Rabbitfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Chimaera monstrosa
rabbitfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Promethichthys prometheus
racer goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Neogobius gymnotrachelus
raie à queue courte [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja brachyura
Raie a queue epineuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Bathyraja spinicauda
Raie africaine [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja africana
Raie arctique [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja hyperborea
Raie bathyale [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja bathyphila
Raie blanche [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja alba
Raie bleue [France and Belgium] – synonym of Breviraja caerulea
raie bouclée [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja clavata
Raie brunette [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja undulata
Raie chardon [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja fullonica
Raie circulaire [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja circularis
Raie de Bigelow [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja bigelowi
Raie de Krefft [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja kreffti
Raie de Madere [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja maderensis
Raie de Malte [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja melitensis
Raie de Richardson [France and Belgium] – synonym of Bathyraja richardsoni
Raie de Rondelet [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja rondeleti
raie douce [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja montagui
raie etoilée [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja asterias
Raie fleurie [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja naevus
Raie lisse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja brachyura
Raie melee [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja microocellata
raie miroir [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja miraletus
Raie pale [France and Belgium] – synonym of Bathyraja pallida
Raie profonde [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja spinacidermis
Raie radiee [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja radiata
Raie rape [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja radula
Raie ronde [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja fyllae
Raie tachetee [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja polystigma
Raie voile [France and Belgium] – synonym of Raja lintea
Raie-papillon epineuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Gymnura altavela
rainbow runner [UK and USA] – synonym of Elagatis bipinnulata
rainbow sardine [UK and USA] – synonym of Dussumieria acuta
rainbow smelt [UK and USA] – synonym of Osmerus mordax
rainbow-wrass [UK and USA] – synonym of Coris julis
raitt's sand-eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Ammodytes marinus
ramada [France and Belgium] – synonym of Liza ramada
Rannou, Nielsen and Hureau, 1974: 1250, fig. 1 and 2A, B (Azores islands, 37°40'N-25°15,5'W, 1074-1170 m). – synonym of Aphyonus gelatinosus
rascasse blanche [France and Belgium] – synonym of Uranoscopus scaber
rascasse brune [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scorpaena porcus
rascasse de madère [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scorpaena maderensis
rascasse du nord [France and Belgium] – synonym of Helicolenus dactylopterus
rascasse épineuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Trachyscorpia echinata
rascasse pustuleuse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scorpaena notata
rascasse rose [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scorpaena elongata
rascasse rouge [France and Belgium] – synonym of Scorpaena scrofa
rascasse serran [France and Belgium] – synonym of Setarches guentheri
rascasse [France and Belgium] – synonym of Trachyscorpia echinata
rason [France and Belgium] – synonym of Xyrichthys novacula
rasterpitvis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Callionymus reticulatus
ratan goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Neogobius ratan
ratan goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Vanneaugobius pruvoti
ray's bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Brama brama
ray's sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Brama brama
red band-fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Cepola rubescens
red dory [UK and USA] – synonym of Cyttopsis roseus
red gurnard [UK and USA] – synonym of Aspitrigla cuculus
red lizard fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Synodus synodus
red mullet [UK and USA] – synonym of Mullus barbatus
red mullet [UK and USA] – synonym of Mullus surmuletus
red pandora [UK and USA] – synonym of Pagellus bellottii
red scorpionfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Scorpaena scrofa
red sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Pagellus bogaraveo
red sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Pagellus bogaraveo
red sea tonguesole [UK and USA] – synonym of Cynoglossus sinusarabici
Red soldier fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Sargocentron hastatus
red soldier fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Sargocentron rubrum
Red-banded sea bream [UK and USA] – synonym of Pagrus auriga
red-mouthed goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius cruentatus
Redmouth whalefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Rondeletia loricata
regalec [France and Belgium] – synonym of Regalecus glesne
remora bruna [Italy], – synonym of Remora brachyptera
rémora [France and Belgium] – synonym of Echeneis naucrates
rémora [France and Belgium] – synonym of Remora remora
Renard a gros yeux [France and Belgium] – synonym of Alopias superciliosus
Renard de mer [France and Belgium] – synonym of Alopias vulpinus
Requin a longue dorsale [France and Belgium] – synonym of Pseudotriakis microdon
Requin a longues nageoires [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus longimanus
Requin a museau pointu [France and Belgium] – synonym of Rhizoprionodon acutus
Requin a petites dents [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus isodon
requin bleu [France and Belgium] – synonym of Prionace glauca
Requin borde [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus limbatus
Requin bouledogue [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus leucas
Requin citron [France and Belgium] – synonym of Negaprion brevirostris
Requin de nuit [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus signatus
requin du Groenland [France and Belgium] – synonym of Somniosus microcephalus
Requin feroce [France and Belgium] – synonym of Odontaspis ferox
Requin gris [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus plumbeus
requin griset [France and Belgium] – synonym of Hexanchus griseus
Requin lezard [France and Belgium] – synonym of Chlamydoselachus anguineus
Requin lutin [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mitsukurina owstoni
Requin noir [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus melanopterus
Requin noronhai [France and Belgium] – synonym of Odontaspis noronhai
Requin pelerin [France and Belgium] – synonym of Cetorhinus maximus
Requin perlon [France and Belgium] – synonym of Heptranchias perlo
requin sable [France and Belgium] – synonym of Eugomphodus taurus
Requin sombre [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus obscurus
Requin soyeux [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus falciformis
Requin taureau [France and Belgium] – synonym of Eugomphodus taurus
Requin tigre commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Galeocerdo cuvieri
Requin tisserand [France and Belgium] – synonym of Carcharhinus brevipinna
Requin vache [France and Belgium] – synonym of Hexanchus nakamurai
Requin-marteau a pet yeux [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sphyrna tudes
Requin-marteau commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sphyrna zygaena
Requin-marteau halicorne [France and Belgium] – synonym of Sphyrna lewini
Requin-nourrice [France and Belgium] – synonym of Ginglymostoma cirratum
Requin-taupe bleu [France and Belgium] – synonym of Isurus oxyrinchus
Requin-taupe commun [France and Belgium] – synonym of Lamna nasus
reuzehaai [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Cetorhinus maximus
reuzenbaars [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Polyprion americanus
ribbed sculpin [UK and USA] – synonym of Triglops pingeli
ribbon fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Trachipterus trachypterus
Richardson's ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Bathyraja richardsoni
riddervis [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Salvelinus alpinus
risso's smooth-head [UK and USA] – synonym of Alepocephalus rostratus
river lamprey [UK and USA] – synonym of Lampetra fluviatilis
rivierdonderpad [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Cottus gobio
rivierprik [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Lampetra fluviatilis
rock cook [UK and USA] – synonym of Centrolabrus exoletus
rock goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius paganellus
rock gurnard [UK and USA] – synonym of Trigloporus lastoviza
rockfish [UK and USA] – synonym of Helicolenus dactylopterus
rockling [UK and USA] – synonym of Antonogadus macrophthalmus
rode poon [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Trigla lucerna
Rofen, 1966: 462-481, fig. 163-169, 172 (synonymy). – synonym of Omosudis lowei
roi des harengs [France and Belgium] – synonym of Regalecus glesne
roi des rougets [France and Belgium] – synonym of Apogon imberbis
rombou podas [France and Belgium] – synonym of Bothus podas
Rondelet's ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja rondeleti
roodbaars [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Sebastes marinus
rophis [France and Belgium] – synonym of Nerophis ophidion
Rosefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Sebastes fasciatus
rosefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Sebastes marinus
rosefish [UK and USA] – synonym of Sebastes viviparus
rosy soldier fish [UK and USA] – synonym of Hoplostethus mediterraneus
roucaou [France and Belgium] – synonym of Acantholabrus palloni
rouffe impérial [France and Belgium] – synonym of Schedophilus ovalis
rouget barbet [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mullus barbatus
rouget de roche [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mullus surmuletus
rouget de roche [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mullus surmuletus
rouget de vase [France and Belgium] – synonym of Mullus barbatus
rouget [France and Belgium] – synonym of Pseudupeneus prayensis
rouget-barbet du Sénégal [France and Belgium] – synonym of Pseudupeneus prayensis
Rough ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja radula
roughhead grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Macrourus berglax
roughlip grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Coryphaenoides thelestomus
Roughtail stingray [UK and USA] – synonym of Dasyatis centroura
roughtip grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Nezumia sclerorhynchus
roule's goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Gobius roulei
round goby [UK and USA] – synonym of Neogobius melanostomus
Round ray [UK and USA] – synonym of Raja fyllae
round sardinella [UK and USA] – synonym of Sardinella aurita
round scad [UK and USA] – synonym of Decapterus punctatus
Round stingray [UK and USA] – synonym of Taeniura grabata
roundhead grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Odontomacrurus murrayi
roundnose grenadier [UK and USA] – synonym of Coryphaenoides rupestris
roundscale marlin [UK and USA] – synonym of Tetrapturus georgei
rouquié [France and Belgium] – synonym of Ctenolabrus rupestris
rouquie [France and Belgium] – synonym of Symphodus cinereus
rouquié [France and Belgium] – synonym of Symphodus doderleini
rouquié [France and Belgium] – synonym of Symphodus melanocercus
Roussette d'lslande [France and Belgium] – synonym of Apristurus laurussonii
Roussette de Madere [France and Belgium] – synonym of Apristurus maderensis
rouvet [France and Belgium] – synonym of Ruvettus pretiosus
roving grey mullet [UK and USA] – synonym of Liza carinata
rubber-lip grunt [UK and USA] – synonym of Plectorhinchus mediterraneus
ruchè tanca [France and Belgium] – synonym of Symphodus tinca
ruchè [France and Belgium] – synonym of Symphodus ocellatus
rufus snake eel [UK and USA] – synonym of Ophichthus rufus
rumbac [former Yugoslavia] – synonym of Auxis rochei
ruwe haai [Netherlands and Belgium] – synonym of Galeorhinus galeus