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- Bertelsen 1977
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- Bertelsen 1988
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- Rectal light organs in the argentinoid fishes Opisthoproctus and Winteria. Dana Rep., (62):17 p., pl. 1-2.
- Bertelsen, Pietsch 1974
- Results of the research cruises of FRV Walter Herwig)> to South America. XXXVIII. Osteology and relationships of the ceratioid anglerfishes genus Spiniphryne (family Oneirodidae). Arch. FishWiss., 26 :1-11, 6 fig.
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- Bertelsen 1981
- Ceratioid anglerfishes of the family Gigantactinidae. Morphology, systematics and distribution. Contr. Sc., Los Angeles County Museum, 332: 1-74.
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- On a postlarval specimen, anal light organ, and tubular eyes of the argentinoid fish Rhynchohyalus natalensis (Gilchrist and von Bonde). Vidensk. Meddr dansk naturh. Foren., 128: 357-371, pl. 56-59.
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- Bertin 1938
- Formes nouvelles et formes larvaires de poissons Apodes appartenant au sous-ordre des Lyomères. Dana Rep., (15): pp. 1-26, 2 pl.
- Bertin 1929c
- Poissons rares capturés en rade de Toulon et au Cap Sicié. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 54: pp. 158-165.
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- Gasterosteidae, Heterosomata Bothidae. In: L. Joubin, ed., Faune ichthyol. Atlant. N., CIEM, Copenhagen: fiches 372-378.
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- Sur une série de Leptocéphales appartenant au genre Saccopharynx Mitchill. C.R. hebd Séanc. Acad Sci., Paris, 203: pp. 1540.
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