
babia jadranska [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Lipophrys adriaticus

babica batoglava [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Lipophrys trigloides

babica crnoglavica [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Lipophrys nigriceps

babica kikasica [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Coryphoblennius galerita

babica kraljica [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Parablennius rouxi

babica kukuranda [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Lipophrys pavo

babica malocica [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Lipophrys canevai

babica od dubine [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Blennius ocellaris

babica pirgasica [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Lipophrys dalmatinus

babica [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Parablennius tentacularis

badèche impériale [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mycteroperca rubra

badèche rouge [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mycteroperca rubra

badèche [France and Belgium] – synonym of Epinephelus alexandrinus

baghla [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Umbrina cirrosa

Baillon's lipvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Symphodus bailloni

baird's smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Alepocephalus bairdii

Bajacalifornia calcarata

Bajacalifornia megalops

balai [France and Belgium] – synonym of Hippoglossoides platessoides

balamid [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Sarda sarda

balaou atlantique [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scomberesox saurus

balaou [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scomberesox saurus

balavica [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Parablennius sanguinolentus

balay [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Buglossidium luteum

balbo sabretooth [UK and USA] – synonym of Evermannella balbo

balearic conger [UK and USA] – synonym of Ariosoma balearicum

balestrine [France and Belgium] – synonym of Galeorhinus galeus

baliste cabri [France and Belgium] – synonym of Balistes carolinensis

baliste royal [France and Belgium] – synonym of Balistes vetula

baliste [France and Belgium] – synonym of Balistes carolinensis

Balistes carolinensis

Balistes punctatus

Balistes vetula

ballan wrasse [UK and USA] – synonym of Labrus bergylta

Baltique, Atlantique, Meditérranée'). – synonym of Mullus barbatus

Banarescu, 1964: 236, fig. 104 | Tortonese, 1970: 98, fig. 40. – synonym of Sardinella aurita

banded goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Chromogobius quadrivittatus

bar commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Dicentrarchus labrax

bar commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Dicentrarchus punctatus

bar tacheté [France and Belgium] – synonym of Dicentrarchus punctatus

bar [France and Belgium] – synonym of Dicentrarchus labrax

bar [France and Belgium] – synonym of Dicentrarchus punctatus

Barathrites iris

Barathronus multidens

Barathronus parfaiti

Barbantus curvifrons

barbaroga [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Parablennius tentacularis

Barbelled houndshark [UK and USA] – synonym of Leptocharias smithii

barbier perroquet [France and Belgium] – synonym of Callanthias ruber

barbier [France and Belgium] – synonym of Anthias anthias

barbier [France and Belgium] – synonym of Lepadogaster lepadogaster

barbir-babak [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Parablennius gattorugine

barbiric [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Parablennius zvonimiri

barbue [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scophthalmus rhombus

barracuda [UK and USA] – synonym of Sphyraena sphyraena

barrelfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Hyperoglyphe perciformis

Basking shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Cetorhinus maximus

bass [UK and USA] – synonym of Epinephelus guaza

bastard grunt [UK and USA] – synonym of Pomadasys incisus

bastard sole [UK and USA] – synonym of Microchirus azevia

bat jaram bat [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Sphyrna tudes

Bathophilus digitatus

Bathophilus nigerrimus

Bathophilus vaillanti

Bathygadus favosus

Bathygadus melanobranchus

Bathylaco kreffti Nielsen and Larsen, 1970, Arch. Fisch. Wiss. 21 (1): 35-38, fig. 5-6 (34°01'S, 47°39'W, about 2000 m). – synonym of Herwigia kreffti

Bathylaco nigricans

Bathylagus bericoides

Bathylagus euryops

Bathylagus greyae

Bathylagus longirostris

Bathylychnops exilis

Bathymicrops regis

Bathyonus laticeps

Bathyprion danae

Bathypterois dubius

Bathypterois grallator

Bathypterois longipes

Bathypterois mediterraneus

Bathypterois phenax

Bathyraja pallida

Bathyraja richardsoni

Bathyraja spinicauda

Bathysaurus ferox

Bathysaurus mollis

Bathysolea profundicola

Bathytroctes microlepis

Bathytyphlops sewelli

baudroie ('lotte') [France and Belgium] – synonym of Lophius budegassa

baudroie ('lotte') [France and Belgium] – synonym of Lophius piscatorius

baveuse papillon [France and Belgium] – synonym of Blennius ocellaris

baveuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Lipophrys pavo

baveuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Parablennius gattorugine

baveuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Parablennius sanguinolentus

bean's sawtoothed eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Serrivomer beani

beardfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Polymixia nobilis

beauclaire de roche [France and Belgium] – synonym of Priacanthus cruentatus

beauclaire soleil [France and Belgium] – synonym of Priacanthus arenatus

bécasse de mer [France and Belgium] – synonym of Istiophorus albicans

becasse de mer [France and Belgium] – synonym of Macroramphosus scolopax

bécune bouche jaune [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sphyraena viridensis

bécune obtuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sphyraena chrysotaenia

Bellocia koefoedi

Bellocia michaelsarsi

bellotti's goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius ater

Bellottia apoda

Belone belone

Belone svetovidovi

beluga [France and Belgium] – synonym of Huso huso

beluga [UK and USA] – synonym of Huso huso

ben-tuvia's goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Didogobius bentuvii

Benoit's lantaarnvisje [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Hygophum benoiti

Benthalbella infans

Benthocometes robustus

Benthodesmus elongatus

Benthophiloides brauneri

Benthophilus stellatus

Benthosema glaciale

Benthosema suborbitale

Bentnose rabbitfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Hariotta raleighana

Berdar, 1970: 75-86, fig. 1-7 | Cavaliere and Bardar, 1976: 45, fig. 1-7. – synonym of Bathophilus nigerrimus

bermuda sea chub [UK and USA] – synonym of Kyphosus sectator

beryx commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Beryx decadactylus

Beryx decadactylus

beryx long [France and Belgium] – synonym of Beryx splendens

Beryx splendens

besoug [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Pagellus acarne

bevecca [France and Belgium] – synonym of Clinitrachus argentatus

bib [UK and USA] – synonym of Trisopterus luscus

bicoloured false moray [UK and USA] – synonym of Chlopsis bicolor

big-eye grunt [UK and USA] – synonym of Brachydeuterus auritus

big-eyed frogfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Antennarius radiosus

Bigelow and Schroeder, 1948 | 436-449, fig. 85-86 | Gilbert, 1967: 31-37, fig. 8-9, 21c, pl. 60. – synonym of Sphyrna zygaena

Bigelow's ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja bigelowi

bigeye rockling [UK and USA] – synonym of Antonogadus macrophthalmus

Bigeye sand tiger [UK and USA] – synonym of Odontaspis noronhai

bigeye searsid [UK and USA] – synonym of Holtbyrnia macrops

bigeye smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Bajacalifornia megalops

Bigeye thresher [UK and USA] – synonym of Alopias superciliosus

bigeye tuna [UK and USA] – synonym of Thunnus obesus

Bigeyed six-gill shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Hexanchus nakamurai

Bigfin pearleye [UK and USA] – synonym of Scopelarchus michaelsarsi

bighead goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Neogobius kessleri

bighead grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Bathygadus favosus

bighead searsid [UK and USA] – synonym of Holtbyrnia anomala

bigoula [France and Belgium] – synonym of Lipophrys pavo

billfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Istiophorus albicans

Bini, 1968, 6: 165 (fig.) | Zander and Heymer, 1970, fig. 2, 7a-h, 12b. – synonym of Tripterygion tripteronotus

Birdbeak dogfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Deania calceus

bitoum [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Liza ramada

bizri ady [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Atherina boyeri

Black dogfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Centroscyllium fabricii

black goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius auratus

black goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius niger

black hake [UK and USA] – synonym of Merluccius senegalensis

black jack [UK and USA] – synonym of Caranx lugubris

black sawtoothed eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Serrivomer brevidentatus

black scabbard fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Aphanopus carbo

black scorpionfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Scorpaena porcus

black sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Spondyliosoma cantharus

black sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Spondyliosoma cantharus

black sea horse mackerel [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachurus mediterraneus

black warrior [UK and USA] – synonym of Bathylaco nigricans

black-mouthed dogfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Galeus melastomus

Blackchin guitarfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Rhinobates cemiculus

blackfin sorcerer [UK and USA] – synonym of Nettastoma melanurum

blackfin spiderfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Bathypterois phenax

blackfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Centrolophus niger

blackhead salmon [UK and USA] – synonym of Narcetes stomias

Blackmouth catshark [UK and USA] – synonym of Galeus melastomus

blackspot conger [UK and USA] – synonym of Paraconger macrops

blackspot grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus

Blackspotted smoothhound [UK and USA] – synonym of Mustelus punctulatus

blacktail comber [UK and USA] – synonym of Serranus atricauda

blacktailed conger [UK and USA] – synonym of Gnathophis mystax

Blacktip reef shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Carcharhinus melanopterus

Blacktip shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Carcharhinus limbatus

Blainville's dogfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Squalus blainvillei

blauwe haai [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Prionace glauca

blauwe leng [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Molva dipterygia

blauwe wijting [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Micromesistius poutassou

blauwe zeewolf [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Anarhichas denticulatus

blennie coiffee [France and Belgium] – synonym of Coryphoblennius galerita

blennie cornue [France and Belgium] – synonym of Parablennius tentacularis

blennie paon [France and Belgium] – synonym of Lipophrys pavo

blennie sphinx [France and Belgium] – synonym of Aidablennius sphynx

blennie vivipare [France and Belgium] – synonym of Zoarces viviparus

Blennius ocellaris

Blonde ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja brachyura

blonde rog [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Raja brachyura

blue hake [UK and USA] – synonym of Antimora rostrata

blue jack mackerel [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachurus picturatus

blue ling [UK and USA] – synonym of Molva dipterygia

blue marlin [UK and USA] – synonym of Makaira nigricans

blue or gray skate [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja batis

Blue ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Breviraja caerulea

blue runner [UK and USA] – synonym of Caranx crysos

blue scad [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachurus picturatus

blue sea-cat [UK and USA] – synonym of Anarhichas denticulatus

Blue shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Prionace glauca

blue whiting [UK and USA] – synonym of Micromesistius poutassou

Blue-spotted sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Pagrus coeruleostictus

bluefin tuna [UK and USA] – synonym of Thunnus thynnus

bluefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Pomatomus saltator

blunt-snouted clingfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Gouania wildenowi

bluntnose grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Nezumia longebarbata

bluntnose six-gill shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Hexanchus griseus

bluntsnout smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Xenodermichthys copei

bluntsnout snake eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Echelus myrus

boar-fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Capros aper

Bodianus speciosus

bogue [France and Belgium] – synonym of Boops boops

bogue [UK and USA] – synonym of Boops boops

bokvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Boops boops

Bolinichthys indicus

Bolinichthys supralateralis

Bonapartia pedaliota

bonite à dos rayé [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sarda sarda

bonite à ventre rayé [France and Belgium] – synonym of Katsuwonus pelamis

bonito [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Sarda sarda

bonitou [France and Belgium] – synonym of Auxis rochei

boohoo [UK and USA] – synonym of Istiophorus albicans

Boops boops

borb noir [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sciaena umbra

Boreogadus saida

Borostomias antarcticus

Borostomias elucens

Borostomias mononema

bot [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Platichthys flesus

botervis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Pholis gunnellus

Bothus podas

botskop [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Myoxocephalus scorpius

bou chaïra [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Atherina hepsetus

bouchakfa [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Mugil cephalus

boulasfar [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Liza saliens

bounitou [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Sarda sarda

bourgette [France and Belgium] – synonym of Pomatoschistus lozanoi

bourgette [France and Belgium] – synonym of Pomatoschistus minutus

bouri [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Mugil cephalus

bourkach [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Serranus hepatus

boussif [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Xiphias gladius

boxlip mullet [UK and USA] – synonym of Oedalechilus labeo

boyer's sand smelt [UK and USA] – synonym of Atherina boyeri

braam [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Brama brama

Brachydeuterus auritus

brakwatergrondel [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Pomatoschistus microps

Brama brama

Bramble shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Echinorhinus brucus

Bregmaceros atlanticus

Bregmaceros sp.

brême de mer[France and Belgium] – synonym of Spondyliosoma cantharus

Breviraja caerulea

Breviraja sp.

brill [UK and USA] – synonym of Scophthalmus rhombus

bristly grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachonurus villosus

brochet de mer [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sphyraena sphyraena

Brosme brosme

brosme [France and Belgium] – synonym of Brosme brosme

Brotulotaenia brevicauda

Brotulotaenia crassa

Brotulotaenia crassa Parr, 1934a, Bull. Bingham oceanogr. Coll, 4 (6): 36, fig. 12 (25° 39' N., 77°18' W.). Holotype: BOC no. 32 – synonym of Brotulotaenia crassa

Brotulotaenia nigra

brown comber [UK and USA] – synonym of Serranus hepatus

brown meagre [UK and USA] – synonym of Sciaena umbra

brown moray [UK and USA] – synonym of Gymnothorax unicolor

brown ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja miraletus

brown wrasse [UK and USA] – synonym of Labrus merula

Brown's hondstong [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Cynoglossus browni

brushtooth lizardfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Saurida undosquamis

bucanj [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Mola mola

bucchich's goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius bucchichi

Buenia affinis

Buenia jeffreysii

Buglossidium luteum

bukva [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Boops boops

Bull ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Pteromylaeus bovinus

Bull shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Carcharhinus leucas

bullet tuna [UK and USA] – synonym of Auxis rochei

bullhead [UK and USA] – synonym of Cottus gobio

bullrout [UK and USA] – synonym of Myoxocephalus scorpius

butterfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Pholis gunnellus

butterfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Stromateus fiatola

butterfiy fish (= Chaetodon spp.) [UK and USA] – synonym of Chaetodon hoefleri

butterfly-blenny [UK and USA] – synonym of Blennius ocellaris

buttonscale grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Echinomacrurus mollis

buttontip grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Sphagemacrurus grenadae

Bythites islandicus