Maulisia microlepis

Author: Sazonov and Golovan, 1976

'Maulisia' microlepis Sazonov and Golovan, 1976

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Maulisia microlepis Sazonov and Golovan, 1976 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: body compressed, head large, about one-third body length, widest point formed by frontals. Snout pointed, premaxillary tusks pointing directly forward; outer edge of lower jaw with short row of
teeth. Gillrakers 26-33 (19-23 on lower limb). Branchiostegal rays 7. Pyloric caeca 45 (producing 5-15 terminal diverticulae). Dorsal fin far back on body with 18-21 finrays; pectoral fins small with 13-17 finrays; pelvic fins behind midpoint of body with 7-9 finrays; anal fin origin a little behind that of dorsal fin, with 15-18 finrays. No light organs. Lateral line marked by 46-57 enlarged, modified scales; about 100-125 scales in lateral series above it. Colour: uniformly dark. Size: to 26 cm.

Habitat: benthopelagic to bathypelagic, to 700-2,000 m. Food: no data.Reproduction: no data.

Distribution: eastern part of Atlantic, from about 30° W to 60° N. Elsewhere, southward between 4° S and 31° S, western North Atlantic, between 30° N and 60° N, eastern South Indian Ocean (31° S, 93° E).