- Kljukanov 1972
- [On the systematic relations of the Atlantic and the Pacific capelin, Mallotus villosus (Muller) and osteological characteristic of the genus Mallotus (Pisces, Osmeridae)]. Zool. Zh., 51(6): 855, fig. 1, 2 (2), 3 (in Russian, with English summary).
- Andriashev 1959
- [On the systematic position of the South-African lycodid fish (Lycodes agulhensis, sp. n.) confused with the Arctic species, Lycodes frigidus Collett] Zool. Zh., Moscow, 38 (3): 465-468, 3 fig. (In Russian with English summary.)
- Mina, Tokareva 1967
- [On the otolith structure of Gadus morhua callarias L. in the Southeastern Baltic Sea]. Vop. Ikhthiol., 7 (2): 326-337, 12 fig. Qn Russian).
- Taranetz 1941
- [On the origin and taxonomy of the Cottoid fishes]. Izv. imp. Akad. Nauk., biol., 3: 429-447, 4 fig. (Russian with English summary). (English translation by N. J. Wilimowsky & E. Lanz, 1959. Inst. Fish. Univ. Brit. Columb. Mus. Contr., 5: pp. 1-28.)
- Zvjagina 1963
- [On spawning and development of the fishes of the Laptev Sea (Myoxocephalus quadricornis, Osmerus eperlanus)]. Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 62: pp. 3-12, 3 fig. (Russian with English summary).
- Pertseva-Ostroumova 1964
- [On some morphological peculiarities of mycophid larvae (Myctophidae, Pisces)]. Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 73: 76-92, 10 fig. (in Russian, English summary).
- Rass 1960
- [On geographical distribution of the bathypelagic fishes of the family Myctophidae in the Pacific Ocean]. Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 41: 146-152, 2 fig. (in Russian).
- Ojaveer 1962
- [On differentiation of the herring seasonal races in the North Eastern Baltic by means of otoliths]. Izv. Akad. Nauk. Est. SSR, ser. biol., 11(3) :193-208, 3 fig., 2 microph. (in Russian, with English summary).
- Yessipov 1938
- [On Clupea harrengus pallasi of the Barents and Kara Seas]. Trudy polyar. nauchno-issled. Inst. morsk. ryb. Khoz. Okeanogr., 1: pp. 149-159 (in Russian, with English Summary).
- Radcliffe 1926
- 'Opah' and 'skilligallee' landed at Boston fish pier. Copeia, (151): 112.
- Wynne-Edwards, 1948
- Oarfish (Repalecus) stranded in Banffshire. Scott. Nat., 60: pp. 127-128.
- Gullestad 1970
- Observasjoner av pukkellaks (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) på Svalbard i tiden 1960-65, Arbok Norsk. Polarinst., (1968) :131-134.
- Risberg 1835
- Observationes ichthyologicae. Lundae [not seen].
- Hermann 1804
- Observationes zoologicae quibus novae complures aliae que animalium species describuntur et illustrantur. Opus posthumum edidit F. L. Hammer, pars prior: 8 + 332 p., Argentorati.
- Roule, Angel 1931
- Observations et rectifications concernant divers poissons recueillis par S.A.S. Ie Prince Albert I de Monaco au cours des campagnes de 1911 a 1914. Bull. Inst. océanogr., Monaco (581): 1-8.
- Quéro 1970b
- Observations françaises sur les poissons rares en 1968 et 1969. Annls biol. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer., 26, 1969: 280-282.
- Quéro 1973
- Observations francaises sur les poissons rares en 1971. Annls biol. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 28,1971: 223-224.
- Gueguen, Quéro 1974
- Observations francaises sur les poissons rares en 1972. Annls biol. Cons. perm. Explor. Mer., 29,1972 :182-183.
- Gueguen 1975
- Observations francaises sur les poissons rares en 1973. Ann. biol Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 30,1973: 210-212.
- , Pawson 1977
- Observations from the D.S.R.V. Alvin on populations of benthic fishes and selected larger invertebrates in and near DWD-106. NOAA Dumpsite Evaluation Rept., 77-1: pp. 423-450.
- Quéro 1977
- Observations ichthyologiques effectuees au port de La Rochelle en 1976. Ann. Soc. Sci Nat. Charente-Maritime, 6 (4): 230-244, fig. 1-5.
- Quéro 1978
- Observations ichthyologiques effectuees en Charente-Maritime en 1977. Ann. Soc. Sci Nat. Charente-Mar., 6 (5): 428439, 6 fig.
- Heard 1966
- Observations on lampreys in the Naknek River system of southwest Alaska. Copeia (2): 332-339.
- Nicol 1958
- Observations on luminescence in pelagic animals. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K, 37 (3): 705-752, fig. 1-19, pl. I.
- Lesueur 1821
- Observations on several genera and species of fish, belonging to the natural family of the Esoces. J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad, 2 (1) :124138.
- Montagu 1804
- Observations on some species of British quadrupeds, birds and fishes. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond, 7: pp. 274-294.
- Govoni 1984
- Observations on structure and evaluation of possible functions of the vexillum in larval Carapidae (Ophidiiformes). Bull. Mar. Sci., 34 (1): 60-70.
- Conrad, La Monte 1937
- Observations on the body form of the blue marlin (Makaira nigricans ampla Poey). Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist., 74 (4): 207-220.
- , Tyler 1969
- Observations on the commensal relationship of western Atlantic pearlfish, Carapus bermudensis, and holothurians. Copeia (1): 206-208.
- Nishimura 1963
- Observations on the dealfish, Trachipterus ishikawai Jordan and Snyder, with descriptions of its parasites. Publs Seto mar. biol. Lab., 11: 75-99, 7 fig., 1 pl.
- Gehringer 1957
- Observations on the development of the Atlantic sailfish, Istiophorus americanus (Cuvier) with notes on an unidentified species of istiophorid. Fishery Bull. U.S., 1956 [
- Kotthaus, Krefft 1967
- Observations on the distribution of the demersal fish on the Iceland-Faroe Ridge in relation to bottom temperatures and depths. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 157: 238-267, fig. 9: IA-9A+IB-9B.
- Merrett, Marshall N.B. 1981
- Observations on the ecology of deep-sea bottom living fishes collected off northwest Africa (08° -27° N). Prog. Oceanogr., 9: 185-244.
- Storer 1850
- Observations on the fishes of Nova Scotia and Labrador, with descriptions of new species. Proc. Boston Soc. nar. Hisr., 6 (2): pp. 247-270, pl. VII, fig. 1-3.
- Hancock 1830
- Observations on the mullets of the Coast of Guiana, and the grey mullet of the British coast: with incidental remarks on the airbladder and stomach in fishes. Q. n. Lit. Sci. Arts, Lond, 1: 125-139.
- Warington 1852
- Observations on the Natural History of the Water-Snail and Fish kept in a confined and limited portion of Waters. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (2) 10: 273-280.
- Klawe 1966
- Observations on the opah Lampris regius (Bonnaterre). Nature, Lond., 210: 965.
- Nishimura, Hirosaki 1964
- Observations on the swimming behaviour of some taeniosomous fishes in aquaria and in nature. Publs Seto mar. biol. Lab., 12: 165-171, 3 pl.
- Davy 1834
- Observations on the Torpedo, with an account of some additional experiments on its electricity. Phil. Trans. R. Soc., London, (2): 531-550, pl. 22-24.
- , Athanassiou 1966a
- Observations on Upeneus asymmetricus Lachner, 1954 in St George Bay, Lebanon. Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Ciacomo Doria, 76: 68-74.
- Maul 1964
- Observations on young live Mupus maculatus (Gnther) and Mupus ovalis (Valenciennes). Copeia, 1: pp. 93-97.
- Delaroche 1809a
- Observations sur des poissons recueillis dans un voyage aux îles Baléares et Pythiuses. Annls Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, 13: pp. 98-122.
- Nordmann 1840
- Observations sur la faune pontique in A. de Demidoff, Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie, exécuté en 1837 sous la direction de M. Anatole de Demidoff, Paris, 3: 355-635, Atlas: 32 col. pl. [1842].
- Joubio, Roule 1918a
- Observations sur la nourriture des thons de l'Atlantique. Bull. Inst. océanogr., Monaco, (348): 1-7.
- Priol 1944
- Observations sur les germons et les thons rouges capturés par les pêcheurs bretons. III. Remarques sur quelques poissons recueillis dans l'estomac des thons. Revue Trav. Off. (scient. tech.) Pêch. marit., 13: 430 439, fig.
- Guitel 1892
- Observations sur les murs du Cobius minutus. Archs Zool. exp. gén. (2) 10: 499-555.
- Guitel 1895
- Observations sur les murs du Gobius ruthensparri Archs ZooL exp. gén., (3) 3: 63-288.
- Borcea 1926
- Observations sur les poissons migrateurs dans les eaux roumaines de la Mer Noire. Annls scient. Univ. Jassy, 15 (3-4): 656-750 pp.
- Gueguen 1976
- Observations sur les poissons rares en 1974. Annls. biol. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer., 31,1974: 181-182.
- Du Buit 1977
- Observations sur les poissons rares en 1975.Annls biol. Cons. perm. int. Explor, Mer, 32,1975 :185-188.
- Ivanov 1937
- Obstschaya i sravnitel'naya embryologia [General and comparative embryology]. Gosisdat, Moscow-Leningrad: 809 p., 670 fig. (in Russian).
- Karlovac 1953b
- Occurrence of Chimaera monstrosa L. in the Adriatic. Biljeske, Inst. oceanogr. ribartsvo, Split, (4): 2 p. n. num.
- Sim 1887
- Occurrence of Lumpenus lampetriformis on the north coast of Scotland; with notes on its habits, food and the ground it frequents. J. Linn. Soc. Lond, Zool., 20: 38-48, 4 fig., 1 map.
- Karrer 1986
- Occurrence of the barrelfish, Hyperoglyphe perciformis (Teleostei, Perciformes, Stromateoidei) in the Mediterranean Sea and off Portugal. Cybium, 10 (1): 77-83.
- Storer 1848
- Occurrence of the hammerhead shark at Provincetown and at Chatham, Mass. Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 3: pp. 70-71.
- Vladykov 1936
- Occurrence of three species of anadromous fishes on the Nova Scotian banks during 1935 and
- Lourie 1969
- Occurrence of two lantern fishes (Myctophidae) in the open sea off Mount Carmel (Israel). Israel J. Zool., 18: 379-380.
- Norman 1930
- Oceanic fishes and flatfishes collected in 1925-1927. 'Discovery' Rep., 2: pp. 261-370, 47 fig., 2 pl.
- Goode, Bean 1896
- Oceanic ichthyology, a treatise on the deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the world, based chiefly upon the collections made by steamers Blake, Albatross and Fish Hawk in the northwestern Atlantic. Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., 30 and Spec. Bull U.S. natn. Mus., 1895 [
- Jordano, Muruve 1959
- Ocho peces tropicales en mercados españoles y cuatro primeras ataciones para las pesquerias canario-africanas. Archos Zootecnia, 8 (30): pp. 103-129.
- Franca 1968
- Ocorrència de Kyphosus incisor (Cuvier) (Pisces, Perciformes, Kyphosidae) na costa de Angola. Not. est. Inst. Biol Marit., Lisboa, 9 : pp. 1-16.
- Barros, Paiva 1965
- Ocorrencia de Lampris regius (Bonnaterre) ao largo da costa do Brasil. Arq. Est. Biol. mar. Univ. Ceará, 5: 215.
- Munk 1966
- Ocular anatomy of some deep-sea teleosts. Dana Rep., (70): 63 pp., 16 pl.
- Munk 1965
- Ocular degeneration in deep-sea fishes. Galathea Rep., 8: 11 pp., 7 pl.
- Arnold, 1958
- Offshore spawning of the striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, in the Gulf of Mexico. Copeia (1) :130-132.
- Tucker 1959b
- Old and new solutions to the eel problem. Nature, Lond., 183 :1406.
- Ancona 1959
- Old and new solutions to the eel problem. Nature, London, 183 :1405.
- Hoffmeyer 1912
- Om Aalens Forplantning og Legepladser. FerskvandsfiskBI., 20: 151-152.
- Grotrian 1898
- Om ålens (Anguilla vulgaris) fortplantning och utveckling. FiskTidskr., Finl., 7: 92-95.
- Appellof 1892
- Om Bergenfjordens faunistiske praeg. Berg. Mus. Aarb., 1891, (2): I p.
- Winther 1877-1878
- Om de Danske fiske af slaegten Gobius. Naturh. Tidsskr., Kjøbenhavn, (3)11: pp. 41-56.
- Malm 1874
- Om de Svenske gobiider. Forh. skand. Naturf. Møte, 1873,11: 380-386..
- Sundevall 1842
- Om de två Nordiska arterna af fisklägtet Macrourus (Lepidoleprus Risso) och bådas förekommande vid Norrige. K svenska VetenskAkad. Handl., 1840 [
- Collett 1897
- Om en Del for Norges Fauna nye Fiske, funde i 1880-1896. Arch. Math. Naturv. Krist., 19: 1-25.
- Collett 1901
- Om fem for Norges fauna nye fiske. Arch. Math. Naturv. Krist., 23 (7): 25 p.
- Sundevall 1855
- Om Fiskyngels utveckling. K svenska VetenskAkad. Handl., 1:1-24.
- Gunnerus 1763c
- Om Haa-Skierdingen, ibid., 2: 330-331, pl. X-XI. (German transl., 1765c, ibid., 2: 299-307, pl. X-XI.)
- Gunnerus 1763a
- Om Hav-Katten. Trondhiemske Selskabs Skrifter, 2: 270-312 pp., V-VI pl. (German transl. 1765a: von der Seekatze, Drontheim Gesell. Schrift., 2: pp. 248-283, pl. V-VI).
- Gunnerus 1768
- Om Lare-St0rjen, Scombro pelagico Linn. K norske Vidensk. Selsk. Mus. Arb., 4: 92-94, p1. Xll (3 fig.).
- Lütken 1882b
- Om nogle nordiske Havkvabbe-eller Motella-(Onos-) arter. Vidensk. Meddr dansk naturh. Foren., Københ., 1881[1882]: 228-252.
- Gunnerus 1763b
- Om Sort-Haaen, ibid., 2: 313-320, pl. VII-VIII. (German transl., 1765b: vom schwarzen Hayfisch, ibid., 2: 284-290, pl. VII-VIII.)
- Malmgren 1865
- Om Spetzbergens Fisk-fauna. K. svenska Vetensk-Akad. Handl., 1864 [
- Faber 1828a
- Om to lidet bekjente danske Torske-Arter. Tidskr. Naturv., Kjøbenh., 5 (14): 215-222.
- Collett 1903a
- Om tre for Norges fauna nye Fiske fra 'Michael Sars' to første Togter i 1900 og 1901. Arch. Math. Naturv. Krist., 25 (2): 26 p.
- Ege 1958
- Omosudis Günther, bathypelagic Fnus of fish. Dana Rep., (4n 1-19 3 fig.
- Nichols, La Monte 1943
- On a large Xenogramma from Peru. Copeia, (1): 1.
- Eigenmann 1904
- On a leptocephalus of the conger eel. Science, New York (n.s.), 19: pp. 629-630.
- Ida, Tominaga 1971
- On a Macristium specimen from the Indian Ocean. Jap. J. Ichthyol., 18: 103.
- Wilkins 1881
- On a nest-building fish, the Stickleback (Gasterosteus). The Midland Naturalist, 4: pp. 106-111.
- Maul, 1950
- On a new genus and species of Macrourid Fish, Phalacromacrurus pantherinus. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12) 3 (35): 970-976,1 fig.
- Maul 1965
- On a new genus and species of Paralepidid from Madeira. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal, 19 (81): pp. 55-61, fig. I .
- Lowe 1846a
- On a new Genus of the Family Lophiidae (Les Pectorales Pediculees Cuv.) discovered in Madeira. Trans. zool. Soc. Lond., 3 (4): 339-344, pl. 51 (col.).
- Lowe 1846b
- On a new Genus of the Family Lophiidae. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 14: 81-83.
- Maul 1971
- On a new goby of the genus Lesueurigobius from off the Atlantic coast of Morocco and Madeira (Percomorphi, Gobioidea, Gobiidae). Bocagiana, (29): 7 p., 2 fig.
- Collett 1875b
- On a new Motella from Norway. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (4)15: pp. 82-83.
- Collett 1886
- On a new pediculate fish from the sea off Madeira. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 10: 138-142, pl. XV.
- Maul 1972
- On a new species of eel of the genus Gnathophis from the Meteor seamount. Bocagiana, 31: 1-7, 1 pl.
- Yarrell 1839
- On a New Species of Smelt from the Isle of Bute. Rep. Br. Ass. Advmt Sci., 8th meeting, 1838, 7 (2): pp. 108-109.
- Harwood 1827
- On a newly discovered genus of serpentiforms fishes. Phil. Trans. R. Soc., London, 117: 49-57, fig. 1-4, pl. VII.
- Bertelsen 1965
- On a postlarval specimen, anal light organ, and tubular eyes of the argentinoid fish Rhynchohyalus natalensis (Gilchrist and von Bonde). Vidensk. Meddr dansk naturh. Foren., 128: 357-371, pl. 56-59.
- Bertelsen, Krefft 1965
- On a rare ceratioid fish, Linophryne lucifer, Collett. Vidensk. Meddr dansk naturh. Foren., 128: 293-301, fig. 1-4.
- Tucker, 1951
- On a rare deep-sea fish Notacanthus phasganorus . . . from the Arctic Bear Isle fishing-grounds. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist., Zool., 1 (5): 69-79.
- Maul 1962b
- On a small collection of ceratioid fishes from off Dakar and two recently acquired specimens from stomachs of Aphanopus carbon taken in Madeira (Melanocetidae, Himantolophidae, Diceratiidae, Oneirodidae, Ceratiidae). Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal, 16 (54): pp. 5-27, fig. 1-10.
- Giglioli 1889
- On a supposed new genus and species of pelagic gadoid fishes from the Mediterranean. Proc. zooL Soc. Lond.,
- Ayres 1848
- On a very curious fish, for which the name Malacosteus niger is proposed. Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist.,
- , Merrett 1972
- On Argyripnus atlanticus, Maul 1952 (Pisces, Stomiatoidei), with a description of post-larval forms. J. Fish. Biol., 4, 277-287.
- Chang Hsiao-Wei. 1951
- On Callionymus reticulatus and its distribution in European seas. J. mar. biol Ass. U.K., 30: pp. 297-312.
- Nichols 1920a
- On Caranx crysos. Copeia, (81): pp. 29-30.
- Nichols 1937a
- On Caranx hippos (Linnaeus) from Ecuador. Copeia, (1): pp. 58-59.
- , Gilbert 1883a
- On certain neglected generic names of Lacepede. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. S, 1882[1883]: pp. 570-576.
- Goode, Bean 1895a
- On Cetomimidae and Rondeletiidae, two new families of bathybial fishes from the northwestern Atlantic. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 17 (1012): pp. 451-454, 3 fig.
- , 1904
- On collection of fishes made by Mr. Alan Owston in the deep waters of Japan. Smithson. misc. Collns, 45: pp. 230-240, pl. 58-63.
- Giglioli 1880b
- On Halaporphyrus lepidon Risso. Nature, Lond., 21: 202 pp.
- Goode, Bean 1895b
- On Harriotta, a new type of chimaeroid fish from the deeper waters of the northwestern Atlantic. (Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Comrnission steamer 'Albatross', no. 30). Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 1894,17: pp. 471-473.
- Collett 1878b
- On Latrunculus and Crystallogobius, two remarkable forms of gobioid fishes. Proc. zool Soc. Lond., 1878: 318-339.
- Byrne 1902
- On Lepadogaster stictopteryx. Proc. zool Soc. Lond., 1: pp. 102.
- Harrisson 1967
- On methods for sampling mesopelagic fishes. Symp. zool. Soc., Lond., (19): 71-126.
- Lowe 1840b
- On new species of fishes from Madeira. Ann. Mag. nat. Nist., 7: 92-94.
- Heintz 1962
- On Raia batis L., R. nidrosiensis Collett and R. oxyrhynchus (L.) from Norwegian waters and their mutual relationship. Sarsia, 5: 1-67, fig. 1-11.
- Parnell 1837b
- On Raia intermedia. Proc. R. Soc. Edinb., 1837: 166 pp.
- Ueno, 1966
- On Rare or Newly Found Fishes from the Water of Hokkaido (II). Jap. J. Ichthyol., 13 (46): 229-236, fig. 1-11.
- Shcherbachev 1978
- On records of the rare species of deep-sea fishes from off southern Africa, Tr. Inst. Okeanol., 111: 185-194, 1 fig. (in Russian).
- Bancroft 1831
- On several fishes of Jamaica. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., (1) :134135.
- Johnsen 1927
- On some bathypelagic stages of the Macrurid fishes. Nytt. Mag. Naturv., Oslo, 65: 221-241, 1 pl.
- , Byrne 1909
- On some fishes from the Irish Atlantic slope XXXV. Preliminary note on some fishes from the Irish Atlantic slope. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8) 3: pp. 75-77.
- Collett 1905b
- On some fishes from the sea off the Azores. Zool. Anz., 28 (21/22): 723-730.
- Ege 1933
- On some new fishes of the families Sudidae and Stomiatidae. Vidensk. Meddr dansk naturh. Foren., 94: 223-236.
- McCoy 1841
- On some new or rare fish occurring on the coast of Ireland. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 6: 402 108,1 fig.
- Evropeitseva 1960
- On some stages of individual development of young Atlantic salmon. Vest. leningr. gos. Univ., 15, Biol. 3: 82-95, 9 fig. (in Russian, with English Summary).
- Serra, Albuquergue 1957
- On species differences in Crenilabrus (Pisces, Perciformes). Revta port. Zool. Biol. ger., 1(1):1-27.
- Goode, Bean 1885
- On the American fishes in the Linnaean collection. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 8: pp. 193-209.
- , Ryder 1884b
- On the anatomy and relations of the Eurypharyngidae. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 6, 1883 [1884] (17): 262-273.
- Yarrell 1831
- On the anatomy of conger eel (Conger vulgaris Cuv.) and on the difference between the conger and freshwater eels. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1: pp. 158-159.
- Ananiades 1952
- On the appearance of the fish Tetrodon spadiceus (Rich.). Praktika ell. udrobiol Inst., 6(1):73-75, 1 fig.
- Tåning 1955
- On the breeding areas of the swordfish (Xiphias). Deep Sea Res., 3, Suppl.: pp. 438-450, 4 fig.
- , Byrne 1903a
- On the British and Irish species of the family Stromateidae. Rep. Sea inld Fish. Ire., 1901, Part 2: pp. 70-76.
- Lindberg 1937
- On the classification and distribution of sandlaunces, genus Ammodytes. Izv. Akad. Nauk USSR, 27: 85-93.
- Duncan 1937
- On the dates of publication of the Society's 'Proceedings', 1859-1926. With an appendix containing the dates of 'Proceedings' 1830-1858, compiled by the late F.H. Waterhouse, and of the 'Transactions', 1833-1869, by the late Henry Peavot, originally published in P.Z.S. 1893,1913.Proc. zool Soc. Lond. 107 A: 71-84.
- Mclntosh, Prince 1890
- On the Development and Life-Histories of the Teleostean Food and other Fishes. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb., 35, Part III, (19): 665-944, 3 fig., pl. I-XXVIII.
- Avedikova 1954
- On the development of Black Sea garfish Belone belone euxini Günther. Uchen. Zap. rostov. Gos. Univ., 57 (1): 47-67, 5 fig.
- Melouk 1957
- On the development of Carcharhinus melanopterus (Q. & G.). Publs Mar. biol. Stn Ghardaqa, (9): 229-251.
- Drapkin 1964
- On the distribution of the river eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) in the Black Sea. ByulL mosk. Obshch. Ispyr. Prir. (Biol.), 69 (5) :140-141 (in Russian).
- Meek 1903
- On the egg of a species of goby. Rep. Northumb. Sea Fish. Comm.: 49.
- Demir 1961
- On the eggs and larvae of the Trachurus trachurus (L.) and Trachurus mediterraneus (Steind.) from the sea of Marmara and the Black Sea. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Commn int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr., 16 (2): pp. 317-320, 2 fig.
- Harrisson 1966
- On the first halosaur leptocephalus: from Madeira. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist., Zool., 14: 441-486.
- Essipov 1937
- On the fishes of the Polar Basin and adjacent depths. Problemy Arkt., Leningrad, 4: 85-97 (Russian with English summary).
- , Byrne 1904
- On the fishes taken by the 'Oceana'. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7)14: pp. 37-40, fig.
- Hirasaka, Nakamura 1947
- On the Formosan spearfishes. Bull oceanogr. Inst. Taipeh, Taiwan, (3): 11- 24, 1 fig., 3 pl.
- , 1838
- On the generic characters of Cartilaginous Fishes, with Descriptions of new genera. Mag. nat. Hist., (n.s.), 2: pp. 33-37, pp. 88-91.
- Maul 1969a
- On the genus Cetomimus (Cetomimidae) with the description of a new species. Bocagiana, Funchal, (18): pp. 1-12, 1 fig.
- Smitt 1901
- On the genus Lycodes. Bih. K svenska Vetensk Akad. Handl., 27 (4), no. 4: 45 pp., 5 fig.
- Whitmee 1875
- On the Habits of the Fishes of the Genus Antennarius. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond: pp. 543-546.
- Gibbs, 1959
- On the identification, distribution and biology of the dolphins, Coryphaena hippurus and C. equiselis. Bull. mar. Sci. Gulf Caribb., 9 (2): 117-152, 18 fig.
- Bean 1885b
- On the identity of Cottus maculatus, Fischer, with Cottus bubalis Euphrasen. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 8 :166-167.
- Best, Bone 1976
- On the integument and photophores of the alepocephalid fishes Xenodermichthys and Photostylus. J. mar. bioL Ass. U.K., 56: 227-236.
- Hatta 1901
- On the lampreys of Japan together with notes on a specimen of lamprey from Siberia. Annotnes zool jap., 4 (1): 21-29.
- Carus 1861
- On the Leptocephalidae. Rep. Br. Ass. Advmt Sci., 30th meet. 1860 [
- , Ryder 1885
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