Familia Alopiidae


by J.-C. Quero

Large sharks (to about 6 m). Snout not greatly elongate; nostrils entirely separate from mouth (no grooves between them), their anterior margin without barbels, eyes over mouth, the eyelid without a nictitating fold or membrane; spiracle present, but pore-like; teeth small and blade-like, similar in both jaws; 5 gill openings, small to medium, the last two over base of pectoral fins. Two dorsal fins, the second minute; anal fin present but very small; caudal fin asymmetrical, the upper lobe extremely elongate and about as long as rest of the body; no keels on caudal peduncle; precaudal pits present.
Pelagic in shallow or deep waters and in temperate and tropical waters of all seas. Feeding on small fishes and squids. Ovoviviparous.

Genus 1.

Recent revisions: Bass et al. (1975), Compagno (1978, 1981 and in press), Cadenat and Blache (1981), Gruber and Compagno (1982).