
aal [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Anguilla anguilla

Abudefduf luridus

abyssal smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Rinoctes nasutus

abyssal spiderfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Bathypterois longipes

Acanthochaenus lutkeni

Acanthocybium solandri

Acantholabrus palloni

Acanthostracion notacanthus

Acanthurus monroviae

Acipenser gueldenstaedti

Acipenser naccarii

Acipenser nudiventris

Acipenser stellatus

Acipenser sturio

adriatic sole [UK and USA] – synonym of Solea impar

adriatic sturgeon [UK and USA] – synonym of Acipenser naccarii

Aeglefinus linnei Malm, 1877, loc. cit.: 481 (Göteborg och Bohuslän) – synonym of Melanogrammus aeglefinus

African lookdown [UK and USA] – synonym of Selene dorsalis

African ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja africana

african striped grunt [UK and USA] – synonym of Parapristipoma octolineatum

agassiz' smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Alepocephalus agassizii

Agassiz' smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Leptochilichthys agassizii

Agonus cataphractus

agujon needlefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Tylosurus acus

Ahliesaurus berryi

Ahliesaurus berryi Bertelsen, Krefft and Marshall, 1976, – synonym of Ahliesaurus berryi

Aidablennius sphynx

aigiulle[France and Belgium] – synonym of Belone belone

Aigle commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Myliobatis aquila

Aigle de mer [France and Belgium] – synonym of Myliobatis aquila

Aigle vachette [France and Belgium] – synonym of Pteromylaeus bovinus

aigle [France and Belgium] – synonym of Argyrosomus regius

Aiguillat commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Squalus acanthias

Aiguillat galludo [France and Belgium] – synonym of Squalus blainvillei

Aiguillat noir [France and Belgium] – synonym of Centroscyllium fabricii

aiguille de mer [France and Belgium] – synonym of Syngnathus acus

aiguille voyeuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Tylosurus acus

aiguille [France and Belgium] – synonym of Belone svetovidovi

Alausa Eba Whitehead, 1967. – synonym of Sardinella maderensis

albacore [France and Belgium] – synonym of Thunnus albacares

albacore [UK and USA] – synonym of Thunnus alalunga

Aldrovandia affinis

Aldrovandia phalacra

Alectis alexandrinus

Alepes djedaba

Alepisaurus ferox

Alepocephalus agassizii

Alepocephalus australis

Alepocephalus bairdii

Alepocephalus productus

Alepocephalus rostratus

alexandria pompano [UK and USA] – synonym of Alectis alexandrinus

alfonsino [UK and USA] – synonym of Beryx decadactylus

alfonsino [UK and USA] – synonym of Beryx splendens

alice shad [UK and USA] – synonym of Alosa alosa

allache [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sardinella aurita

Allocyttus verrucosus

almaco jack [UK and USA] – synonym of Seriola rivoliana

Alopias superciliosus

Alopias vulpinus

Alosa alosa

Alosa caspia

Alosa fallax

Alosa pontica

alose de la Mer Noire [France and Belgium] – synonym of Alosa caspia

alose du pont euxin [France and Belgium] – synonym of Alosa pontica

alose feinte [France and Belgium] – synonym of Alosa fallax

alose vraie [France and Belgium] – synonym of Alosa alosa

alpine bullhead [UK and USA] – synonym of Cottus poecilopus

Ammodytes marinus

Ammodytes tobianus

Anarchias euryurus

Anarhichas denticulatus

Anarhichas lupus

Anarhichas minor

anchois européen [France and Belgium] – synonym of Engraulis encrasicholus

anchois [France and Belgium] – synonym of Engraulis encrasicholus

anchovy [UK and USA] – synonym of Engraulis encrasicholus

and Popov, 1932, 3: 19 | Ancona, 1934: 334, 1 fig. | Zander, 1969: 59-63 | Ben-Tuvia, 1971, 20: 33 | Zander, 1972b: 210, fig. 13 – synonym of Parablennius sanguinolentus

Ange de mer commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Squatina squatina

Ange de mer de Bonaparte [France and Belgium] – synonym of Squatina oculata

Ange de mer epineux [France and Belgium] – synonym of Squatina aculeata

Angelshark [UK and USA] – synonym of Squatina squatina

angler fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Lophius budegassa

angler fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Lophius piscatorius

Anguilla anguilla

anguille bécasse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Nemichthys scolopaceus

anguille [France and Belgium] – synonym of Anguilla anguilla

Angular rough shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Oxynotus centrina

Anisarchus medius

annular sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Diplodus annularis

anoli de mer [France and Belgium] – synonym of Saurida undosquamis

Anoplogaster cornuta

Anotopterus pharao

ansjovis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Engraulis encrasicholus

Antennarius nummifer

Antennarius radiosus

Antennarius senegalensis

Anthias anthias

Antigonia capros

Antillean smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Talismania antillarum

Antimora rostrata

Antonogadus macrophthalmus

Antonogadus megalokynodon

aotelle arctique [France and Belgium] – synonym of Onogadus argentatus

Aphanius dispar

Aphanius fasciatus

Aphanius iberus

Aphanopus carbo

Aphia minuta

Aphyonus gelatinosus

Apletodon bacescui

Apletodon dentatus

Apletodon pellegrini

Apogon imberbis

Apogon taeniatus

Apristurus laurussonii

Apristurus maderensis

Apristurus manis

Apristurus microps

Apristurus nasutus

Apterichthus anguiformis

Apterichthus caecus

ara-lunga [France and Belgium] – synonym of Thunnus alalunga

arbun kapilic [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Pagellus acarne

arbun velikoga oka [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Pagellus bogaraveo

arbun [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Pagellus erythrinus

arctic char [UK and USA] – synonym of Salvelinus alpinus

arctic cisco [UK and USA] – synonym of Coregonus autumnalis

arctic cod [UK and USA] – synonym of Arctogadus glacialis

arctic flounder [UK and USA] – synonym of Liopsetta glacialis

arctic hookear sculpin [UK and USA] – synonym of Artediellus uncinatus

Arctic lamprey [UK and USA] – synonym of Lethenteron japonicum

arctic rockling [UK and USA] – synonym of Onogadus argentatus

arctic sculpin [UK and USA] – synonym of Myoxocephalus scorpioides

arctic sculpin [UK and USA] – synonym of Myoxocephalus scorpius

Arctic skate [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja hyperborea

arctic staghorn sculpin [UK and USA] – synonym of Gymnacanthus tricuspis

Arctogadus glacialis

argentin [France and Belgium] – synonym of Trachipterus trachypterus

Argentina silus

Argentina sphyraena

argentine [France and Belgium] – synonym of Argentina sphyraena

argentine [UK and USA] – synonym of Argentina sphyraena

Argyripnus atlanticus

Argyropelecus aculeatus

Argyropelecus affinis

Argyropelecus gigas

Argyropelecus hemigymnus

Argyropelecus olfersi

Argyrosomus regius

Ariosoma balearicum

Aristostomias grimaldii

Aristostomias lunifer

Aristostomias tittmanni

armed grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Nematonurus armatus

armed gurnard [UK and USA] – synonym of Peristedion cataphractum

armless snake eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Dalophis imberbis

arnoglosse impérial [France and Belgium] – synonym of Arnoglossus imperialis

Arnoglossus imperialis

Arnoglossus kessleri

Arnoglossus laterna

Arnoglossus rueppelli

Arnoglossus thori

aroussa sultan [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Symphodus melops

aroussa [Ar – synonym of Symphodus roissali

arras [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Siganus rivulatus

Artediellus atlanticus

Artediellus scaber

Artediellus uncinatus

Aspitrigla cuculus

Aspitrigla obscura

Asquamiceps velaris

Astronesthes cyclophotus

Astronesthes gemmifer

Astronesthes indicus

Astronesthes leucopogon

Astronesthes macropogon

Astronesthes micropogon

Astronesthes neopogon

Astronesthes niger

Ataxolepis apus

Atherina boyeri

Atherina hepsetus

Atherina presbyter

Atherinomorus lacunosus

Atlantic Batfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Dibranchus atlanticus

atlantic big-eye [UK and USA] – synonym of Priacanthus arenatus

atlantic bluefin tuna [UK and USA] – synonym of Thunnus thynnus

atlantic bonito [UK and USA] – synonym of Sarda sarda

atlantic herring [UK and USA] – synonym of Clupea harengus

atlantic horse-mackerel [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachurus mediterraneus

atlantic horse-mackerel [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachurus trachurus

atlantic lizardfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Synodus saurus

atlantic mackerel [UK and USA] – synonym of Scomber scombrus

atlantic poacher [UK and USA] – synonym of Leptagonus decagonus

atlantic sabretooth [UK and USA] – synonym of Coccorella atlantica

atlantic sailfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Istiophorus albicans

atlantic salmon [UK and USA] – synonym of Salmo salar

Atlantic weasel shark [UK and USA] – synonym of Paragaleus pectoralis

atlantic wolffish [UK and USA] – synonym of Anarhichas lupus

Aulopus filamentosus

aura [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco] – synonym of Sparus aurata

aurin [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carapus acus

Auxis rochei

Avocet snipe-eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Avocettina infans

Avocettina infans

axillary sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Pagellus acarne

axillary wrasse [UK and USA] – synonym of Symphodus mediterraneus