Familia Ginglymostomatidae


by J.-C. Quero

Medium to large sharks (to about 4 m). Snout very short; mouth small, ventral, connecting with the nostrils by deep grooves; nostrils close to the snout and with long barbels; eyes behind mouth, the eyelid without a nictitating fold or membrane; spiracle present; teeth small; 5 small gill openings, the last two very close to each other, over the pectoral fin bases. Two dorsal fins, the first over the pelvic fins; anal fin present; caudal fin asymmetrical, less than half of total length; no pre-caudal pits or keels on caudal peduncle.
Benthic mainly in warm waters. Feeding mostly on invertebrates and also small fishes. Ovoviviparous.

Genera 2; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Compagno (1973, 1978, 1981 and in press), Applegate (1974), Cadenat and Blache (1981).