Familia Chaunacidae


by J. H. Caruso and T. W. Pietsch

Head large and cuboid; body elongate, slightly compressed. Mouth large, oblique to vertical with numerous small, villiform teeth. Skin thin and loose, with small spine-like scales. Gill opening a small pore located just behind and well above elongated pectoral fin base. Dorsal fin separated into spinous and soft portions; spinous portion of 3 isolated spines on head; first spine (illicium) short, free, modified as angling apparatus, at rest lies within scaleless pit (illicial cavity) at tip of snout; second and third dorsal fin spines reduced and embedded beneath skin. Soft dorsal with 11-12 rays. Anal fin with 6-7 rays. Pelvic fins of 1 short spine and 4 unbranched rays. Lateral line organs within conspicuous open canals, especially prominent on head.
Bottom dwelling in relatively deep water; feed on fishes and invertebrates. Reproduction as in other anglerfishes; ovaries tightly rolled like a double scroll, the eggs being liberated together in a single, large, buoyant, gelatinous mass.

Genera 1.