Familia Synaphobranchidae

(including Nettodaridae and Simenchelyidae)

by L. Saldanha and M. L. Bauchot

Three subfamilies—Dysomminae, Synaphobranchinae and Simenchelyinae—showing considerable morphological variation, but all members sharing certain osteological features and having leptocephali with telescopic eyes.
Body elongate to very elongate, scaled (scales often arranged in a 'basketwork' pattern) or naked. Head pointed, compressed (Synaphobranchinae) or blunt (Symenchelyinae) or depressed and more rounded (Dysomminae); mouth large, except for Simenchelyinae where it is small and circular. Teeth usually small, needle-like in both jaws and on vomer (Synaphobranchinae), larger, sometimes compound in other subfamilies. Gill openings restricted, sublateral, or slightly separated and confluent within a single slit-like opening on the middle of throat. Dorsal and anal fins confluent with caudal fin; pectoral fins present (except in some Dysomminae); pelvic fins absent.
Benthopelagic inhabitants of the temperate and tropical waters of the continental slope at bathyal or abyssal depths.

Genera 10; in Clofnam area 5. (see note)

Note. Recently other species were recorded inside the Clofnam area: llyophis arx C. H. Robins, 1976, and Haptenchelys texis C. H. Robins and D. M. Martin, 1976 (Saldanha and Merret, 1982; Merret and Saldanha, 1986).