Triglops pingeli

Author: Reinhardt, 1831

Triglops pingeli Reinhardt, 1831

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Triglops pingelii Reinhardt, 1837 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: body elongate, caudal peduncle slender (2.7-3.1% SL); oblique skin folds with finely serrated edges below lateral line. Head depressed, its depth at eye 11.2-13.3% SL; eye moderate, 8.1-9.7% SL, less than snout or post-orbital length of head. Lower pectoral finrays not noticeably elongated. D IX-XIII + 22-28; A 22-28; P 16-19; 1.1. 47-50. Vertebrae 45-51. Colour: 4 dark irregular cross bands on back, irregular blotches below lateral line interrupted or merging into dense black stripe; dorsal fins with faint longitudinal stripes, but no black patch on spinous part; pectoral fin with 6 narrow curved bands; no dark stripes on anal and caudal fins. Peritoneum light (silver). Size: to 20 cm SL, usually 100-17 cm.

Habitat: benthic on mud bottoms with some rocks at O-100 (500) m, with temperatures below O°C (or -1.6 to 3.8°C in Bering Sea) and salinities up to 16‰ (or over 30‰ in Bering Sea). Food: small crustaceans, usually amphipods and mysids, rarely polychaetes and fishes. Reproduction: spawns in autumn; eggs demersal, milky-reddish, not more than 400, diameter about 3 mm.

Distribution: eastern coasts of Greenland northward to 74° N, around Spitzbergen, along western coast of Novaya Zemlya to south-eastern; part of Barents Sea and in White Sea. Elsewhere, eastward along Siberian coast to Arctic Canada and western Greenland, and southward to Cape Cod in Atlantic and to Japan Sea and Puget Sound in Pacific.

Eggs, larvae and young stages. Ehrenbaum, 1905: 64-65, fig. 27 | Koefoed, 1907: pl. LXXVII (fig. 5-7) | Johansen, 1912: 651-654, pl. XLVI (fig. 8-9) | Rass, 1941: 10; 1949: 12, 25, 41-42, fig. 18 | Andriashev, 1954: 353.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.