum density at 100 m. Food: no data. Reproduction: hatching area 29° to 34° N, 54° to 61° W.

Distribution: Straits of Gibraltar. Elsewhere, North Atlantic from about 17° to 40° N.

Eggs, larvae and young stages. According to Bauchot, 1959, Leptocephalus lanceolatoides Schmidt, 1916, is the larval form of S. brevidentatus.
Leptocephalus lanceolatoides Schmidt, 1916, Meddr Kommn Havunders.: 17, fig. 11 ('central portion of the North Atlantic').
Leptocephalus: Beebe and Crane, 1936: 80 (pro parte). Transitional adolescents and adolescent: Beebe and Crane, 1936: 97.
Leptocephalus lanceolatoides: Bauchot, 1959: 8, fig., pl.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.