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- , 1950
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- Maul 1969a
- On the genus Cetomimus (Cetomimidae) with the description of a new species. Bocagiana, Funchal, (18): pp. 1-12, 1 fig.
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- Maul 1949c
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- Maul 1953
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- Maul 1949d
- Lista sistemática dos peixes da Madeira, 2: 41 p. (see also 1948b).
- Maul 1949
- Lista sistematica dos Peixes assinalados nos mares da Madeira, Funchal: pp. 135-181.
- Maul 1948b
- Lista sistemática dos peixes assinalados nos mares de Madeira e indice alfabetico. In: A. C. de Noronha & A. A. Sarmento, Vertebrados da Madeira, 2e ed., 2, Peixes: 135-181 (also sep., 1949).
- Maul 1945
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- Maul 1954a
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- Maul 1955c
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- Maul 1955a
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- Maul 1946a
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- Maul 1954b
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- Maul 1949a
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- Maul 1952b
- Monografia dos Peixes do Museu Municipal do Funchal. Additions to previously revised families. Bolm Mus. munk. Funchal, 6 (16): pp. 51-62, fig. 13-17.
- Maul 1948a
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- Maul 1952a
- Monografia dos Peixes do Museu Municipal do Funchal. Familia Gadidae e Bregmacerotidae. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal, 6 (15): pp. 5-51, fig. 1-12.
- Maul 1950
- A espada preta. Pub. Liga Protec. natur., Lisboa, 4: 10 p.
- Maul 1956a
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- Maul 1949b
- Nota sobre deis peixes descritos no boletim anterior. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal, 4 (10): 20-22.
- Maul 1951
- Notas sobre as duas especies do genero Neoscopelus. Bolm Mus. munic Funchal, 5 (13): 56-63.
- Maul 1962a
- Notas sobre as duas especies do genero Neoscopelus. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal, 15 (13): pp. 56-63.
- Maul 1961
- The ceratioid fishes in the collection of the Museu Municipal do Funchal (Melanocetidae, Himantolophidae, Oneirodidae, Linophrynidae). Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal, 14 (50): pp. 87-159, fig. 1-32.
- Maul 1969b
- A new subspecies of Lampadena urophaos Paxton 1963 from the Atlantic Ocean. Bocagiana, (22) :1-8, fig. 1-2.
- Maul 1957
- Further additions to the Previously Revised family Searsidae. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal, 10 (25): pp. 1-21, fig. 1-5.
- Maul 1971
- On a new goby of the genus Lesueurigobius from off the Atlantic coast of Morocco and Madeira (Percomorphi, Gobioidea, Gobiidae). Bocagiana, (29): 7 p., 2 fig.
- Maul 1972
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- Maul 1955b
- Five species of rare sharks new for Madeira including two new to science. Notul. Nat., Philad., (279): pp. 1-13, 20 fig.
- Maul 1962b
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- Maul 1965
- On a new genus and species of Paralepidid from Madeira. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal, 19 (81): pp. 55-61, fig. I .
- Maul 1964
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