Grenadiers (UK and USA)
Groupers (UK and USA)
greater silver smelt (UK and USA)
grosse Maräne (Germany)
gobie noir (France and Belgium)
ghiozzo nero (Italy)
guvid (Romania)
ginger goby (UK and USA)
greater sand-eel (UK and USA)
grouper (UK and USA)
goraz (Spain)
gilt-head sea bream (UK and USA)
griset (France and Belgium)
guja azul (Spain)
germon (France and Belgium)
grondin perlon (France and Belgium)
grondin strié (France and Belgium)
greenland bullhead (UK and USA)
greenland sculpin (UK and USA)
grenlandsky kerchak (Russia)
gemeiner Seebull (Germany)
guja mula (Spain)
Guitarfishes (UK and USA)
Guitares de mer (France and Belgium)
Guitarras (Spain)
Gavilanes (Spain)
Gatas (Spain)
Goblin sharks (UK and USA)
Glassauge (Germany)
Gades (France and Belgium)
Gadidos (Spain)
Gobies (UK and USA)
Grunts, Sweetlips (UK and USA)
Goatfishes (UK and USA)
Gulper eels (UK and USA)
Guaripetes (Spain)
Gurnards (UK and USA)
Grondins (France and Belgium)
Galletas (Spain)
Grammicolepids (UK and USA)
Grammolettes (France and Belgium)
Grammolepios (Spain)
Gata nodriza (Spain)
grauhai (Germany)
Great white shark (UK and USA)
Grand requin blanc (France and Belgium)
geldevaja akula (Russia)
Goblin shark (UK and USA)
Ghost catshark (UK and USA)
gàta (Greece)
gattuccio (Italy)
gildan (Israel)
Grande roussette (France and Belgium)
Grossgefleckter Katzenhai (Germany)
gattopardo (Italy)
gatos (Greece)
Great hammerhead (UK and USA)
Grand requin-marteau (France and Belgium)
galeo canesca (Italy)
graahai (Norway)
graahaj (Denmark)
Glatthai (Germany)
glathaj (Denmark)
gevlekte gladde haai (Netherlands and Belgium)
Glatthai (Germany)
gladde haai (Netherlands and Belgium)
galéos (Greece)
Gulper shark (UK and USA)
Galludito (Spain)
Greater lantern shark (UK and USA)
Greenland shark (UK and USA)
groenlandse haai (Netherlands and Belgium)
galludos (Spain)
Galludo (Spain)
Gavilan lusitanico (Spain)
glattroche (Germany)
gefleckte Roche (Germany)
gevlekte rog (Netherlands and Belgium)
grootoogrog (Netherlands and Belgium)
golfrog (Netherlands and Belgium)
Guitare de mer fouisseuse (France and Belgium)
Guitarra barbanegra (Spain)
Guitare de mer commune (France and Belgium)
Guitarra comun (Spain)
gemarmerde sidderrog (Netherlands and Belgium)
grongo (Italy)
garden conger (UK and USA)
gavun batas (former Yugoslavia)
gumus (Turkey)
gavun (former Yugoslavia)
gamuka (Turkey)
garfish (UK and USA)
geep (Netherlands and Belgium)
geirnefur (Iceland)
gjölnir (Iceland)
grenadier smooth-head (UK and USA)
gingirica (Romania)
gilt sardine (UK and USA)
grande allache (France and Belgium)
greater argentine (UK and USA)
grande argentine (France and Belgium)
Goldlachs (Germany)
guldlaks (Denmark)
gullax (Iceland)
Glassauge (Germany)
gourlomátis (Greece)
greenland argentine (UK and USA)
grote marene (Netherlands and Belgium)
grundsik (Sweden)
gorbuscha (Russia)
goletz (Russia)
güldenstadt's whitefish (UK and USA)
grant's rockling (UK and USA)
gelincik (Turkey)
galea (Romania)
golubaya mol'va (Russia)
greater fork-beard (UK and USA)
gråsej (Sweden)
glyse (Denmark)
globehead grenadier (UK and USA)
günther's grenadier (UK and USA)
graceful grenadier (UK and USA)
gadella (Italy)
gadorinco (Italy)
gouanie (France and Belgium)
Gotteslachs (Germany)
glansfisk (Denmark)
gestreifter Katfisch (Germany)
gata (Portugal)
gefleckter Katfisch (Germany)
gallerbu (Spain)
gefleckter Leierfisch (Germany)
glasskutling (Norway)
glaskutling (Denmark)
glasgrondel (Netherlands and Belgium)
goviodàki aphia (Greece)
gobie à quatre bandes (France and Belgium)
ghiozzo quadrifasciato (Italy)
glavocic plosac (former Yugoslavia)
ghiozetto cristallino (Italy)
glaskutling (Denmark)
glasbulten (Sweden)
gobie colonien (France and Belgium)
ghiozzetto dentuto (Italy)
glavocic zuban (former Yugoslavia)
gobie à quatre taches (France and Belgium)
gombit (Spain)
ghiozzetto quadrimaculato (Italy)
glavocic cetirpjeg (former Yugoslavia)
golden goby (UK and USA)
gobie doré (France and Belgium)
ghiozzo dorato (Italy)
glavoc melar (former Yugoslavia)
govios (Greece)
ghiozzo rasposo (Italy)
glavocic bijelcic (former Yugoslavia)
giant boy (UK and USA)
gobie cephalote (France and Belgium)
Grosse Meergrundel (Germany)
ghiozzo testone (Italy)
glavoc plocar (former Yugoslavia)
gobie ensanglanté (France and Belgium)
gobit (Spain)
ghiozzo boccarossa (Italy)
glovoc krvoust (former Yugoslavia)
gobie à joues poreuses (France and Belgium)
ghiozzo geniporo (Italy)
glavoc bjelas (former Yugoslavia)
ghiozzo dorata (Italy)
glavocic zutac (former Yugoslavia)
gobie noir (France and Belgium)
ghiozzo nero (Italy)
glavoc melar (former Yugoslavia)
goviòs (Greece)
gobie paganel (France and Belgium)
ghiozzo paganello (Italy)
glavoc porupnjak (former Yugoslavia)
govios (Greece)
ghiozzo listato (Italy)
gobie nageur (France and Belgium)
ghiozzetto bipuntato (Italy)
ghiozzetto lagunare (Italy)
glavocic vodenjak (former Yugoslavia)
gobie à grandes écailles (France and Belgium)
ghiozzetto a grosse squame (Italy)
glavocic veleljuskas prvoperac (former Yugoslavia)
gobie de lesueur (France and Belgium)
ghiozzetto tigrato (Italy)
glavocic repas (former Yugoslavia)
gobie de madère (France and Belgium)
ginger goby (UK and USA)
guvid de mare (Romania)
guvid de balta (Romania)
guvid de balta (Romania)
guvid (Romania)
ghiozzetto delle Baleari (Italy)
ghiozzetto cenerino (Italy)
glavocic crnotrus (former Yugoslavia)
ghiozzetto del giglio (Italy)
ghiozzetto minuto (Italy)
glavocic pjeskuljas (former Yugoslavia)
gobie marbré (France and Belgium)
ghiozzetto marmarizzato (Italy)
gobie tacheté (France and Belgium)
ghiozzetto baltico (Italy)
ghiozzetto minuto (Italy)
glavocic pjeskuljas (former Yugoslavia)
gobie varié (France and Belgium)
ghiozzetto pittato (Italy)
glavocic dvotockic (former Yugoslavia)
ghiozzetto quagga (Italy)
glavocic siljoglav (former Yugoslavia)
ghiozzetto di Faro (Italy)
ghiozzetto pelagico (Italy)
Grotto goby (UK and USA)
Gobie cavernicole (France and Belgium)
ghiozzo leopardo (Italy)
gobie à grandes ecailles (France and Belgium)
gobie zébré (France and Belgium)
gestreifte Meergrundel (Germany)
ghiozzetto zebra (Italy)
glavocic kamenjaric (former Yugoslavia)
grass goby (UK and USA)
gobie lote (France and Belgium)
ghiozzo gò (Italy)
glavoc travas (former Yugoslavia)
guvid de iarba (Romania)
gunnel (UK and USA)
gonnelle (France and Belgium)
golden grey mullet (UK and USA)
galupe (Spain)
goudharder (Netherlands and Belgium)
garrento (Portugal)
golobach (Russia)
galvá (Spain)
gástros (Greece)
garan (Egypt)
galiotto (Italy)
galletto (Italy)
galletto (Italy)
galletto rosso (Italy)
grosser Sandaal (Germany)
greater sand eel (UK and USA)
grosser Sandaal (Germany)
grande carangue (France and Belgium)
guelly jack (UK and USA)
Guinean amberjack (UK and USA)
greater amberjack (UK and USA)
gaffelmakreel (Netherlands and Belgium)
garizzo (Italy)
gira ostrulja (former Yugoslavia)
gira oblica (former Yugoslavia)
guinean grunt (UK and USA)
grondeur bouche d'or (France and Belgium)
grondeur rayé (France and Belgium)
grondeur métis (France and Belgium)
graestraade (Norway)
girelle (France and Belgium)
ghylos (Greece)
günes (Turkey)
goldsinny wrasse (UK and USA)
grivieta (Spain)
gevlekte lipvis (Netherlands and Belgium)
gallano (Spain)
green wrasse (UK and USA)
grönaade (Norway)
grivieta (Spain)
girelle paon (France and Belgium)
ghylos (Greece)
gün (Turkey)
goatfish (UK and USA)
golden striped goat fish (UK and USA)
golden banded goat-fish (UK and USA)
glass-eye (UK and USA)
gurbell rar (Malta)
gurbell tark (Malta)
gurbell (Malta)
garoupa verde (Portugal)
golden grouper (UK and USA)
garoupa amarela (Portugal)
gitano (Spain)
garoupa (Portugal)
garoupa (Portugal)
garoupa (Portugal)
gopa (Greece)
gupa (Romania)
ghozailla (Egypt)
ghozailla (Egypt)
ghozailla (Egypt)
ghozailla (Egypt)
gestreepte bokvis (Netherlands and Belgium)
gilt-head (UK and USA)
goud brasem (Netherlands and Belgium)
greater weever (UK and USA)
grande vive (France and Belgium)
grote pieterman (Netherlands and Belgium)
gobene (Turkey)
gaiado (Portugal)
garmon (Israel)
Grossaugenthun (Germany)
gapeflyndre (Norway)
greenland halibut (UK and USA)
gallo (Spain)
gallo (Spain)
glassvar (Norway)
glashvarre (Denmark)
glasvar (Sweden)
Glattbutt (Germany)
griet (Netherlands and Belgium)
gevlekte griet (Netherlands and Belgium)
glossa (Greece)
glossa (Greece)
golleta (Spain)
glossa (Greece)
glossa (Greece)
gulper (UK and USA)
gallineta (Spain)
golden redfish (UK and USA)
grande sébaste (France and Belgium)
gallineta (Spain)
Goldbarsch (Germany)
grondin rouge (France and Belgium)
grondin sombre (France and Belgium)
grey gurnard (UK and USA)
grondin gris (France and Belgium)
graa knùrhane (Denmark)
grijze poon (Netherlands and Belgium)
grondin de dieuzeide (France and Belgium)
grondin Iyre (France and Belgium)
garneo (Spain)
gallinella (Italy)
grondin camard (France and Belgium)
gestreepte poon (Netherlands and Belgium)
grondin volant (France and Belgium)
grenlandsky krjuchkorog (Russia)
Groppe (Germany)
glowacz bailopletwy (Poland)
grentaggige ulken (Sweden)
gemeiner Seeskorpion (Germany)
groene zeedonderpad (Netherlands and Belgium)
great pipefish (UK and USA)
grote zeenaald (Netherlands and Belgium)
grey trigger fish (UK and USA)
gouronopsaro (Greece)
galleta (Spain)