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- The Sternoptychidae (Pisces, Stomiatoidei) of the Amsterdam Mid North Atlantic Expedition 1980, with a note on specimens intermediate between Argyropelecus aculeatus Valenciennes, 1849 and A. olfersi (Cuvier, 1829). Beaufortia, 31 (4), 97-106
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- A new record of a bathypelagic fish Bellotia apoda Gigl., 1883, in Saronikos Gulf (Greece) (Pisces, Perciformes). Thalassographica, 1 (3): pp. 279-287, 5 fig.
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- Pappenheim 1914
- Die Fische der deutschen Südpolar Expedition 1901-1903. II. Die Tiefsee-Fische. D. Südpolar Exp. 1901-03, 15 (7): pp. 163-200, 10 fig., pl. IX-X.
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- Pisces (inkl. Cyclostomata), Fische: pp. 90-201, fig. 97-173. In: A. Brauer, Die Süsswasserfauna Deutschlands, Heft 1.
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- Sul Bathypterois dubius Vaillant nel Mediterraneo. Monitore zool. ital., 58: pp. 125-126.
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- , 1970
- Materials for a revision of the trichiurid fishes of the genus Benthodesmus, with the description of four new species and one new subspecies. Proc. biol Soc. Wash., 83 (33): pp. 351-366, 2 fig.
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- New data on the distribution and morphology of fish of the genus Macristiella. J. Ichthyol., AFS transl. ser., 12 (1): 1018-1021.
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- On the reproduction and development of some Indian Ocean Synentognathous fishes (Beloniformes, Pisces) (based on materials of the R. S. 'Vityaz' expeditions). Trudy Inst. OkeanoL, 73: 224234, 4 fig.
- , Novikova 1974
- Taxonomy of viperfishes (Chauliodontidae. Osteichthyes) and their distribution in the world oceans. Tr. Inst. Okeanol., 96: 255-315.
- , Pokhilskaya 1978
- On the taxonomy and distribution of the mesopelagic fish genus Melanostomias (Melanostomiatidae, Osteichthyes). Trans. P. P. Shirshov Inst. Oceanol., 111: 61-86.
- Parin. N. V. 1978
- Deepsea pelagic fishes in the collection of R/V Fiolent in the Gulf of Guinea and adjacent areas. Tr. Inst. Okeanol., 111: 169-184, 3 fig. (in Russian).
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- The caudal skeleton in Mesozoic acanthopterygian fishes. Bull Br. Mus. nat. Hist., 17: pp. 47-102, fig.
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- Systematique et phylogenie des Sparidae du genre Diplodus Raf. (Pisces, Teleostei). Travaux et Documents de l'ORSTOM, 45: pp. 1-96, 48 fig.
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- La présence de la lamproie de Planer a l'embouchure du Congo. Revue zool. afr., 11: pp. 353-354.
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- [On some morphological peculiarities of mycophid larvae (Myctophidae, Pisces)]. Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 73: 76-92, 10 fig. (in Russian, English summary).
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- Elenco dei pesci dell Adriatico. Milano, Hoepli: 60 p., 7 pl.
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- A check list of the fishes of New Zealand. J. pan-Pacif. Res. Instn, 2: 12.
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- An immature Trachipterus from French Pass. Rec. Dom. Mus. Wellington, 1(2) :120-122, 1 pl.
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- Notes on new fishes from New Zealand. N.Z. n Sci. Technol., 13 (4): 226-234.
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- Enciclopedia della Pesca. Sadea-Sansoni, Firenze: 400 p., many fig.
- Pietsch 1976
- Dimorphism, parasitism and sex: Reproductive strategies among deepsea ceratioid anglerfishes. Copeia, 4: 781-793, 8 fig., 3 tab.
- Pietsch 1972a
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- Pietsch 1973
- A new genus and species of deep-sea anglerfish (Pisces: Oneirodidae) from the northern Pacific Ocean. Copeia, 2 :193-199, 6 fig. .
- Pietsch 1978
- A new genus and species of ceratioid anglerfish from the North Pacific Ocean with a review of the allied genera Ctenochirichthvs, Chirophryne and Leptacanthichthys. Contrib. Sci., Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County, (297): 25.
- Pietsch 1972b
- Second specimen of the deep-sea anglerfish Phyllorhinichthys micractis (family Oneirodidae), with a histological description of the snout flaps. Copeia, 2: 335-340, 6 fig.
- Pietsch 1972
- A review of the monotypic deep-sea anglerfish family Centrophrynidae: Taxonomy, distribution and osteology. Copeia, 1 :1747, 25 fig.
- Pietsch 1974
- Systematics and distribution of ceratioid anglerfishes of the genus Lophodolos (Oneirodidae). Breviora, 425 :1-19, 9 fig.
- Pietsch 1979
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- Pietsch 1986
- Systematics and Distribution of Bathypelagic Anglerfishes of the Family Ceratiidae (Order: Lophiformes). Copeia,
- Pietsch 1969
- A remakable new genus and species of deep-sea angler-fish (family Oneirodidae) from Guadalupa, Mexico. Copeia, 2: 365-369, 4 fig.
- Pietsch 1984
- Lophiiformes: development and relationships. In: H. G. Moser, W. J. Richards, D. M. Cohen, M. P. Fahay, A. W. Kendall Jr. and S. L. Richardson (eds.), Ontogeny and systematics of fishes, p. 320-325. Special publication No. 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpeto!ogists .
- Pietsch 1975
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- Pietsch 1974a
- Osteology and relationship of ceratioid anglerfishes of the family Oneirodidae, with a review of the genus Oneirodes Lutken. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County, Sci Bull 18: 1-123, frontespiece, 116 fig., 24 tab.
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- Frogfishes of the World: Systematics, Zoogeography and Behavioral Ecology. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, xxiv + 424 pp.
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- A Male Melanocetus johnsoni attached to a female Centrophryne spinulosa (Pisces: Ceratioidea). Copeia, 2: 322-324, 4 fig.
- Pietsch, Van Duzer 1980
- Systematics and distribution of ceratioid anglerfishes of the family Melanocetidae, with the description of a new species from the Eastern North Pacific Ocean. U.S. Fish. Bull., 78(1): 59-87.
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- Fische der achten 'Najade'. Fahrt (Jungfisch trawlfange). Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 123 (1): 405-563, 8 fig., 6 pl.
- Pietschmann 1913
- Fische des Wiesbadener Museum. Jb. nassau. Ver. Naturk., 66 :170-201, 2 pl.
- Pietschmann 1932
- Ichthyologische Ergebnisse einer Fischdampferreise nach Grönland. Meddr Grönland, 92: 1-59, 23 fig.
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- Japanische Plagiostomen. Sber. Akad. Wiss., Wien, math. nat. Kl., Abt. I, 117 (6): 637-709, fig. 1-14, pl. I-II.
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- Bandfische und 'grosse Seeschlange'. Veröff naturh. Mus. Wien, 5 :1-22, fig.
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- Phrynichthys wedli Pietschmann nov. gen. et spec. ein Tiefsee Pediculate. Annln naturh. Mus. Wien, 44: 419-422, 1 fig.
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- Zwei neue Selachier aus Japan. Anz. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 44: 394396.
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- Contribución a la sistematica de los Centracantidos con un estudio especial de la biometrica y biologia de la xucla (Spicara chryselis L.). Investigación pesq., 1: pp. 87-135, 21 fig.
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- Grammicolepis brachiusculus, tipo de una nueva familia en la clase de los peces. An. Soc. esp. Hist. nat., 2: pp. 403-406, 1 pl.
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- Revista de los tipos Cuvierianos y Valenciennianos correspondientes a los Peces de la isla de Cuba in Repertorio fisico-natural de la Isla de Cuba. Habana, 2: pp. 193-203; pp. 265-278; pp. 308-338; pp. 369-383; pp. 410-412.
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