Eagle ray (UK and USA)
Eagle rays (UK and USA)
eckstroms topknot (UK and USA)
eel (UK and USA)
Eels (UK and USA)
Egyptian sole (UK and USA)
electric ray (UK and USA)
Electric rays (UK and USA)
elongate smooth-head (UK and USA)
elongate tonguesole (UK and USA)
escolar (UK and USA)
escolar (UK and USA)
european anchovy (UK and USA)
european finless eel (UK and USA)
european pilchard (UK and USA)
european sculpin (UK and USA)
european seabass (UK and USA)
european seabass (UK and USA)
eyed sole (UK and USA)
eglefin (France and Belgium)
Emissole a grandes levres (France and Belgium)
Emissole lisse (France and Belgium)
Emissole pointillee (France and Belgium)
Emissoles (France and Belgium)
Engraulides (France and Belgium)
entelure (France and Belgium)
Epinoches (France and Belgium)
equille (France and Belgium)
escolier clair (France and Belgium)
escolier noir (France and Belgium)
escolier serpent (France and Belgium)
espadon (France and Belgium)
espadon voilier (France and Belgium)
Espadons (France and Belgium)
esturgeon (France and Belgium)
esturgeon adriatique (France and Belgium)
esturgeon du danube (France and Belgium)
esturgeon etoile (France and Belgium)
Esturgeons (France and Belgium)
Exocets, Poissons volants (France and Belgium)
edregal limón (Spain)
emperador (Spain)
Emperadores (Spain)
escolar clavo (Spain)
escolar de canal (Spain)
escolar negro (Spain)
escolar prometeo (Spain)
escorpion (Spain)
escorpora (Spain)
espada (Spain)
Espadas (Spain)
espadiella (Spain)
espadin (Spain)
Espeton (Spain)
espetón (Spain)
Espinoso (Spain)
Espinoso (Spain)
estornino (Spain)
esturión (Spain)
esturion del danubio (Spain)
esturion estrellado (Spain)
Esturions (Spain)
Eberfisch (Germany)
Echte Rochen (Germany)
echte Rotzunge (Germany)
echter bonito (Germany)
Eidechsenfisch (Germany)
Eishai (Germany)
esce ago cavallino (Italy)
ershovatka (Russia)
europeiskaja riapushka (Russia)
evropejsky krjuchkorog (Russia)
evropeysky kerchak (Russia)
elft (Netherlands and Belgium)
engelse poon (Netherlands and Belgium)
evervis (Netherlands and Belgium)
eiró (Portugal)
enguia (Portugal)
espada branca (Portugal)
espada preta (Portugal)
esturjão (Portugal)
eqalussuaq (Greenland)
eksi (Turkey)
et-yam gedol-goz (Israel)
et-yam mazuy (Israel)