Rabbit-fish (UK and USA)
rabbitfish (UK and USA)
rabbitfish (UK and USA)
Rabbitfishes (UK and USA)
Rabbitfishes (UK and USA)
racer goby (UK and USA)
rainbow runner (UK and USA)
rainbow sardine (UK and USA)
rainbow smelt (UK and USA)
rainbow-wrass (UK and USA)
raitt's sand-eel (UK and USA)
Rat-tails (UK and USA)
ratan goby (UK and USA)
ratan goby (UK and USA)
ray's bream (UK and USA)
ray's sea bream (UK and USA)
red band-fish (UK and USA)
red dory (UK and USA)
red gurnard (UK and USA)
red lizard fish (UK and USA)
red mullet (UK and USA)
red mullet (UK and USA)
red pandora (UK and USA)
red scorpionfish (UK and USA)
red sea bream (UK and USA)
red sea tonguesole (UK and USA)
red soldier fish (UK and USA)
red soldier fish (UK and USA)
Red-banded sea bream (UK and USA)
red-mouthed goby (UK and USA)
Redmouth whalefish (UK and USA)
Redmouth whalefishes (UK and USA)
Remoras, Sharksuckers, Discfishes (UK and USA)
Requiem sharks (UK and USA)
ribbed sculpin (UK and USA)
ribbon fish (UK and USA)
Richardson's ray (UK and USA)
risso's smooth-head (UK and USA)
river lamprey (UK and USA)
rock cook (UK and USA)
rock goby (UK and USA)
rock gurnard (UK and USA)
rockfish (UK and USA)
rockling (UK and USA)
Rondelet's ray (UK and USA)
rosefish (UK and USA)
rosefish (UK and USA)
rosefish (UK and USA)
rosy soldier fish (UK and USA)
Rough ray (UK and USA)
Rough sharks (UK and USA)
roughhead grenadier (UK and USA)
roughlip grenadier (UK and USA)
Roughtail stingray (UK and USA)
roughtip grenadier (UK and USA)
roule's goby (UK and USA)
round goby (UK and USA)
Round ray (UK and USA)
round sardinella (UK and USA)
round scad (UK and USA)
Round stingray (UK and USA)
roundhead grenadier (UK and USA)
roundnose grenadier (UK and USA)
roundscale marlin (UK and USA)
roving grey mullet (UK and USA)
rubber-lip grunt (UK and USA)
Rudder fishes (UK and USA)
Ruffs, Barrelfish, Blackfish (UK and USA)
rufus snake eel (UK and USA)
raie à queue courte (France and Belgium)
Raie a queue epineuse (France and Belgium)
Raie africaine (France and Belgium)
Raie arctique (France and Belgium)
Raie bathyale (France and Belgium)
Raie blanche (France and Belgium)
Raie bleue (France and Belgium)
raie bouclée (France and Belgium)
Raie brunette (France and Belgium)
Raie chardon (France and Belgium)
Raie circulaire (France and Belgium)
Raie de Bigelow (France and Belgium)
Raie de Krefft (France and Belgium)
Raie de Madere (France and Belgium)
Raie de Malte (France and Belgium)
Raie de Richardson (France and Belgium)
Raie de Rondelet (France and Belgium)
raie douce (France and Belgium)
raie etoilée (France and Belgium)
Raie fleurie (France and Belgium)
Raie lisse (France and Belgium)
Raie melee (France and Belgium)
raie miroir (France and Belgium)
Raie pale (France and Belgium)
Raie profonde (France and Belgium)
Raie radiee (France and Belgium)
Raie rape (France and Belgium)
Raie ronde (France and Belgium)
Raie tachetee (France and Belgium)
Raie voile (France and Belgium)
Raie-papillon epineuse (France and Belgium)
Raies (France and Belgium)
ramada (France and Belgium)
rascasse (France and Belgium)
rascasse blanche (France and Belgium)
rascasse brune (France and Belgium)
rascasse de madère (France and Belgium)
rascasse du nord (France and Belgium)
rascasse épineuse (France and Belgium)
rascasse pustuleuse (France and Belgium)
rascasse rose (France and Belgium)
rascasse rouge (France and Belgium)
rascasse serran (France and Belgium)
Rascasses (France and Belgium)
rason (France and Belgium)
regalec (France and Belgium)
rémora (France and Belgium)
rémora (France and Belgium)
Renard a gros yeux (France and Belgium)
Renard de mer (France and Belgium)
Requin a longue dorsale (France and Belgium)
Requin a longues nageoires (France and Belgium)
Requin a museau pointu (France and Belgium)
Requin a petites dents (France and Belgium)
requin bleu (France and Belgium)
Requin borde (France and Belgium)
Requin bouledogue (France and Belgium)
Requin citron (France and Belgium)
Requin de nuit (France and Belgium)
requin du Groenland (France and Belgium)
Requin feroce (France and Belgium)
Requin gris (France and Belgium)
requin griset (France and Belgium)
Requin lezard (France and Belgium)
Requin lutin (France and Belgium)
Requin noir (France and Belgium)
Requin noronhai (France and Belgium)
Requin pelerin (France and Belgium)
Requin perlon (France and Belgium)
requin sable (France and Belgium)
Requin sombre (France and Belgium)
Requin soyeux (France and Belgium)
Requin taureau (France and Belgium)
Requin tigre commun (France and Belgium)
Requin tisserand (France and Belgium)
Requin vache (France and Belgium)
Requin-marteau a pet yeux (France and Belgium)
Requin-marteau commun (France and Belgium)
Requin-marteau halicorne (France and Belgium)
Requin-nourrice (France and Belgium)
Requin-taupe bleu (France and Belgium)
Requin-taupe commun (France and Belgium)
Requins a longue dorsale (France and Belgium)
Requins de sable (France and Belgium)
Requins lezards (France and Belgium)
Requins lutins (France and Belgium)
Requins pelerins (France and Belgium)
Requins taupes (France and Belgium)
Requins tigres (France and Belgium)
Requins-marteaux (France and Belgium)
Requins-nourrices (France and Belgium)
Requins-renards (France and Belgium)
roi des harengs (France and Belgium)
roi des rougets (France and Belgium)
rombou podas (France and Belgium)
rophis (France and Belgium)
roucaou (France and Belgium)
rouffe impérial (France and Belgium)
rouget (France and Belgium)
rouget barbet (France and Belgium)
rouget de roche (France and Belgium)
rouget de vase (France and Belgium)
rouget-barbet du Sénégal (France and Belgium)
Rouget-barbets (France and Belgium)
rouquié (France and Belgium)
rouquie (France and Belgium)
rouquié (France and Belgium)
rouquié (France and Belgium)
Roussette d'lslande (France and Belgium)
Roussette de Madere (France and Belgium)
Roussettes (France and Belgium)
rouvet (France and Belgium)
ruchè (France and Belgium)
ruchè (France and Belgium)
ruchè tanca (France and Belgium)
rabil (Spain)
rabosa (Spain)
rainuncolo negro (Spain)
Raja latigo lija (Spain)
raó (Spain)
Rape (Spain)
rape (Spain)
rape (Spain)
Rascacio (Spain)
Rascacio (Spain)
raspallon (Spain)
raspallon anillado (Spain)
raspallon senegalés (Spain)
rata (Spain)
Raya africana (Spain)
Raya artica (Spain)
Raya aspera (Spain)
Raya azul (Spain)
Raya boca de rosa (Spain)
Raya bramante (Spain)
Raya cardadora (Spain)
Raya colorada (Spain)
Raya de Bigelow (Spain)
raya de clavos (Spain)
Raya de espejos (Spain)
Raya de Krefft (Spain)
Raya de Madeira (Spain)
Raya de Malta (Spain)
Raya de Richardson (Spain)
Raya de Rondelet (Spain)
Raya espinosa (Spain)
Raya estrellada (Spain)
Raya falsa vela (Spain)
Raya latigo comun (Spain)
Raya latigo de Tortonese (Spain)
Raya latigo violeta (Spain)
Raya manchada (Spain)
Raya mariposa espinuda (Spain)
Raya mosaica (Spain)
Raya noruega (Spain)
Raya pallida (Spain)
Raya pintada (Spain)
Raya profunda (Spain)
Raya radiante (Spain)
Raya redonda (Spain)
Raya santiguesa (Spain)
Raya vela (Spain)
Rayamariposas (Spain)
Rayas (Spain)
reboa (Spain)
rémol (Spain)
remora (Spain)
remora (Spain)
rey de los arenques (Spain)
rodaballo (Spain)
romerillo (Spain)
Roncador (Spain)
roncador (Spain)
ronco mestizo (Spain)
roseti (Spain)
rscacio serrano (Spain)
rubio (Spain)
rubioca (Spain)
rufo imperial (Spain)
rauhe Scharbe (Germany)
Reuzenhai (Germany)
röd Blankesten (Germany)
rosse Seenadel (Germany)
Rotbarsch (Germany)
roter Bandfisch (Germany)
roter Thun (Germany)
Rotzunge (Germany)
Rotzunge (Germany)
rana pescatrice (Italy)
rana pescatrice (Italy)
razza a coda corta (Italy)
razza bavosa (Italy)
Razza bianca (Italy)
razza chiodata (Italy)
Razza cucolo (Italy)
razza maculata (Italy)
Razza monaca (Italy)
Razza ondulata (Italy)
razza quattrocchi (Italy)
Razza rotonda (Italy)
Razza scuffina (Italy)
Razza spinosa (Italy)
razza stellata (Italy)
rdo pavone (Italy)
re di triglie (Italy)
regaleco (Italy)
remora (Italy)
remora bruna (Italy)
remora nera (Italy)
ricciola (Italy)
romba quatrocchii (Italy)
rombo chiodato (Italy)
rombo di rena (Italy)
rombo giallo (Italy)
rombo liscia (Italy)
rombo peloso (Italy)
rondine di mare (Italy)
rossetto (Italy)
ruvetto (Italy)
rechnaja kambala (Russia)
Retschnoi ugor (Russia)
Retschnoi ugor (Russia)
romb (Russia)
ryapushka (Russia)
ringbug (Norway)
Ringhug (Norway)
rognkjaeks (Norway)
rødspette (Norway)
røye (Norway)
Raevehai (Denmark)
ringhaj (Denmark)
rød-knùrhane (Denmark)
rødspætte (Denmark)
rødtunge (Denmark)
rumbac (former Yugoslavia)
rasterpitvis (Netherlands and Belgium)
reuzehaai (Netherlands and Belgium)
reuzenbaars (Netherlands and Belgium)
riddervis (Netherlands and Belgium)
rivierdonderpad (Netherlands and Belgium)
rivierprik (Netherlands and Belgium)
rode poon (Netherlands and Belgium)
roodbaars (Netherlands and Belgium)
ruwe haai (Netherlands and Belgium)
rasch's havsbraxen (Sweden)
rödpagell (Sweden)
rödspätta (Sweden)
rödtunga (Sweden)
rötsimpa (Sweden)
rekin polarny (Poland)
Raia bicuda (Portugal)
raia lenga (Portugal)
raia manchata (Portugal)
raia oirega (Portugal)
raia pontuada (Portugal)
Raia repregada (Portugal)
Ratão (Portugal)
robaldo (Portugal)
robalo (Portugal)
robalo (Portugal)
rodovalho (Portugal)
rodovalho (Portugal)
romeiro (Portugal)
roncador (Portugal)
roncador (Portugal)
roncador (Portugal)
roqueirão (Portugal)
rofos (Greece)
rophos (Greece)
rnodna (Malta)
rizeafca (Romania)