Taenioconger longissimus

Author: (Günther, 1870)

Taenioconger longissimus (Günther, 1870)

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Heteroconger longissimus Günther, 1870 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: body extremely elongate, scaleless, compressed in caudal portion (posterior two-thirds of body). Eye large. Anterior nostril at bottom of a depression of upper lip flange, close to median line at tip of snout; posterior nostril a small oval pore between anterior nostril and upper edge of eye. Mouth short, oblique; rictus at level of anterior edge of eye; lips broad, lower jaw prominent. Teeth conical and sharp, straight or slightly curved; in both jaws in bands anteriorly, a single row posteriorly; on vomer, more or less cardiform anteriorly, biserial posteriorly. Gill openings lateral. Dorsal and anal fins very low, their finrays segmented; pectoral fins minute, pelvic fins absent. Lateral 1: 50-54 preanal pores; no supra-temporal pore. Vertebrae: total 166-167. Colour: dark greyish-brown. Size: to 60 cm.

Habitat: benthic on the shelf, burrowing in littoral sandy bottoms at 15-17 m, forming dense colonies (2-11 individuals per m2) covering large areas; when not disturbed, animals keep about one-third of body vertically out of their burrows and curved smoothly against the current but quickly withdraw when disturbed; retreat into their burrows during the night. Food: pelagic prey and small benthic fauna (prosobranch molluscs, crustaceans, decapod macrurans, copepods), also eggs. Reproduction: spawning probably in warm season; leptocephali described in the Gulf of Guinea, hatching during warm hydrological season, their growth fast, larval life 6-8 months.

Distribution: Madeira and tropical eastern Atlantic.

Eggs, larvae and youngs stages. No data.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.