
haddock [UK and USA] – synonym of Melanogrammus aeglefinus

hagfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Myxine glutinosa

hairfin smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Talismania homoptera

hairtail [UK and USA] – synonym of Trichiurus lepturus

Hairy Fanfin [UK and USA] – synonym of Caulophryne polynema

hake [UK and USA] – synonym of Merluccius merluccius

Halargyreus johnsonii

halfbeak [UK and USA] – synonym of Hemiramphus far

halfbeak [UK and USA] – synonym of Hyporhamphus picarti

halibut [UK and USA] – synonym of Hippoglossus hippoglossus

halibut [UK and USA] – synonym of Hippoglossus hippoglossus

hallouf bahr [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Balistes carolinensis

Halobatrachus didactylus

Halosauropsis macrochir

Halosaurus johnsonianus

Halosaurus ovenii

hameçon [France and Belgium] – synonym of Artediellus scaber

hamecon [UK and USA] – synonym of Artediellus scaber

hancha [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Anguilla anguilla

Haplophryne mollis

hareng commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Clupea harengus

hareng [France and Belgium] – synonym of Clupea harengus

haring [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Clupea harengus

haringhaai [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Lamna nasus

Hariotta raleighana

harnasmannetje [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Agonus cataphractus

has in this writer's opinion little merit or historical precedence other than Goode's comment in 1884 that B. brama was called ' – synonym of Brama brama

haskefal [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Mugil cephalus

heek [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Merluccius merluccius

heilbot [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Hippoglossus hippoglossus

Helicolenus dactylopterus

Hemiramphus far

Hempel's whalefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Cetomimus hempeli

hen-fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Cyclopterus lumpus

Heptranchias perlo

Herklotsichthys punctatus

herring [UK and USA] – synonym of Clupea harengus

Herwigia kreffti

Herwigia kreffti Nielsen and Larsen, 1970 – synonym of Herwigia kreffti

Herwigia kreffti: Krefft, 1978. – synonym of Herwigia kreffti

Hexanchus griseus

Hexanchus nakamurai

Himantolophus albinares

Himantolophus albinares: Maul, 1962, 8-11, fig. 1-2 (description of small specimen). – synonym of Himantolophus albinares

Himantolophus compressus

Himantolophus groenlandicus

Himantolophus mauli

Himantura uarnak

hinac [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Symphodus doderleini

hippocampe à museau court [France and Belgium] – synonym of Hippocampus hippocampus

hippocampe mouchete [France and Belgium] – synonym of Hippocampus ramulosus

Hippocampus hippocampus

Hippocampus ramulosus

Hippoglossoides platessoides

Hippoglossus hippoglossus

hirondelle [France and Belgium] – synonym of Dactylopterus volitans

Hirundichthys rondeletii

Hirundichthys speculiger

Hist. Nat. Poiss., 4: 670, pl. 14 (fig. 2). No type material. – synonym of Raja undulata

Histiobranchus bathybius

Histrio histrio

Holbîche cyrano [France and Belgium] – synonym of Apristurus nasutus

Holbîche fantôme [France and Belgium] – synonym of Apristurus manis

Holbîche porc [France and Belgium] – synonym of Apristurus microps

Holcomycteronus squamosus

Holocentre rouge [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sargocentron hastatus

holocentre rouge [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sargocentron rubrum

Holotype: USNM no. 170953. – synonym of Stomias boa

Holotype: USNM no. 33558. – synonym of Cryptopsaras couesi

Holtbyrnia (Krefftia) macrops: Geistdoerfer et al., 1971b: 1178. – synonym of Holtbyrnia macrops

Holtbyrnia anomala

Holtbyrnia macrops

hondshaai [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Scyliorhinus canicula

hookhorn sculpin [UK and USA] – synonym of Artediellus atlanticus

hookhorn sculpin [UK and USA] – synonym of Artediellus uncinatus

hooknose [UK and USA] – synonym of Agonus cataphractus

Hoplostethus atlanticus

Hoplostethus cadenati

Hoplostethus mediterraneus

horse mackerel [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachurus mediterraneus

horse mackerel [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachurus trachurus

horse-eye Jack [UK and USA] – synonym of Caranx latus

horsmakreel [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Trachurus trachurus

hout kmar [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Mola mola

houting [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Coregonus lavaretus

houting [UK and USA] – synonym of Coregonus lavaretus

Howella brodiei atlantica

Hubbs' pearleye [UK and USA] – synonym of Rosenblattichthys hubbsi

Humantin [France and Belgium] – synonym of Oxynotus paradoxus

humpback or pink salmon [UK and USA] – synonym of Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

Huso huso

Hydrolagus affinis

Hydrolagus mirabilis

Hygophum benoiti

Hygophum hygomii

Hygophum reinhardtii

Hygophum taaningi

Hymenocephalus gracilis

Hymenocephalus italicus

Hyperoglyphe perciformis

Hyperoplus immaculatus

Hyperoplus lanceolatus

Hypleurochilus bananensis

Hyporhamphus picarti