- Vernidub 1967
- [Adaptive specialities of morphogenesis on early ontogeny in suborder Salmonoidei]. Vest. Ieningr. gos. Univ., 21, Biol. 4: 70-81, 8 fig. (in Russian, with English summary).
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- [About species structure and distribution of sculpins of genus Triglops Reinh. in the Northern Seas] Trudy vses. gidrobiol Obshch., Leningr., 1:194209, 5 fig.
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- [A new finding of Notosudis lepida (Pisces, Notosudidae) in the waters of West Greenland]. Zool. Zh., 44: 622-624, fig. 1-2. (Russian, English summary.)
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- [A list of fishes collected by expedition aboard ice-breacker 'Th. Litke' in 1955 to the North from Franz-Joseph Land and Spitsbergen] Trudy arkt. antarkt. nauchno-issled Inst., 259: 373-377.
- Desmarets 1814b
- (=A. D.). Observations et recherches critiques sur différents Poissons de la Méditerranée et, à leur occasion, sur des Poissons des autres mers plus ou moins liés avec eux; par M. G. Cuvier, Bull Soc. philomath., Paris: pp. 80-92.
- Pearcy 1965
- A 'four-eyed' fish from the deep-sea: Bathylychnops exilis Cohen, 1958. Nature, Lond, (207): pp. 1260-1262.
- Rennison 1953b
- A Bank's oar. Fishing Gazette, Beckenham, 135: 865.
- Mowbray 1931
- A Bermudian spearfish, family Istiophoridae, Makaira bermudae n. sp. Mowbray. Fauna Bermudensis (1). Privately published unpaged.
- Gruchy, McAllister 1972
- A bibliography of the smelt family, Osmeridae. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Technical Rept, (368) :1-104.
- Aubrey 1964b
- A carchariid shark new to South African waters. Invest. Rep. oceanogr. res. Inst., Durban, (9) :1-16, 4 fig.
- Sheiko B.A. 1991
- A catalogue of fishes of the family Agonidae (Scorpaeniformes: Cottoidei). Proc. Zool. Inst. Acad. Sci. USSR, 235: 6b-95.
- Goode, Bean 1879d
- A catalogue of the fishes of Essex County, Massachusetts, including the fauna of Massachusetts Bay and the contiguous deep waters. Bull. Essex Insr., Salem, 11: 1-38.
- Bartlett, Backus 1962
- A catch of the rare gempylid Lepidocybium flavo-brunneum (Smith) in the Bahamas. Copeia, (4): 845-847, fig.
- Phillipps 1927
- A check list of the fishes of New Zealand. J. pan-Pacif. Res. Instn, 2: 12.
- Whitley 1968
- A check-list of the fishes recorded from the New Zealand region. Aust. Zool., 15: pp. 1-102.
- Klyukanov 1971
- A comparative study of the osteology of the genus Spirinchus (Pisces, Osmeridae). Zool. Zhurn., 50: 84-88 (in Russian).
- Hardisty 1969
- A comparison of gonadal development in the ammocoetes of the landlocked and anadromous forms of the Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus L. J. Fish Biol. (
- Lanfranco 1958
- A complete guide to the fishes of Malta. Malta, 74 pp., 41 pl.
- Ford 1921
- A contribution to our knowledge of the life-histories of the dogfishes landed at Plymouth. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K (New series), 12 (3): 468-505, 17 fig.
- Nichols 1920d
- A Contribution to the Ichthyology of Bermuda. Proc. biol. Soc. Wash., 33: pp. 59-63.
- Clancey 1956
- A contribution to the life history of the fish, Bregmaceros atlanticus Goode & Bean, from the Florida Current. Bull. mar. Sci. Gulf. Caribb., 6: pp. 233-260.
- Arata 1954
- A contribution to the life history of the sword-fish. Xiphias gladius Linnaeus. Bull mar. Sci. Gulf Caribb., 4 :185-243,19 fig.
- Proctor 1928
- A contribution to the life-history of the Angler (Lophius piscatorius). Biol. Surv. Mt Desert Reg., 2: 13 p., 5 pl.
- Backus 1956
- A contribution to the natural history of the white-tip shark, Pterolamiops longimanus (Poey). Deep-Sea Res., 3: 178-188, 6 fig.
- Shann 1911
- A descriDtion of the advanced embryonic stage of Lamna cornubica. 28th Ann. Rep. Fish. Board Scotland, 3: 73-79.
- Lloyd 1909
- A description of the deep-sea Fish caught by the R.I.M.S. Ship 'Investigator' since the year 1900 vith supposed evidence of mutation in Malthopsis. Mem. Indian Mus., 2 (3): 139-180, 8 fig., 7 pl.
- Markle, Olney 1980
- A description of the vexillifer larvae of Pyramodon ventralis and Snyderidia canina (Pisces, Carapidae) with comments on classification. Pacific Science, 34 (2): 173-180.
- Godsil 1954
- A descriptive study of certain tunalike fishes. Fish. Bull. Calif., (97): 1-185.
- Bond, Kenneth 1974
- A diagnostic character for rapid identification of lightly pigmented species of the genus Cyclothone (Gonostomatidae) in the North Atlantic. Copeia,
- Norman 1966
- A draft synopsis of the orders, families and genera of recent fishes and fish-like vertebrates. London, 649 pp.
- Maul 1950
- A espada preta. Pub. Liga Protec. natur., Lisboa, 4: 10 p.
- Hulley, Rau 1969
- A female Regalecus glesne from Cape Province, South Africa. Copeia: 835-839, fig.
- Reuter 1967
- A First report of Bailloni's Wrasse in the North Sea. Neth. J. Sea Res., 3 (4): 605-607, fig. 1-2.
- , 1965b
- A further account of batoid fishes from the western Atlantic. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool Harv., 132 (5): 445-477, 2 pl., fig. 1-8.
- Trott 1981
- A general review of the pearlfishes (Pisces, Carapidae). Bull. Mar. Sci., 31: 623-629.
- Turton 1802
- A general system of nature . . . translated from Gmelin's last edition of the Systema Naturae . . . amended and enlarged by W. Turton, 4 vol.
- Garrick, Schultz 1963
- A guide to the kinds of potentially dangerous sharks: 3-60, 33 fig. in Sharks and Survival, P. W. Gilbert, ed., Boston.
- Fleming 1828
- A history of British animals exhibiting the descriptive characters and systematical arrangements of the genera and species of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fishes, mollusca and radiata of the U.K.; including the indigenous, extirpated and extinct kinds, together with periodical and occasional visitants. EdinburgLondon, xxiii + 565 pp. (2nd ed., 1842, same pag.).
- Yarrell 1836-1839
- A History of British fishes, illustrated by nearly 400 wood-cuts, in two volumes, London, 1836,1: xxxvii+408 pp., 2: 472 pp., fig. n. num.; 1839, supplement: vi+48 pp., fig. (2nd ed., 1841, with suppl.; 3rd ed., 1859, additional species by J. Richardson, 1: xxxviii+675 pp., 2: 670 pp., 522 fig.).
- Lowe 1843-1860
- A history of the Fishes of Madeira, with original figures from nature of all species by the Hon. C. E. C. Norton and M. Young. London: 196 pp., 27+1 pl. Part I, July 1843: pp. i-xv i+1-20, 1 pl. plain + col. pl. IIV; Part 2, Sept. 1843: pp. 21-52, pl. V-VIII; Part 3, Nov. 1843: pp. 53-84, pl. IX-XII; Part 4, Janv. 1844: pp. 85-116, pl. XIII-XVII; Part 5, Oct. 1860: pp. 117-196.
- Storer 1853-1867
- A History of the Fishes of Massachusetts. Mem. Amer. Acad. Arrs Sci., (n.s.), 5, 1853, Part II: pp. 49-92, pl. 1-8; pp. 122-168, pl. 9-16; pp. 257-296, pl. 17-23, 6, 1858, Part II: pp. 309-372, pl. 24-29; 8, 1861 [1863], Part II: pp. 389-434, pl. 30-35; 9, 1867, Part I: pp. 217-256, pl. 36-39.
- 1867-1868
- A History of the Fishes of the British Islands, 2nd Ed. London, 1, 1867: vii + 245 p., fig. n. num., col. pl. I-LVII; 2, 1867: iv + 265 pp., col. pl. LVIII CXX, 3, 1868: iv + 208 pp., col. pl. CXXI-CLXXIX; 4, 1867: iv + 439 pp., fig. n. num., col. pl. CLXXX-CCXVIII + XV, LXXVI, LXXXII, CXXIII.
- Orkin 1950
- A history of the opah Lampris guttatus (Brunnich). Scott. Nat., 62: 129-141, fig.
- Nichols, 1930
- A Key to the Atlantic species of the genus Cypselurus, with a new flying fish from the Cleveland Museum's 'Blossom' expedition. Am. Mus. Novit., (428): pp. 1-8.
- , Ingham 1972
- A key to the species of Mugilidae (Pisces) in the Northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, with explanatory notes. J. Zool., Lond., 167:15-29,2fig.
- Nichols 1920c
- A key to the species of Trachurus. Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist., 42 (13): pp. 477-481.
- , Horn 1969
- A key to the stromateoid fishes. Technical Report. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Ref. No. 69-70, Sept.
- , Horn 1972
- A key to the Stromateoid fishes. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Techn. Rep., 72-15, 46 p.
- Bailey 1960
- A list of Common and Scientific Names of Fishes from the United States and Canada, 2nd ed., Am. Fish. Soc. Sp. Publ, (2) :1-102.
- Bailey 1970
- A List of Common and Scientific Names of Fishes from the United States and Canada, 3rd ed., Am. Fish. Soc. Sp. Publ, (6):149 p.
- McAllister D.E. 1990
- A list of the fishes of Canada. Syllogeus, (64), 310 p.
- Ondrias 1971
- A list of the fresh and sea water fishes of Greece. Hellenic Oceanol. Limnol., 10: 23-96.
- Waite 1910
- A list of the known fishes of Kermadec and Norfolk, and a comparison with those of Lord Howe Island. Trans. N.Z. Inst., 42: 370-383, 2 pl.
- Goode, Bean 1882b
- A list of the species of fishes recorded as occurring in the Gulf of Mexico. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 5: 234240.
- Pietsch, Nafpakktitis 1971
- A Male Melanocetus johnsoni attached to a female Centrophryne spinulosa (Pisces: Ceratioidea). Copeia, 2: 322-324, 4 fig.
- Jenyns (post. Blomefield) 1835a
- A manual of British vertebrate animals, Cambridge and London, xxxii + 559 p.
- , Bini 1972
- A Mediterranean record of the Westatlantic fish, Leptophidium cervinum (Ophidiidae). Copeia, (3): 597-599, 1 fig.
- , 1919
- A monographic review of the family of Atherinidae or Silversides. Stanford Univ. Publs., Biol. Sci., 87 pp., 12 pl.
- , El-Tawil 1974
- A multidisciplinary approach to a new species of Cobius (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from southern Cornwall. J. Zool, Lond., 174: 539-574.
- Kishinouye 1926
- A new aberrant form of the Cybium from Japan. J. Coll. Agric. imp. Univ. Tokyo, 7 (4): 377-382.
- Matsubara 1936
- A new bramid fish found in Japan. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., 4 (5): 297-300.
- Corbin 1958
- A new British fish (Gobius forsteri). Nature, Lond., 181: 1659 pp.
- Weinland 1858
- A new division of the five species of flying-fish found along the coast of North America, which have hitherto all been referred to the genus Exocoetus. Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 6: 385.
- Norman 1922b
- A new eel from Tobago. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)10: pp. 296-297.
- , 1905
- A new family of jugular acanthopterygians. Proc. biol. Soc. Wash., 18: 249-250.
- , 1910
- A new Fish of the genus Paralepis from New Jersey. Proc. Acad nat. Sci. Philad, 62: pp. 403-406, 1 fig.
- Pietsch 1978
- A new genus and species of ceratioid anglerfish from the North Pacific Ocean with a review of the allied genera Ctenochirichthvs, Chirophryne and Leptacanthichthys. Contrib. Sci., Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County, (297): 25.
- Pietsch 1973
- A new genus and species of deep-sea anglerfish (Pisces: Oneirodidae) from the northern Pacific Ocean. Copeia, 2 :193-199, 6 fig. .
- Vladykov, Kott 1978
- A new nonparasitic species of the holarctic lamprey genus Lethenteron Creaser and Hubbs, 1922, (Petromyzonidae) from northwestern North America with notes on other species of the same genus. Biol. Pap. Univ. Alaska, 19, 74 p.
- Bean 1904
- A new pelican fish from the Pacific. Smithson. misc. Collns, 45: 254, fig. 31.
- Nafpaktitis 1974
- A new record and a new species of lanternfish, genus Diaphus (family Myctophidae), from the North Atlantic Ocean. Contr. Sci. Nat. Hist. Museum, Los Angeles), 254: pp. 1-6, 2 fig.
- Papaconstantinou 1977
- A new record of a bathypelagic fish Bellotia apoda Gigl., 1883, in Saronikos Gulf (Greece) (Pisces, Perciformes). Thalassographica, 1 (3): pp. 279-287, 5 fig.
- Serenko, Bekker 1975
- A new record of rare lantern fishes Diaphus adenomus Gilbert 1905 (Myctophidae). Vop. Ikhhol 15 (94): 915-919. (in Russian).
- Böhlke 1950
- A new record of the Snipe Eel (Nemichthys) from California waters. Proc. Calif. zool Club, 1(8): 41-43.
- Tucker 1959a
- A new solution to the atlantic eel problem. Nature, Lond., 183: 495-501, 4 fig.
- Markle 1980
- A new species and a review of the deep-sea fish genus Asquamiceps (Salmoniformes; Alepocephalidae). Bull. Mar. Sci., 30 (1): 45-53, 4 fig.
- Markle 1985
- A new species and review of Bajacalifornia (Piscus: Alepocephalidae) with comments on the jaw of Narcetes stomias. Copeia 12:345-356.
- Goodyear 1970
- A new species of Ataxolepis, a bathypelagic fish from the Gulf of Panama (Pisces, Lampridiformes, Megalomycteridae). Steenstrup. 1 (3):17-20, 1 fig.
- McAllister 1975
- A new species of Arctic eelpout, Lycodes sagittarius, from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, and the Kara Sea, USSR (Pisces, Zoarcidae). Natn. Mus. Can., Publ. in Biol. Oceanogr., 9: 16 p., 2 fig.
- Noronha 1926b
- A new species of deep water shark (Squaliolus sarmenti) from Madeira. Ann. Carneg. Mus., 16 (3/4): pp. 385-389, pl. XXXV.
- Bertelsen 1973
- A new species of deep-sea angler fish, Linophryne sexf lis (Pisces, Ceratioidea). Steenstrupia, 3 (7): 65-69. 2 fig.
- Schultz 1937
- A new species of deep-sea fish, Argyropelecus antrorsospinus, of the family Sternoptychidae. Smithson. misc. Collns, 91(27): 5-8.
- Fernholm 1981
- A new species of hagfish of the genus Myxine, with notes on other eastern Atlantic myxinids. J. Fish. Biol., 19: 73-82.
- Springer 1941
- A new species of Hammerhead shark of the genus Sphyrna. Proc. Fla. Acad Sci., 1940 [
- , Merrett 1982
- A new species of the deep-sea genus Ilyophis Gilbert (Synaphobranchidae) from the eastern North Atlantic, with comments on its ecology and intrafamilial relationships. J. Fish. Biol., 21: 623-636, 6 fig.
- , 1982
- A new species of the genus Echiodon (Pisces: Carapidae) from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Copeia (4): pp. 845-851.
- Borodulina 1977
- A new species, Sternoptyx pseudodiaphana Borodulina (Sternoptychidae, Osteichthyes) from waters of the Southern hemisphere Vopr. Ikhtiol., 17: 938-941 (in Russian).
- Woods 1965
- A new Squirrel fish Adioryx poco of the family Holocentridae from the Bahama Islands. Notul. Natur., (377): pp. 1-4, 1 fig.
- Ishiyama, Okada 1955
- A new Sting Ray, Dasyatis atratus (Dasyatidae, Pisces), from the subtropical Pacific. J. Shimonoseki Coll. Fish., 4 (2): 211-216, fig. 1-2.
- Maul 1969b
- A new subspecies of Lampadena urophaos Paxton 1963 from the Atlantic Ocean. Bocagiana, (22) :1-8, fig. 1-2.
- , 1963
- A new western Atlantic spearfish, Tetrapturus pfluegeri, with a redescription of the Mediterranean spearfish Tetrapturus belone. Bull. mar. Sci. Gulf Caribb., 13 (1): pp. 84-122.
- Böhlke, 1968
- A new xenocongrid eel from the Bahamas with notes on other species in the family. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 120 (2): 25-43.
- Myers 1960
- A new Zeomorph fish of the family Oreosomatidae from the coast of California, with notes on the family. Stanford ichthyol. Bull 7 (4): pp. 89-98.
- Rennison 1953a
- A North Sea monster. Fieldiana, Zool., 201: 1088, photo.
- Myers 1936
- A note on the stephanoberycid fishes. Copeia,
- Barsukov 1967
- A one-year-old Anarhichas latifrons Steenstrup et Hallgrimsson. Probl. ikhtiol, 5, 1(42) :177-178 (in Russian).
- Hoese 1958
- A partially annoted checklist of the marine fishes of Texas. Publs Inst. mar. Sci. Univ. Tex., 5: 312-352,1 fig.
- , 1965
- A photographic survey of benthic fishes in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Buu. Mus. comp. Zool Harv., 132 (2): 223-244.
- Raitt 1934
- A preliminary account of the Sandeels of Scottish waters. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 9: 365-372.
- Gilbert 1890
- A preliminary report on the fishes collected by the steamer 'Albatross' on the Pacific coast of North America during the year 1889, with descriptions of twelve new genera and ninety-two new species. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 13: 49-126.
- , 1892
- A preliminary review of the apodal fishes or eels inhabiting the waters of America and Europe. Rep. U.S. Commnr Fish. for 1888: 581-677, 8 pl.
- Grey 1960b
- A preliminary review of the family Gonostomatidae, with a key to the genera and the description of a new species from the tropical Pacific. Bull Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 122 (2): 57-125.
- Norman 1929d
- A preliminary revision of the berycoid fishes of the Genus Melamphaes. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10) 4: pp. 153-168.
- Aloncle 1966
- A propos d'un caractère anatomique intéressant dans la détermination des Rajidae. Bull Inst. Pêch. marit. Maroc, (14): 42-50, fig. 1-14.
- Dieuzeide 1960
- A propos d'un Pagellus nouveau pour la Méditerranée: Pagellus coupei n. sp. Bull. Stn Aquic. Pêch. Castiglione (n.s.), (10): pp. 109-123, 6 fig.
- Mourgue 1931
- A propos de la prétendue rareté de Trachypterus iris, etc. Bull Soc. linn. Lyon, 10: 39 pp.
- Geistdoerfer, Rannou 1971
- A propos des Chalinura méditerranéens (Téléostéens, Macrouridae). Bull. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, (2) 42 (5): pp. 1009-1018, 1 fig.
- Myers 1932
- A rare deep-sea scombroid fish, Xenogramma carinatum Waite, on the coast of Southern California. Trans. 5 Diego Soc. nat. Hist., 7 (11): pp. 111- 118, pl. 7.
- , Lourie 1969
- A Red Sea grouper Epinephelus tauvina caught on the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Israel J. Zool., 18: 245-247,1 fig.
- , 1975
- A redescription of Pomatoschistus norvegicus (Collett, 1903) (Teleostei: Gobioidei) based on syntype material. J. Fish. Biol, 7: 735-747.
- Pietsch 1969
- A remakable new genus and species of deep-sea angler-fish (family Oneirodidae) from Guadalupa, Mexico. Copeia, 2: 365-369, 4 fig.
- Storer 1839a
- A report on the fishes of Massachusetts. Proc. Bosron Soc. nar. Hisr., 2 (3-4), Art. XII: pp. 289-558, pl. VI-VIII.
- Bertelsen, Pietsch 1984
- A resurrection of the ceratioid anglerfish Ceratias holboelli (Norman, 1930) with notes on the occurrence of the species of Ceratias in the Atlantic Ocean. Arch. Fisch. Wiss., 35 (1/2): 43-51.
- , Gilbert 1883c
- A Review of the American Caranginae. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 6: pp. 188-207.
- , 1884b
- A review of the American species Epinephelus and related genera. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 7: pp. 358-410.
- , Meek 1885
- A review of the American species of flying fishes (Exocoetus). Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 8: pp. 44-67.
- , 1886
- A review of the American species of Tetraodontidae. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 9: pp. 230-247.
- Meek 1884
- A review of the American species of the genus Synodus. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci., Philad.,
- , 1901
- A review of the apodal fishes or eels of Japan, with descriptions of nineteen new species. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 23: pp. 837-890.
- Slastenenko 1955
- A review of the Black Sea Fish fauna and general marine life conditions. Copeia, (3): 230-235.
- , 1902
- A review of the Chaetodontidae and related families of fishes found in the water of Japan. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 25 (1296): 513-563, fig. 1-6.
- , Rosenblatt 1975
- A review of the deep-sea angler fish genus Lasiognathus Copeia, 1: 60-66, 5 fig., 1 pl.
- , 1903
- A Review of the Dragonets (Callionymidae) and Related Fishes of the Water of Japan. Ptoc. U.S. Nat. Mus, 25: pp. 939-959, 9 fig.
- Herre 1923
- A review of the eels of the Philippine Archipelago. Philippine Journ. Sci., 23, 2: 123-236, 11 pl.
- , Goss 1889
- A review of the flounders and soles (Pleuronectidae) c. America and Europe, Rept. U.S. Commnr Fish. for 1886,14: pp. 225-342, 9 pl. (23 fig.).
- Pitch, Roedel 1963
- A review of the frigate mackerels (genus Auxis) of the world. Actes Réun. scient. mond. Biol. Thon d esp. voisines. III, Methodological and experience papers, FAO, Rome: pp. 1329-1342, 2 fig.
- , Eigenmann 1890
- A review of the genera and species of Serranidae found in the waters of America and Europe. Bull. U.S. Fish Commn, 1888 [
- , 1926
- A review of the giant mackerel-like fishes, tunnies, spearfishes and swordfish. Occ. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci., 12 :1-113, 20 pl.
- Goren 1985
- A review of the gobiid fish genus Monishia Smith, 1949, from the western Indian Ocean and Red Sea, with description of a new species. Contr. Sci., Los Angeles County Museum, (60): 1-9.
- , 1901a
- A Review of the Gymnodont fishes of Japan. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 24: pp. 229-264, 8 fig.
- , Starks 1902
- A review of the Hemibranchiate Fishes of Japan. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 26 (1308): pp. 57-73, fig. 1-3.
- Davy 1972
- A review of the Lanternfishes genus Taaningichthys (family Myctophidae) with the description of a new species. U.S. Dept. Commerce, Fish Bull., 70 (1): 67-78, fig.
- Abakumov 1956
- A review of the life of the Baltic anadromous lamprey. Vop. Ikhtiol., 6: pp. 122-128.
- Dresslar, Fessler 1889
- A review of the mackerels (Scombrinae) of America and Europe. Bull. U.S. Fish Commn, 1887 [
- Pietsch 1972
- A review of the monotypic deep-sea anglerfish family Centrophrynidae: Taxonomy, distribution and osteology. Copeia, 1 :1747, 25 fig.
- Templeman 1968
- A review of the morid fish genus Halargyreus with first records from the western North Atlantic. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 25: 877-901.
- Templeman 1970a
- A review of the morid fish genus Lepidion of the North Atlantic with first records of Lepidion eques from the western North Atlantic. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 27: 457-498.
- Bolin 1939
- A review of the myctophid fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States and of Lower California. Stanford ichthyol. Bull, 1(4): pp. 89-156, fig. 1-29.
- , Sindo 1902
- A review of the pediculate fishes or anglers of Japan. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 24 (1261): pp. 361-381, 7 fig.
- Nakamura 1968
- A review of the sailfish, spearfish, marlin and swordfish of the world. Kyoto Univ. Misaki Mar. Biol. Inst., Spec. Rep. (4): pp. 1-95, fig. 1-26 (in Japanese).
- , Eigenmann 1889
- A review of the Sciaenidae of America and Europe. Rep. U.S. Commnr Fish. for 1886, 14: 343-451.
- , Fesler 1893
- A review of the Sparoid Fishes of America and Europe. Rep. U.S. Commnr Fish. for 1889-1891, 17: pp. 421-544, 55 pl.
- Mukhacheva 1978
- A review of the species of Diplophos Günther (Gonostomatidae, Osteichthyes) and their vertical and geographical distribution. Ibid., 111: pp. 10-27 (in Russian).
- , 1973
- A review of the viviparous ophidioid fishes of the genera Bythites Reinhardt and Abythites new (Pisces, Ophidioidei). Steenstrupia 3: pp. 71-88, 12 fig.
- Springer 1966
- A review of western Atlantic cat sharks, Scyliorhinidae, with descriptions of a new genus and five new species. Fishery Bull., Fish Wildl Serv. U.S., 65 (3): 581-624, 27 fig.
- Schultz 1948
- A revision of six subfamilies of Atherine fishes, with descriptions of new Genera & Species. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 98: 48 p.
- Springer 1964
- A Revision of the Carcharhinid Shark Genera Scoliodon, Loxodon, and Mizoprionodon. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 115 (3493): 559-632, fig. 14, pl. 2.
- Mayer 1974
- A revision of the Cardinalfish Genus Epigonus (Perciformes, Apogonidae), with descriptions of two new species. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool.,146, 3: 147-203, 23 fig.
- Springer 1979
- A revision of the catsharks, family Scyliorhinidae. NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular, 422: V + 152 p., 97 fig.
- McAllister 1964
- A revision of the eelpout genus Melanostigma with a new genus and with comments on Maynea. Bull natn. Mus. Can., 199: 85-109.
- Kanazawa 1958
- A revision of the eels of the genus Conger with descriptions of four new species. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus ,108: 219-267, 7 fig., 4 pl.
- Schultz 1946
- A revision of the genera of mullets, fishes of the Family Mugilidae, with descriptions of three new genera. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 96: 377-395, fig. 28-32.
- Ege 1939
- A revision of the genus Anguilla Shaw. A systematic, phylogenetic and geographical study. Dana Rep., (16): 256 p., 6 pl., 53 fig.
- , Volsøe 1949
- A revision of the genus Icelus (Cottidae) with remarks on the structure of its urogenital papilla. K. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift. (Biol. Medd), 21(6): 1-26, 12 fig., 2 maps.
- Lachner 1954
- A revision of the goatfish genus Upeneus with descriptions of two new species. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 103 (3330): pp. 497-532, pl. 13-14.
- Gilbert 1967
- A revision of the hammerhead sharks. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 119 (3539): 1-88, pl. 1-10.
- Applegate 1974
- A revision of the higher taxa of orectolobids. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 1972, 14 (2): 743-751, pl. II.
- Creaser, 1922
- A revision of the Holarctic Lampreys. Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 120: 14 p.
- Norman 1935f
- A revision of the lizard-fishes of the genera Synodus, Trachinocephalus, and Saurida. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., pp. 99-135.
- Goode, Bean 1895
- A revision of the order Heteromi, with a description of the generic types Macdonaldia and Lipogenys. Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross, No. 29. Proc. U.S. nat. Mus., 1894, 17: pp. 455-470.
- Sarenas 1954
- A revision of the philippine Myctophidae. Philipp. J. Sci., 82: 375-427, 12 fig., 2 pl.
- Heemstra 1973
- A revision of the shark genus Mustelus (Squaliformes; Carcharhinidae). Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Miami, 187 p.
- McAllister 1963c
- A revision of the smelt family Osmeridae. Bull. natn. Mus. Can., 191: 1-53, 12 fig.
- Heemstra 1980
- A revision of the zeid fishes (Zeiformes: Zeidae) of South Africa. Icthyol. Bull. J. L. B. Smith Inst. Ichthyol., (41): 1-18.
- Markle, Sedberry 1978
- A second specimen of the deep-sea fish, Pachycara obesa, with a discussion of its classification and a checklist of other Zoarcidae off Virginia. Copeia (1): 22-25, 2 fig.
- Böhlke 1956
- A small collection of new eels from W. Puerto Rico. Notul. Nat., Philad, 289:1-13, 2 fig.
- Heintz 1958
- A specimen of Raja spinicauda Jensen from the Norwegian Sea and some remarks on the distribution of this species. Arbok Univ. Bergen, (6): 1-11, fig. 1-3.
- O'Day, Nafpaktitis 1967
- A study of the effects of expatriation on the gonads of two myctophid fishes in the North Atlantic Ocean. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 136 (5): pp. 70-90, 9 fig., 2 pl.
- , 1957
- A study of the sharks of the suborder Squaloidea. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 117 (1) :1-150, fig. 1-16, pl. IIV.
- Beebe 1941
- A study of young sailfish. Zoologica, N.Y., 26:209-227, 9 fig., 9 pl.
- Lowe 1839
- A supplement to a synopsis of the Fishes of Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 7: pp. 76-92 (also publ. in Trans. zool. Soc. Lond., 1842, 3 (1): pp. 1-20).
- Lowe 1842
- A supplement to a synopsis of the Fishes of Madeira. Trans. zool. Soc. Lond.,
- Lourie 1969
- A survey of neustic fishes off the Mediterranean Coast of Israd and Sinai, 1968, in: Biota of the Red Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean, interim report :133-150.
- Lowe 1838
- A synopsis of the fishes of Madeira; with the principal synonyms, Portuguese names, and characters of the new genera and species. Trans. zool. Soc. Lond., 2 (3): 173-200.
- Storer 1846
- A synopsis of the Fishes of North America. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts Sci., 2: pp. 253-550.
- Zietz 1908
- A synopsis of the fishes of South Australia. Part. I. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust., 32: pp. 288-293.
- Tyler 1965
- A synopsis of the four species of Cowfishes (Acanthostracion, Plectognathi) in the Atlantic ocean. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 117 (8): 261-287 20 fig.
- Gibbs 1959
- A synopsis of the postlarvae of western Atlantic lizard-fishes (Synodontidae). Copeia (3): 232-236, fig. 1-2.
- Norman 1926
- A synopsis of the rays of the family Rhinobatidae, with a revision of the genus Rhinobatus. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond.,
- Jenyns (post. Blomefield) 1835b
- A Systematic Catalogue of British Vertebrate Animals, Cambridge, 20 p.
- Norman 1934
- A systematic monograph of the flatfishes (Heterosomata). Vol. 1. London, 459 pp.
- Eschmeyer 1969
- A systematic review of the Scorpionfishes of the Atlantic Ocean (Pisces, Scorpaenidae). Occ. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci., (79):130 p., 13 fig., 15 tab.
- Arnold 1956
- A systematic revision of the fishes of the teleost family Carapidae (Percomorphi, Blennioidea), with descriptions of two new species. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist., (Zool.), 4 (6): pp. 247-307.
- Godsil, 1944
- A systematic study of the pacific Tunas. Calif. Fish Game, 60 :131, 76 fig.
- Gibbs 1957
- A taxonomic analysis of Myctophum affine and M. nitidulum, two lantern-fishes previously synonymized, in the western North Atlantic. DeepSea Res., 4: 230-237, fig. 1-5.
- Heemstra 1969
- A taxonomic study of the smooth dogfishes (Mustelus spp., Squaliformes, Carcharhinidae) in the western Atlantic Ocean. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Miami, 41 p.
- Osbeck 1771
- A voyage to China and the East Indies. 2 vol., White, London.
- Sloane 1707
- A voyage to Jamaica in A voyage to the islands Madeira, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica, with the natural history of the herbs and trees, . . . fishes, birds . . . of the last of those islands. 2 vol., London. 1: cliv+265 p., 158 pl.
- Grieg 1895
- Aalens forplantning og udviklung. Naturen: 228-242.
- Grassi, Calandruccio 1898b
- Aalens forvandling of forplantning. Dansk FiskForen. MedlBl., 7: 306-307, 322-325, 339-343, 354-355, 362-364, 7 fig.
- Hoek 1888
- Aanteekeningen omtrent larven en jongen der voornaamste in het verslag besproken vischoorten. Tijdschr. ned. dierk. Vereen. Suppl. Deel II: 274-319, 4 pl.
- Grassi, Calandruccio 1895
- Abito di nozze delle anguille. Contribuzione allo sviluppo dei Murenoidi. Boll. Accad. Gioenia Sci. nat. Catania, (41): 3-5.
- Essipov 1939
- About fishes collected with expedition of icebreaker steamer 'Sadko' in year 1935. Zool Journ., 18 (5): 877-887 (Russian).
- Marinov 1964
- About the systematic situation of puzanok of Veleka River. Gad. sof. Univ., 56(1), Biol. (Zool.), 1961-62: 205-225 (in Bulgarian, with English Summary).
- Idyll 1964
- Abyss. New York, 396 p.
- Oberg 1871
- Acantholabrus couchii Cuv. et Val. en for Skandinaviens Fauna ny Fiskart. K svenska VetenskAkad. Handl., 1870 [
- Torchio 1963c
- Accertata presenza di un rappresentante della famiglia Diodontidae in Mediterraneo. Atti Soc. ital. Sci. nat., 102 (3): pp. 277-281, 1 fig.
- El-Zarka 1964
- Acclimatization of Mugil saliens (Risso), in Lake Quarun, U.A.R. Proc. gen. Fish. Counc. Mediterr. F.A.O., 7: pp. 337-346, 3 fig.
- Hancock, Embleton 1849
- Account of a ribbon-fish (Gymnetrus) taken off the coast of Northumberland. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (2) 4 (19): 1-18, pl. I-II.
- Molin 1853
- Acipenser Vallisnerii n. sp. Riv. Period., Padova, 1851-53,1: 366-371.
- Bertin 1939a
- Acquisitions récentes sur la biologie larvaire des poissons apodes. Bull Soc. zool. Fr., 63: pp. 385-395, 2 fig.
- Osorio B. 1888
- Additamento ao catálogo dos Peixes de Portugal. J. Sci. Math. Phys Nat., 12:
- Nishimura 1964
- Additional information on the biology of the dealfish, Trachipterus ishikawai Jordan and Snyder. Bull Japan Sea reg. Fish. Res. Lab., (13) :127-129.
- Palmer G. 1966
- Additional notes on some umbrinine fishes (family Sciaenidae). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (13) 9: pp. 423-427, pl. VI-VII.
- Lowe 1835b
- Additional observations on Alepisaurus ferox. Trans. zool. Soc. Lond., 1: 395-400, pl. 59.
- Maul 1956b
- Additions to previously revised orders or families of fishes of the Museu Municipal do Funchal (Stomiatidae, Astronesthidae, Paralepididae). Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal, 9 (24): pp. 75-96, fig. 6-18.
- Whitley 1929c
- Additions to the Check-list of the Fishes of New South Wales. No. 2. Aust. Zool., 5 (4): pp. 353-357.
- Whitley 1930c
- Additions to the check-list of the fishes of New South Wales. No. 3. Austr. Zool., Sydney, 6: pp. 117-123.
- , Athanassiou 1966b
- Additions to the check-list of the fishes of the coastal waters of Lebanon. Misc. Pap. Nat. Sci. Amer. Univ. Beirut, 5: 6-8.
- Eigenmann 1890
- Additions to the fauna of San Diego. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., (2) 3: pp. 1-24.
- Grey 1951
- Additions to the fish fauna of Bermuda, with the description of Grammonus mowbrayi, a new brotulid. Copeia,
- Kersbaw 1909
- Additions to the fish fauna of Victoria, no. 2. Victorian Naturalist, 26: 78-79.
- Waite 1904a
- Additions to the fish-fauna of Lord Howe Island, no. 3. Rec. Aust. Mus., 5 (3): 20-45, 2 fig., 3 pl.
- Waite 1904b
- Additions to the fish-fauna of Lord Howe Island, no. 4. Rec. Aust. Mus., 5: 135-186, fig. 32, pl. 17-24.
- Ledoux 1971
- Affinites et origines du Squalus blainvillei en Mediterranee. Rapp. Comm. int. Explor. Mer. Me'dit.: pp. 65-69, 3 fig.
- Vérany 1847
- Aggiunta al catalogo de' pesci della Liguria. Atti ottava riunione degli Scienziati italiani, Genova, 1846: pp. 492-494.
- Vinciguerra 1919
- Aggiunta alla nota 'Intorno ai Regalecus'. Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Giacomo Doria, 48: 93-94.
- Nybelin 1964a
- Agnathi: pp. 223-225. In: Andersson, Fiskar och Fiske i Norden.
- Ninni 1932a
- Alcune osservazioni anomale nei Pleuronettidi e sopra una forma nuova di Scophthalmus. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 57: 76-84.
- Sulak 1977a
- Aldrovandia oleosa, a new species of the Halosauridae, with observations on several other species of the family. Copeia (1): 11-20.
- Gibbs 1960b
- Alepisaurus brevirostris, a new species of lancet fish from the western North Atlantic. Breviora, 123 :1-14, 3 fig.
- Iwamoto 1976
- Alepocephalid fishes of the genera Herwigia and Bathylaco, with the first Pacific record of H. kreffti. Jap. J. Ichthyol, 23 (1 ): 55-59, fig. 1.
- Bellon, Bardan de Bellon 1949
- Algunos datos sobre los 'Thunnidae' de Canarias. Boln Inst. esp. Oceanogr., Madrid, 19: 28 p., 1 fig.
- Lozano y Rey 1934
- Algunos peces pelagicos o de profundidad procedentes del Mediterraneo occidental. Bol. Soc. esp. Hist. nat., 34 (1): 85-91.
- Maul 1949c
- Alguns peixes notáveis. Bolm. Mus. munic. Funchal, 4 (11): 22-42,17 fig.
- Drensky 1934
- Alosa bulgarica nov. sp., ein bis jetzt unbekannter Fisch aus den Flussen der Bulgarischen Kuste des Schwarzen Meeres, sudlich von Burgas. Mitt. K naturwiss. Inst., Sofia, 7: 79-87, 2 fig. (in Bulgarian, with German Summary).
- Sulak 1977c
- ALVIN, window in the deep. Sea Frontiers, 23 (2, Mar.-Apr.): 113-119.
- Macer 1967
- Ammodytidae. ICES, Fiches d'identification des ufs et larves de poissons. No. 2.
- Lowe 1852b
- An account of fishes discovered or observed in Madeira since the year 1842. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (2), 10: 49-55.
- Lowe 1852a
- An account of fishes discovered or observed in Madeira since the year 1842. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond, 18: 247-253.
- Montagu 1811
- An account of five rare species of british fishes. Mem. Wern. nat. Hist. Soc. Edinb., 1808-10,1: 79-101.
- Montagu 1818
- An account of several new and rare species of fishes, taken on the south coast of Devonshire, with some remarks on some others of more common occurrence. Mem. Wern. nat. Hist. Soc., Edinb., 2, 1811-16: 413-463, pl. XXI-XXIII.
- Scoresby 1820
- An account of the arctic regions with a history and description of the northern whale fishery, Edinburgh, 1: xx+551+82 p.
- Andriashev 1958
- An addition to the review of Lycenchelys Gill, with a description of three new species from the Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench. Vopr. ikhtiol., 11: 171-180, 4 fig. (English transl. 1961, U.S. Dep. Commer., Natl. Tech. Inf Serv., Springfield, OTS 61-31030; 1963, IPST, Jerusalem).
- Topp, Girardin 1971
- An adult louvar, Luvarus imperialis (Pisces, Luvaridae), from the Gulf of Mexico. Copeia, (1): pp. 181-182.
- Daiber 1954
- An American record for the berycoid fish Gephyroberyx darwini. Copeia,
- Lawacz 1965
- An analysis of variations in two populations of Gobius microps Kr. depending on the salinity of the habitat. Ekol. pol, Varsovie, (A) 13: pp. 125-142.
- Dooley 1985
- An annotated checklist of the shorefishes of the Canary Islands. Amer. Mus. Novit. (2824): 1-49.
- Latham 1794
- An essay of the various species of sawfish. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond, 2 (25): pp. 273-282, pl. 26-27.
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- An immature Trachipterus from French Pass. Rec. Dom. Mus. Wellington, 1(2) :120-122, 1 pl.
- , 1978
- An introduction to the Spanish mackerels, genus Scomberomorus. Proc. Mackerel Colloquium, 3-16, 11 fig.
- Hulley 1970
- An Investigation of the Rajidae of the West and South Coasts of Southern Africa. Ann. S. Afr. Mus., 55 (4): pp. 151-220, fig. 1-21, pl. 1-13.
- , Tibbo 1963
- An occurrence of opah, Lampris regius (Bonnaterre), in the north-west Atlantic. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 20 :1097-1099.
- , Tibbo 1968
- An occurrence of the pelagic stingray Dasyatis violacea in the Northwest Atlantic. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 25 (5) :1075-1076 I pl.
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- An unrecorded Deelfish, Trachypterus arcticus Brunnich, from Irish waters. Ir. Nat. J., 10: 302.
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- Analogous or parallel variations in structure and development of fishes in northern and arctic seas. Jubilee publications of the Moscow Society of Naturalist, 1805 to 1940. Moscow: pp. 1-60, 8 fig.
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- Anarhichas latifrons. Forh. skand. Naturf. Mote, 3 (Sect. 5): 647.
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- Torlitz 1922
- Anatomische und Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Beiträge zur Artfrage unseres Flussaales. Z. Fisch., 21: pp. 1-48, 14 tab., 8 pl.
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- Anatomy and relationships of the japanese fishes of the family Gempylidae. Mem. cOu. Agric. Kyoto Univ., Ser.: Fish., Spec. No.: 25-54, 14 fig.
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- Anchois de la mer d'Azoff et de la mer Noire, leurs origineAncona et indications taxonomiques. Trudy Kerch. nauch. rybokhoz. Sta., 1(2-3): 37-99. (In Russian, with French summary.)
- Grassi, Calandruccio 1893a
- Ancora sullo sviluppo dei Murenoidi. 3a nota preliminare. Boll. Accad. Gioenia Sci. nat. Catania, (34-35): 2-5.
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- Otto 1821b
- Animalium quorundam maritimorum nondum editorum. Pars prior. Isis (Oken), 2, Heft 9, Beylage 18: 5 p. n. num.
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- Animaux nouveaux ou rares recueillis pendant l'expédition dans les parties centrales de l'Amérique du sud de Rio de Janeiro à Lima, et de Lima au Para in Expédition dans les parties centrales de l'Amérique du sud pendant les années 1843 à 1847, 7e partie, Zoologie, 3, Poissons: xiv+112 p., 50 pl.
- Amanieu, Cazaux 1962
- Animaux rares observés dans la région d'Arcachon en 1961-
- Lavenberg, 1966
- Annotated list of fishes collected by midwater trawl in the Gulf of California, March-April 1964. Calif: Fish Game, 52 (2): pp. 92-110, 6 fig.
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- Annunzio ittiologico. Naturalista sicil., 7 :167-169.
- Collett 1887
- Aphanopus minor, en ny dybvandsfisk af Trichiuridernes familie fra Grønland. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Krist., 1886, 19: 1-7.
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- Aphanopus Schmidti Saemundsson, a fish new to the Norwegian fauna. Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 76: 237-243.
- MacClelland 1845
- Apodal fishes of Bengal. J. nat. Hist. Calcutta, 5 (18) :150-226.
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- Apogonidae, Serranidae. In: Uova, larve e stadi giovanili di Teleostei. Fauna Flora Golfo Napoli, 38: pp. 306-331, fig. 245-256, pl. XV, pl. XIX-XXI.
- Karlovac 1976
- Apparition du Lepidopus caudatus (Euphr.) dans toutes les phases de sa vie en Adriatique. Rapp. P. V. Comm. int. Explor. Scient. Mer Me'diterrane'e, 23 (8): 67-68.
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- Appumti Ittiologici sulle Collezioni dd Museo civico di Genova. Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, I, 1879,14: 384-397; II, 1879,14: 609-627, pl. III, 1880, 15: 430-453, 3 fig.; IV, 1880, 16: 161-182, 5 fig.; V, 1883, 18: 651-660; VI, 1885, (2) 2: 82-96, VII, 1885, (2) 2: 446-475.
- Bellotti 1891
- Appunti all'opera del Dottor Emilio Moreau: Histoire naturelle des poissons de la France e al relativo Supplemento. Atti Soc. ital. Sci. nat., 33 (2): 107-143, 1 pl.
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- Arctogadus, eine neue Gadidengattung aus Nordostsibirien. Zool. Anz., 98 (5/6) :151-154, 1 fig.
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- Argentina silus i n the Atlantic Ocean. Rapp. Procès-Verbaux Réun., CIEM, 158: 54-57.
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- Argyripnus brocki, a new species of stomiatoid fish from Hawaii, with observations on A. ephippiatus and A. iridescens. Fishery Bulletin, 71 (3): 827-836.
- Torchio 1961a
- Arnoplossus moltonii, nuova specie di Bothidae del Mediterraneo. Atti Soc. ital. Sci. nat., 100(1-2): pp. 213-224.
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- Aspects of the structure, relationships, and biology of the deep-sea fish Ipnops murrayi Günther (Family Bathypteroidae). Bull. Mar. Sci., 25 (1): 101-111.
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- Atherina presbyter, A. boyeri, A. hepsetus. In: L. Joubin, ed., Faune ichthyol. Atlant. N., Copenhagen: fiches 343-345.
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- Atherina riqueti, nov. sp., nouvelle espèce d'Athérine vivant dans les eaux douces. Zool. Anz., 25: 262-267, 4 fig.
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- Atlante dei pesci delle Coste italiane. Mondo Sommerso, Milano, 9 vol: I, 1967, Leptocardi, Ciclostomi, Selaci, 206 pp., 66 fig. + 64 col. fig. II, 1971, Osteitti (Acipenseriformi, Clupeiformi, Mictofiformi, Anguilliformi), 300 pp., 73 col. fig. III, 1970, Notacantiformi . . . Zeiformi, 229 pp., 34 fig. + 63 col. fig. IV, 1968, Perciformi (Mugiloidei, Percoidei), 163 pp., 34 fig. + 49 col. fig. V, 1968, Perciformi (Percoidei), 175 pp., 22 fig. + 56 col. fig. VI, 1968, Perciformi (Trichiuroidei . . . Blennioidei), 177 pp., 48 fig + 57 col. fig. VII,1969, Perciformi (Ofidioidei . . . Dactilopteroidei), 196 pp., 57 fig. + 59 col. fig. VIII,1968, Pleuronettiformi, Echeniformi, Gobioesociformi, Tetraodontiformi, Lofiformi, 164 pp., 34 + 63 fig. IX, 1972, Introduzione. Parte generale. Aggiornamenti. Indici. 176 p.
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- Atlanterhavet fra over flaten til havdipets mørke efter undersøkelser med dampskibet 'Michael Sars'. Kristiana, xii + 595 pp., 493 fig.
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- Atlantic Ocean distribution of the pelagic stingray, Dasyatis violacea. Copeia,
- , Besnard 1937
- Atlas de poche des principaux produits marins rencontrés sur les marchés du Maroc. Paris, 217 p., 127 fig.
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- Atlas des Poissons des côtes algériennes. Imbert, Alger, 72 planches.
- Bougis 1959a
- Atlas des Poissons. Poissons Marins, Paris, Boubée, ed., 1: 201 p., 52 fig., 12 phot., 12 col. pl. (52 fig.); 2: 234 p., 50 fig., 16 phot., 12 col. pl. (57 fig.).
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- Atlas ichthyologique des Indes Orientales Néerlandaises, publié sous les auspices du Gouvernement colonial néerlandais, Amsterdam. 1, Scaroïdes et Labroïdes, 1862: xx+168 p., pl. I-XLVIII; 2, Siluroïdes, Chacoïdes et Hétérobranchoïdes, 1862: 112 p., pl. XLIX-CI; 3, Cyprins, 1863: 150 p., pl. CII-CXLIV; 4, Murènes, Synbranches, Leptocéphales, 1864: 132 p., pl. CXLV-CXCIII; 5, Baudroies, Ostracions, Gymnodontes, Balistes, 1865: 152 p., pl. CXCIV-CCXXXI; 6, Pleuronectes, Scombresoces, Clupées, Clupésoces, Chauliodontes, Saurides, 1866-1872: 170 p., pl. CCXXXII-CCLXXVIII; 7, Percoïdes I, 1873-76: 126 p., pl. CCLXXIX-CCCXX; 8, Percoïdes II (Spariformes), 1876-1877: 156 p., pl. CCCXXICCCLIV, CCCLX-CCCLXII; 9, Toxoteoidei, Chaetodontoidei, Nandoidei, 1876-1878: 80 p., pl. CCCLV-CCCLIX, CCCLXIII-CCCCXX.
- Elanidze 1970
- Atlas of the freshwater fish of Georgia, Tbilisi: 115 pp., 57 col., pl.
- Torchio 1961c
- Attribuzione del genere Strinsia Raf. 1810 alla famiglia Moridae Svetovidov 1937 e segnalazione di Haloporphyrus lepidion (Risso, 1810) nelle acque messinesi (Pisces, Gadiformes). Atti Soc. ital. Sci. nat., 100 (4): pp. 361-372, pl. 21.
- Maul 1959
- Aulostomus, a recent spontaneous settler in Madeiran waters. Bocagiana, Funchal, (1): pp. 1-18, 1 fig.
- Kessler 1859
- Auszüge aus dem Berichte über eine an die nordwestlichen Küsten der Schwarzen Meeres und durch die westliche Krym unternommene Reise (II. Stachelflosser). Byull mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir., 32 (1): 520-546; 32 (2): 186-268; 437-478.
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- Az Adria mélytengeri halai, Allattani közlemények, Budapest, 15 (1-2) :180-194 (German abstract: Die Tiefseefische der Adria: 205-206).
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- Azovskye sel'di, Vestn. Ryboprom., 16 (2): 57-70 (in Russian).