canary dentex (UK and USA)
canary drum (UK and USA)
capelin (UK and USA)
carapine grenadier (UK and USA)
cardinal fish (UK and USA)
caspian shad (UK and USA)
cassava croaker (UK and USA)
catfish (UK and USA)
Catsharks (UK and USA)
char (UK and USA)
chub mackerel (UK and USA)
chum or dog salmon (UK and USA)
Clarke's Dreamer (UK and USA)
cleaver wrasse (UK and USA)
Clingfishes (UK and USA)
Clinids (UK and USA)
cobia (UK and USA)
cod (UK and USA)
Cod fishes (UK and USA)
Coho salmon (UK and USA)
coin-bearing frogfish (UK and USA)
comb grouper (UK and USA)
comber (UK and USA)
common dentex (UK and USA)
common dolphin-fish (UK and USA)
Common eagle ray (UK and USA)
common eel (UK and USA)
common goby (UK and USA)
Common guitarfish (UK and USA)
Common names: Seatoads, Coffinfishes (UK and USA)
common pandora (UK and USA)
common remora (UK and USA)
Common sawfish (UK and USA)
common scad (UK and USA)
common scad (UK and USA)
Common sea bream (UK and USA)
common sole (UK and USA)
Common stingray (UK and USA)
Common torpedo (UK and USA)
common two-banded sea bream (UK and USA)
conger eel (UK and USA)
Conger eels (UK and USA)
connemara clingfish (UK and USA)
connemara sucker (UK and USA)
coralline goby (UK and USA)
corbin's sand-eel (UK and USA)
corkwing (UK and USA)
cornish sucker (UK and USA)
Coster dory (UK and USA)
couch's goby (UK and USA)
Cownose rays (UK and USA)
Cowsharks (UK and USA)
crested oarfish (UK and USA)
crevalle jack (UK and USA)
Croakers, Drums, Meagres (UK and USA)
crystal goby (UK and USA)
cuban black marlin (UK and USA)
Cuckoo ray (UK and USA)
cuckoo wrasse (UK and USA)
cunene horse-mackerel (UK and USA)
Cuskeels (UK and USA)
Cut-throat eel (UK and USA)
Cut-throat eels (UK and USA)
cutlass fish (UK and USA)
cabassoun (France and Belgium)
cabot (France and Belgium)
calicagere blanche (France and Belgium)
Calicagere jaune (France and Belgium)
capelan (France and Belgium)
capelan atlantique (France and Belgium)
Capitaines (France and Belgium)
carangue coubali (France and Belgium)
carangue dentue (France and Belgium)
carangue mayole (France and Belgium)
carangue noire (France and Belgium)
cardine (France and Belgium)
carido (France and Belgium)
carrelet (France and Belgium)
Castagnole (France and Belgium)
castagnole (France and Belgium)
castagnole (France and Belgium)
castagnole rouge (France and Belgium)
castagnole rouge (France and Belgium)
Castagnoles (France and Belgium)
caussinié (France and Belgium)
cavillone (France and Belgium)
Centrine commune (France and Belgium)
Centrines (France and Belgium)
centrolophe noir (France and Belgium)
cepole commune (France and Belgium)
cernier (France and Belgium)
cernier commun (France and Belgium)
céteau (France and Belgium)
chaboisseau (France and Belgium)
chaboisseau à quatre cornes (France and Belgium)
chaboisseau arctique (France and Belgium)
chaboisseau de mer (France and Belgium)
chaboisseau de mer commun (France and Belgium)
chabot (France and Belgium)
chabot (France and Belgium)
chabot buffle (France and Belgium)
Chaure-souris atlantique (France and Belgium)
chétodon (France and Belgium)
cheval marin (France and Belgium)
chèvre (France and Belgium)
chien de mer (France and Belgium)
Chien espagnol (France and Belgium)
Chien nordique (France and Belgium)
chimère (France and Belgium)
Chimere a gros yeux (France and Belgium)
Chimere a nez mou (France and Belgium)
Chimere a nez rigide (France and Belgium)
Chimere a petits yeux (France and Belgium)
Chimeres (France and Belgium)
Chimeres (France and Belgium)
Chimeres a long nez (France and Belgium)
chinchard (France and Belgium)
chinchard (France and Belgium)
chinchard à queue jaune (France and Belgium)
chinchard commun (France and Belgium)
chinchard commun (France and Belgium)
chinchard cunéné (France and Belgium)
chinchard d'europe (France and Belgium)
chinchard d'europe (France and Belgium)
chinchard de la Méditerranée (France and Belgium)
chinchard du large (France and Belgium)
chirurgien (France and Belgium)
cicerelle (France and Belgium)
cicerelle (France and Belgium)
cisco arctique (France and Belgium)
cisco sardinelle (France and Belgium)
clavière (France and Belgium)
clavière (France and Belgium)
cline (France and Belgium)
Clupeides (France and Belgium)
clupeonelle (France and Belgium)
cochon de mer (France and Belgium)
Coffres (France and Belgium)
colin (France and Belgium)
comète coussut (France and Belgium)
comète maquereau (France and Belgium)
comète quiaquia (France and Belgium)
comète saumon (France and Belgium)
congre (France and Belgium)
Congres (France and Belgium)
coq (France and Belgium)
corb (France and Belgium)
corb commun (France and Belgium)
Corbs, Maigres, Ombrine (France and Belgium)
cordonnier bossu (France and Belgium)
cordonnier marbré (France and Belgium)
cordonnier sombre (France and Belgium)
Cordonniers (France and Belgium)
coregone blanc (France and Belgium)
coregone Lavaret (France and Belgium)
coryphène (France and Belgium)
coryphène commune (France and Belgium)
coryphène dauphin (France and Belgium)
Coryphènes (France and Belgium)
cotte blême (France and Belgium)
cotte polaire (France and Belgium)
crapaud (France and Belgium)
crapaud de mer (France and Belgium)
crénilabre (France and Belgium)
crénilabre ocellé (France and Belgium)
crénilabre paon (France and Belgium)
crénilabre rouquié (France and Belgium)
Crenilabres, Rouquies (France and Belgium)
crochet arctique (France and Belgium)
Cycloptères (France and Belgium)
caballa (Spain)
caballa (Spain)
caballito de mar (Spain)
caballo marino (Spain)
cabete (Spain)
cabete espinudo (Spain)
cabezona (Spain)
cabo de roca (Spain)
caboce (Spain)
cabrilla (Spain)
cabruza (Spain)
cabuxino (Spain)
cabuxino (Spain)
cachucho (Spain)
cailón (Spain)
calbracho (Spain)
caluga (Spain)
cañabota (Spain)
Canabota bocadulce (Spain)
Cañabotas (Spain)
Candid soldatos (Spain)
candil rosso (Spain)
candil rosso (Spain)
capellán (Spain)
caramel (Spain)
carbonero (Spain)
Carocho (Spain)
castañola (Spain)
Castanolas (Spain)
castañuela (Spain)
castero (Spain)
Catalufa (Spain)
catalufa de roca (Spain)
catalufa toro (Spain)
cazón (Spain)
Cazon picudo (Spain)
Cerdo marino (Spain)
Cerdos marinos (Spain)
chacarona sureña (Spain)
chaclet (Spain)
chafarrocas (Spain)
chafarrocas (Spain)
chafarrocas (Spain)
chanquete (Spain)
chaparrudo (Spain)
chaparrudo (Spain)
cherna (Spain)
cherna (Spain)
cherne de ley (Spain)
chicharro (Spain)
chicharro (Spain)
chicharro (Spain)
Chicharro ojo de buey (Spain)
chopa (Spain)
chopa amarilla (Spain)
chopa amarilla (Spain)
chopa blanca (Spain)
Chucho vaca (Spain)
chucla (Spain)
chuclets (Spain)
Chupare redondo (Spain)
cinta (Spain)
cinta colorada (Spain)
cojinua negra (Spain)
cometa (Spain)
conejo (Spain)
congrio (Spain)
Cornuda común (Spain)
Cornuda cruz (Spain)
Cornuda gigante (Spain)
corvallo (Spain)
Corvallos, Corvinas, Verrugatos (Spain)
corvina (Spain)
corvina bosoro (Spain)
corvina cassava (Spain)
corvinato (Spain)
cagnaccio (Italy)
canario (Italy)
canario (Italy)
cannadeo (Italy)
cantarella (Italy)
capitone (Italy)
capolepre (Italy)
Capone (Italy)
capone gorno (Italy)
capone lira (Italy)
capone ubriaco (Italy)
cappone gavotta (Italy)
cappone imperiale (Italy)
castagnola (Italy)
castagnola (Italy)
castagnola rossa (Italy)
cavalluccio marino (Italy)
caviglione (Italy)
cefalo (Italy)
cefalo bosega (Italy)
cefalo calamita (Italy)
cefalo dorato (Italy)
cefalo labbrone (Italy)
cefalo verzelata (Italy)
cepola (Italy)
cernia (Italy)
cernia bianca (Italy)
cernia bianca (Italy)
cernia bronzina (Italy)
cernia bruna (Italy)
cernia di fondo (Italy)
cernia dorata (Italy)
cernia nera (Italy)
cernia rossa (Italy)
cheppia (Italy)
chimera (Italy)
cicerello (Italy)
cirru (Italy)
corifena (Italy)
corvo (Italy)
costardella (Italy)
calcan (Russia)
cambula (Russia)
chernomorskaya piksha (Russia)
chernomorsko- azovskyi osetr (Russia)
chernomorsko-azovskyi osetr (Russia)
chernomorskyi losos' (Russia)
chetyrekhusyi nalim (Russia)
chjornij paltus (Russia)
chukotsky kerchak (Russia)
chyoshsko-pechorskaya sel'd (Russia)
cottunculus thompsona (Russia)
cepa (former Yugoslavia)
cicurusa (former Yugoslavia)
cipal (former Yugoslavia)
cipal supliak (former Yugoslavia)
crnka sredozemka (former Yugoslavia)
Cohozalm (Netherlands and Belgium)
congeraal (Netherlands and Belgium)
czprot (Poland)
caboz (Portugal)
caboz (Portugal)
caboz (Portugal)
caboz (Portugal)
caboz (Portugal)
caboz (Portugal)
cação (Portugal)
cação (Portugal)
cação (Portugal)
cação galhudo (Portugal)
cação morraceiro (Portugal)
cação pique (Portugal)
canario de mar (Portugal)
cangulo (Portugal)
carapau (Portugal)
carapau (Portugal)
carapau preto (Portugal)
castanheta amarela do alto (Portugal)
cavala (Portugal)
celindra (Portugal)
chalico (Portugal)
chalico (Portugal)
chaputa (Portugal)
chaputa (Portugal)
charuteiro (Portugal)
cherne (Portugal)
choupa (Portugal)
choupa (Portugal)
chupa-sangue (Portugal)
congro (Portugal)
cornuda (Portugal)
corvina (Portugal)
corvina (Portugal)
carcharias (Greece)
carcharias (Greece)
carcharias (Greece)
cerula (Greece)
chànos (Greece)
chartopsaro (Greece)
chéli (Greece)
chelidonopsaro (Greece)
chelidonopsaro (Greece)
chelidonopsaro (Greece)
chelidonopsaro (Greece)
chelidonopsaro (Greece)
chelidonopsaro (Greece)
chilou (Greece)
chiloú (Greece)
chiloú (Greece)
chiloú (Greece)
chiloú (Greece)
chiloú (Greece)
chiloú papagallos (Greece)
collisôpsaro (Greece)
camgöz (Turkey)
carpan (Turkey)
cipura (Turkey)
citari (Turkey)
cizgili mercan (Turkey)
cutre (Turkey)
caspata (Israel)
cungri (Egypt)
cerna (Malta)
chernomorska pstrva (Bulgaria)
chefal (Romania)
cocosel de mare (Romania)
cocosel de mare (Romania)
corb-de-mare (Romania)
corosbina (Romania)
cucosel (Romania)