
kaardrog [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Raja fullonica

kabaila [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Scomber japonicus

kabaília [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Scomber scombrus

kabeljauw[Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Gadus morhua

kahlaia [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Oblada melanura

kahlayoum [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Chelon labrosus

kalb bahr [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Carcharodon carcharias

kalb habr [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Galeus melastomus

Kali macrodon

Kali macrura

kanjac [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Serranus cabrilla

kannuta [Ar – synonym of Spondyliosoma cantharus

kantor [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Spondyliosoma cantharus

karenteen sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Crenidens crenidens

kars [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Odontaspis ferox

karus [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Dicentrarchus labrax

karus [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Dicentrarchus punctatus

kathaai [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Scyliorhinus stellaris

Katsuwonus pelamis

Kaup's arrowtooth eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Synaphobranchus kaupi

keeltail needlefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Platybelone argalus

kelb el bahar [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Mustelus asterias

kever [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Trisopterus esmarki

kheddir [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Labrus bimaculatus

kheddir [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Labrus merula

kheddir [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Labrus viridis

king of the Herrings [UK and USA] – synonym of Regalecus glesne

king of the herrings [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachipterus arcticus

kingfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Caranx hippos

kinjusa [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Symphodus ocellatus

kinjusà [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Symphodus roissali

kirnja glavulja [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Polyprion americanus

kirnja ligaca [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Epinephelus alexandrinus

kirnja [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Epinephelus guaza

Kitefin shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Dalatias licha

klein's sole [UK and USA] – synonym of Solea kleinii

kleine koornaarvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Atherina boyeri

kleine pieterman [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Echiichthys vipera

kleine roodbaars [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Sebastes viviparus

kleine slakdolf [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Liparis montagui

kleine wormzeenaald [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Nerophis lumbriciformis

kleine zeenaald [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Syngnathus rostellatus

kleinoogrog [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Raja microocellata

kleurige grondel [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Pomatoschistus pictus

kliplipvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Ctenolabrus rupestris

Kljukanov, 1969, 48 (1): 108, fig. 1, 4 (1), 5 (1), 6 (1-2). – synonym of Osmerus eperlanus

kner's goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Pomatoschistus knerii

knez du guja [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Coris julis

Knifetooth dogfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Scymnodon ringens

Knipowitschia caucasica

Knipowitschia longecaudata

Knipowitschia panizzae

knout goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Mesogobius batrachocephalus

Koefoed's searsid [UK and USA] – synonym of Searsia koefoedi

koefoed's smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Bellocia koefoedi

kolombatovic's goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Chromogobius zebratus

kongr [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Conger conger

koning van de poon [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Mullus surmuletus

koningsvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Lampris guttatus

konj [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Sciaena umbra

koolvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Pollachius virens

koornaarvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Atherina presbyter

koscenjak [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Squalus acanthias

kosirica [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Symphodus melops

kostilj [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Squalus blainvillei

krb [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Argyrosomus regius

Krefft's ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja kreffti

krefft's smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Herwigia kreffti

Krøyer, 1852-1853: 784 813, fig. | Maurin and Bonnet, 1970: 45. – synonym of Chimaera monstrosa

ktat [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Scyliorhinus canicula

kucina [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Isurus oxyrinchus

kucina [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Lamna nasus

kuller [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Melanogrammus aeglefinus

kurjal [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Umbrina cirrosa

Kyphosus incisor

Kyphosus sectator