Familia Odontaspididae


by J.-C. Quero

Large sharks. Snout not greatly elongate; nostrils entirely separate from mouth (no grooves between them), their anterior margin without barbels; eyes over mouth, the eyelid without a nictitating fold or membrane; spiracle present. Teeth large and few in number, the largest at front of upper jaw separated from others by a gap, usually with one or more rows of minute intermediate teeth; 5 gill openings anterior to origin of pectoral fins. Two dorsal fins, the posterior end of the first dorsal fin over or anterior to origin of pelvic fins; anal fin present, a pre-caudal pit above, none below; no keel on tail; caudal fin asymmetrical, less than half of total length.
Epipelagic or benthic in warm temperate and tropical seas. Strong swimming species occurring either near the coast, or on continental and insular shelves or slopes. Feeding either on bottom-living invertebrates and fishes or on midwater invertebrates (squids) and fishes. Probably ovoviviparous.

Genera 2; in Clofnam area 2.

Recent revisions: Bigelow and Schroeder (1948), D'Aubrey (1964), Bass et al. (1975), Cadenat and Blache (1981), Compagno (1981 and in press).