Familia Liparididae


(Liparidae, Liparinae, Cyclopteridae (part))

by D. L. Stein and K. W. Able

Body usually gelatinous, of tadpole-like shape. Third sub-orbital bone prolonged as a straight stay, which reaches the posterior margin of the preopercle. Dorsal and anal fins single, long, reaching or overlapping caudal fin; dorsal fin may be notched. Pelvic fins modified to form a sucking disc or absent. Vertebrae always more than 30.
Benthic, on muddy, sandy or rocky bottoms or on algae; benthopelagic or pelagic; estuarine and intertidal to hadal. Behaviour generally unknown, but shallow-water benthic species are often found attached to rocks or algae. Feeding on benthic, pelagic and planktonic crustaceans and other invertebrates, rarely fishes. Eggs benthic, adhesive, sometimes deposited on or in animals. Ripe eggs may be from 1.0 to 8.5 mm diameter. Some species show parental care.

Genera about 18; in Clofnam area 4.

Recent revision: Burke (1930).