
Rabbitfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Chimaera monstrosa

rabbitfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Promethichthys prometheus

racer goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Neogobius gymnotrachelus

Rachycentron canadum

Radiicephalus elongatus

raie à queue courte [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja brachyura

Raie a queue epineuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Bathyraja spinicauda

Raie africaine [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja africana

Raie arctique [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja hyperborea

Raie bathyale [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja bathyphila

Raie blanche [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja alba

Raie bleue [France and Belgium] – synonym of Breviraja caerulea

raie bouclée [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja clavata

Raie brunette [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja undulata

Raie chardon [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja fullonica

Raie circulaire [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja circularis

Raie de Bigelow [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja bigelowi

Raie de Krefft [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja kreffti

Raie de Madere [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja maderensis

Raie de Malte [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja melitensis

Raie de Richardson [France and Belgium] – synonym of Bathyraja richardsoni

Raie de Rondelet [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja rondeleti

raie douce [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja montagui

raie etoilée [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja asterias

Raie fleurie [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja naevus

Raie lisse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja brachyura

Raie melee [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja microocellata

raie miroir [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja miraletus

Raie pale [France and Belgium] – synonym of Bathyraja pallida

Raie profonde [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja spinacidermis

Raie radiee [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja radiata

Raie rape [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja radula

Raie ronde [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja fyllae

Raie tachetee [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja polystigma

Raie voile [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja lintea

Raie-papillon epineuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Gymnura altavela

rainbow runner [UK and USA] – synonym of Elagatis bipinnulata

rainbow sardine [UK and USA] – synonym of Dussumieria acuta

rainbow smelt [UK and USA] – synonym of Osmerus mordax

rainbow-wrass [UK and USA] – synonym of Coris julis

raitt's sand-eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Ammodytes marinus

Raja africana

Raja alba

Raja asterias

Raja bathyphila

Raja batis

Raja bigelowi

Raja brachyura

Raja circularis

Raja clavata

Raja fullonica

Raja fyllae

Raja hyperborea

Raja kreffti

Raja lintea

Raja maderensis

Raja melitensis

Raja microocellata

Raja miraletus

Raja montagui

Raja naevus

Raja nidarosiensis

Raja oxyrinchus

Raja polystigma

Raja radiata

Raja radula

Raja rondeleti

Raja spinacidermis

Raja undulata

ramada [France and Belgium] – synonym of Liza ramada

Raniceps raninus

Rannou, Nielsen and Hureau, 1974: 1250, fig. 1 and 2A, B (Azores islands, 37°40'N-25°15,5'W, 1074-1170 m). – synonym of Aphyonus gelatinosus

Ranzania laevis

rascasse blanche [France and Belgium] – synonym of Uranoscopus scaber

rascasse brune [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scorpaena porcus

rascasse de madère [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scorpaena maderensis

rascasse du nord [France and Belgium] – synonym of Helicolenus dactylopterus

rascasse épineuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Trachyscorpia echinata

rascasse pustuleuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scorpaena notata

rascasse rose [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scorpaena elongata

rascasse rouge [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scorpaena scrofa

rascasse serran [France and Belgium] – synonym of Setarches guentheri

rascasse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Trachyscorpia echinata

rason [France and Belgium] – synonym of Xyrichthys novacula

rasterpitvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Callionymus reticulatus

Rastrelliger kanagurta

ratan goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Neogobius ratan

ratan goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Vanneaugobius pruvoti

ray's bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Brama brama

ray's sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Brama brama

red band-fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Cepola rubescens

red dory [UK and USA] – synonym of Cyttopsis roseus

red gurnard [UK and USA] – synonym of Aspitrigla cuculus

red lizard fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Synodus synodus

red mullet [UK and USA] – synonym of Mullus barbatus

red mullet [UK and USA] – synonym of Mullus surmuletus

red pandora [UK and USA] – synonym of Pagellus bellottii

red scorpionfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Scorpaena scrofa

red sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Pagellus bogaraveo

red sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Pagellus bogaraveo

red sea tonguesole [UK and USA] – synonym of Cynoglossus sinusarabici

Red soldier fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Sargocentron hastatus

red soldier fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Sargocentron rubrum

Red-banded sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Pagrus auriga

red-mouthed goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius cruentatus

Redmouth whalefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Rondeletia loricata

regalec [France and Belgium] – synonym of Regalecus glesne

Regalecus glesne

Reinhardtius hippoglossoides

Remora australis

Remora brachyptera

remora bruna [Italy], – synonym of Remora brachyptera

Remora osteochir

Remora remora

rémora [France and Belgium] – synonym of Echeneis naucrates

rémora [France and Belgium] – synonym of Remora remora

Remorina albescens

Renard a gros yeux [France and Belgium] – synonym of Alopias superciliosus

Renard de mer [France and Belgium] – synonym of Alopias vulpinus

Requin a longue dorsale [France and Belgium] – synonym of Pseudotriakis microdon

Requin a longues nageoires [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus longimanus

Requin a museau pointu [France and Belgium] – synonym of Rhizoprionodon acutus

Requin a petites dents [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus isodon

requin bleu [France and Belgium] – synonym of Prionace glauca

Requin borde [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus limbatus

Requin bouledogue [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus leucas

Requin citron [France and Belgium] – synonym of Negaprion brevirostris

Requin de nuit [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus signatus

requin du Groenland [France and Belgium] – synonym of Somniosus microcephalus

Requin feroce [France and Belgium] – synonym of Odontaspis ferox

Requin gris [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus plumbeus

requin griset [France and Belgium] – synonym of Hexanchus griseus

Requin lezard [France and Belgium] – synonym of Chlamydoselachus anguineus

Requin lutin [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mitsukurina owstoni

Requin noir [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus melanopterus

Requin noronhai [France and Belgium] – synonym of Odontaspis noronhai

Requin pelerin [France and Belgium] – synonym of Cetorhinus maximus

Requin perlon [France and Belgium] – synonym of Heptranchias perlo

requin sable [France and Belgium] – synonym of Eugomphodus taurus

Requin sombre [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus obscurus

Requin soyeux [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus falciformis

Requin taureau [France and Belgium] – synonym of Eugomphodus taurus

Requin tigre commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Galeocerdo cuvieri

Requin tisserand [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus brevipinna

Requin vache [France and Belgium] – synonym of Hexanchus nakamurai

Requin-marteau a pet yeux [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sphyrna tudes

Requin-marteau commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sphyrna zygaena

Requin-marteau halicorne [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sphyrna lewini

Requin-nourrice [France and Belgium] – synonym of Ginglymostoma cirratum

Requin-taupe bleu [France and Belgium] – synonym of Isurus oxyrinchus

Requin-taupe commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Lamna nasus

reuzehaai [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Cetorhinus maximus

reuzenbaars [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Polyprion americanus

Rhadinesthes decimus

Rhinobates cemiculus

Rhinobatos rhinobatos

Rhinochimaera atlantica

Rhinonemus cimbrius

Rhinoptera marginata

Rhizoprionodon acutus

Rhodichthys regina

Rhynchogadus hepaticus

Rhynchohyalus natalensis

ribbed sculpin [UK and USA] – synonym of Triglops pingeli

ribbon fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachipterus trachypterus

Richardson's ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Bathyraja richardsoni

riddervis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Salvelinus alpinus

Rinoctes nasutus

risso's smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Alepocephalus rostratus

river lamprey [UK and USA] – synonym of Lampetra fluviatilis

rivierdonderpad [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Cottus gobio

rivierprik [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Lampetra fluviatilis

rock cook [UK and USA] – synonym of Centrolabrus exoletus

rock goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius paganellus

rock gurnard [UK and USA] – synonym of Trigloporus lastoviza

rockfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Helicolenus dactylopterus

rockling [UK and USA] – synonym of Antonogadus macrophthalmus

rode poon [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Trigla lucerna

Rofen, 1966: 462-481, fig. 163-169, 172 (synonymy). – synonym of Omosudis lowei

roi des harengs [France and Belgium] – synonym of Regalecus glesne

roi des rougets [France and Belgium] – synonym of Apogon imberbis

rombou podas [France and Belgium] – synonym of Bothus podas

Rondelet's ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja rondeleti

Rondeletia loricata

roodbaars [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Sebastes marinus

rophis [France and Belgium] – synonym of Nerophis ophidion

Rosefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Sebastes fasciatus

rosefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Sebastes marinus

rosefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Sebastes viviparus

Rosenblattichthys hubbsi

rosy soldier fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Hoplostethus mediterraneus

roucaou [France and Belgium] – synonym of Acantholabrus palloni

rouffe impérial [France and Belgium] – synonym of Schedophilus ovalis

rouget barbet [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mullus barbatus

rouget de roche [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mullus surmuletus

rouget de roche [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mullus surmuletus

rouget de vase [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mullus barbatus

rouget [France and Belgium] – synonym of Pseudupeneus prayensis

rouget-barbet du Sénégal [France and Belgium] – synonym of Pseudupeneus prayensis

Rough ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja radula

roughhead grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Macrourus berglax

roughlip grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Coryphaenoides thelestomus

Roughtail stingray [UK and USA] – synonym of Dasyatis centroura

roughtip grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Nezumia sclerorhynchus

roule's goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius roulei

Rouleina attrita

Rouleina maderensis

round goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Neogobius melanostomus

Round ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja fyllae

round sardinella [UK and USA] – synonym of Sardinella aurita

round scad [UK and USA] – synonym of Decapterus punctatus

Round stingray [UK and USA] – synonym of Taeniura grabata

roundhead grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Odontomacrurus murrayi

roundnose grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Coryphaenoides rupestris

roundscale marlin [UK and USA] – synonym of Tetrapturus georgei

rouquié [France and Belgium] – synonym of Ctenolabrus rupestris

rouquie [France and Belgium] – synonym of Symphodus cinereus

rouquié [France and Belgium] – synonym of Symphodus doderleini

rouquié [France and Belgium] – synonym of Symphodus melanocercus

Roussette d'lslande [France and Belgium] – synonym of Apristurus laurussonii

Roussette de Madere [France and Belgium] – synonym of Apristurus maderensis

rouvet [France and Belgium] – synonym of Ruvettus pretiosus

roving grey mullet [UK and USA] – synonym of Liza carinata

rubber-lip grunt [UK and USA] – synonym of Plectorhinchus mediterraneus

ruchè tanca [France and Belgium] – synonym of Symphodus tinca

ruchè [France and Belgium] – synonym of Symphodus ocellatus

rufus snake eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Ophichthus rufus

rumbac [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Auxis rochei

Ruvettus pretiosus

ruwe haai [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Galeorhinus galeus