Scopelosaurus argenteus

Author: (Maul, 1954)

Scopelosaurus argenteus (Maul, 1954)

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Scopelosaurus argenteus (Maul, 1954) (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: body elongate, its depth 11-12% SL; head rather large; posterior infra-orbital bones 2.4-2.8% SL, with a prominent anterior crest bordering eye and posterior expanded, lobed lamella; lower jaw with an anterior unpaired primary pore followed by two pairs of such pores in anterior half, secondary pores numerous. Teeth small, on premaxillae uniserial in young, in narrow band in adults, dentary in two bands, on vomer and palatine in two or three groups. Gillrakers rather long, lathlike, 1+ 1+ 13-16. Dorsal fin origin at about midpoint of body, with
12-13 finrays; a short adipose dorsal fin present; anal fin with 17-18 finrays; pectoral fin moderately long, with 12-14 finrays; pelvic fins distinctly in front of dorsal fin, with 9 finrays; caudal fin forked. Scales cycloid, deciduous; lateral line 57-58. Vertebrae 54-57. Pyloric caeca 20-32. Colour: in spite of its specific name, no silvery scales at any growth stage. Size: to 215 mm SL.

Habitat: nerito-oceanic, bentho- to mesopelagic over insular slopes (adults), larvae and post-metamorphosis stages epipelagic at 50-100 m. Food: zooplankton. Reproduction: specimens in near-spawning condition have been found at Madeira. Since the youngest larvae cannot be distinguished from those of S. Iepidus, the spawning area remains unknown.

Distribution: northward to the Azores and Madeira, southern Portugal and Bay of Biscay. Elsewhere, Atlantic from equator to 46° N.

Eggs, larvae and young stages. Bertelsen, Krem and Marshall, 1976: 52-53, fig. 32 (larval stages).
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.