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  • [Ichthyologiske bidrag til den grönlandske fauna]: pp. 8-12. In: H. C. Örsted, Overs. K. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. (1835-1836): pp. 1-32 [also publ. in K danske Vidensk. Selsk. Naturvid. Math. Afhandl., 1837, 6: cix-cxi].
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  • I Blennius del Mar Nero. Publ. Staz. zool., Napoli, 14: 95-109.
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  • Ichthyologia, sive opera omnia de piscibus scilicet . . . Omnia in hoc opere perfectiora, quam antea ulla. Posthuma vindicavit, recognovit, coeptavit et edidit Carolus Linnaeus . . . Lugduni Batavorum . . . Pars III (Genera Piscium): iv, 88 pp.
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  • Ichthyological annotations from the depth of the Sea of Japan. III. A review of the scopelid fish, referable to the genus Neoscopelus. J. Sigenkagaku Kenkyusyo, 1(1): 55-63.
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  • Ichthyologische Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Seefischerei der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei. IV. 6. Weitere bemerkenswerte Fische aus den Gewässern des Island-Färöer-Rückens. Zool. Anz., 154 (7/8): pp. 157-164, fig. 1-2.
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  • Ichthyologische Notizen. VII. Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 57 (1): 965-1008,
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  • Ichthyologische Untersuchungen im Eismeer. I. Lycodes und Lycenchelys. Zap. imp. Akad. Nauk, (8)19 (1): 130 p., 1 pl., 1 map.
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  • Ichthyologische Untersuchungen im Eismeer. II. Zap. imp. Akad Nauk, (7) 22 (4): 40 p., 1 map.
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  • Ichthyologischer Bericht über eine nach Spanien und Portugal untermommene Reise. Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 56 (1): 603-708, 8 pl.
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  • Ichthyologischer Bericht über eine nach Spanien und Portugal untermommene Reise. Übersicht der Meeresfische an den Kusten Spanien's und Portugal's. Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien., 57 (1): 351-424, 667-738, 6 pl.
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  • Ichthyologiska bidrag til Skandinaviens fauna. Forh. Skand. Naturf.,Møte, 9: 405-414.
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  • Ichthyologiska bidrag till Skandinaviens fauna. K svenska VetenskAkad. Handl.: 23-58.
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  • Ichthyologiska Bidrag. K svenska VetenskAkad. Handl., Stockholm, 1844 [
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  • 1837b
  • Ichthyologiske bidrag til den grönlandske fauna. København, pp. 1-114, col. pl. I-VIII [also publ. in K. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Naturvid. Math. Afhandl., 1838, 7: pp. 83-196, col. pl. I-VIII].
  • 1837
  • Ichthyologiske bidrag til den gronlankske fauna. København, pp. 1-114, col. pl. I-VIII (also publ. in K. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Naturvid. Math. Alhandl., 1838, 7: pp. 83-196, col. pl. I-VIII).
  • 1845a
  • Ichthyologiske Bidrag. 7. Icelus hamatus. Narurh. Tidsskr., 1(2): pp. 253-259, pp. 261-263.
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  • Ichthyologiske Bidrag. Naturh. Tidsskr., 1: pp. 25-38, pp. 213-282, pp. 639-649.
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  • Ichthyologiske Bidrag. Naturh. Tidsskr., Kjøbenhavn, (2)1: pp. 225-238.
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  • Grieg 1899
  • Ichthyologiske notiser II. Arbok Univ. Bergen, 1898, (3) :1-23, 5 fig.
  • Johnsen 1921
  • Ichthyologiske notiser. 1. Bergens Mus. Årb., 1918-19, Naturvidenskabelig raekke, (6): 1-94, 5 fig., 1 pl.
  • Grieg 1896
  • Ichthyologiske notiser. Bergens Mus. Årb., 189 495, (5) :1-20.
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  • 1852
  • Ichthyology. British fishes. Pt. I: 313 p., 34 col. pl., The Naturalist's Library, ed. by Sir W. Jardine, vol. XXXVI. Edinburgh (2d ed.).
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  • Ichthyology. Encycl. Britanica, ed. 8,12, London,
  • 1844-1848
  • Ichthyology. In: J. Richardson & J. E. Gray, The Zoology of the voyage of HMS 'Erebus' and ~Terror' under the command of Capt. Sir J. C. Ross during . . . 1839-43, London, 2 (2): viii+139 p., 62 pl. (1844 :1-16; 1845 :17-52; 1846: 53-74; 1848: i-viii+75-139).
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  • Ichthyology. Revision of the genus Talismania, with description of a new species from the Gulf of Mexico. J. Wash. Acad. Sci., 42(8): pp. 268-271, fg. 1.
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  • Ichthyoplancton. Œufs et larves de poissons téléostéens dans le golfe de Gascogne en 1964. Revue Trav. Off. scient. tech. Pêch. marit., 32 (4): pp. 413-476, 64 fig.
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  • Ichthyoplankton yugo-vostochnoi chasti Barentzova morya. Trudy murmansk. biol. Inst., 4 (8): 97-133,14 fig. (in Russian).
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  • Ictiologia cubana e historia natural de los peces de la isla de Cuba. Grammicolepis brachiusculus. (Manuscript not published, deposited at Madrid Nat. Hist. Mus.): pp. 641-644.
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  • Ictiologia iberica. Memoria de los 'Peces del mar de Andalucia': autografo inedito del Magistral Cabrera, que da a luz anotado el Vocal naturalista de la Comision de Pesca, Mariano de la Paz Graells, Rev. Ciencias, Madrid, 22 (3): pp. 141-189.
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