Lampreys [UK and USA], Familia – synonym of Petromyzonidae, Familia
Lamproies [France and Belgium], Familia – synonym of Petromyzonidae, Familia
Lancetfishes [UK and USA], Familia – synonym of Alepisauridae, Familia
Lançons, Equilles [France and Belgium], Familia – synonym of Ammodytidae, Familia
Lanternfishes [UK and USA], Familia – synonym of Myctophidae, Familia
Largenose fishes [UK and USA], Familia – synonym of Megalomycteridae, Familia
Lépadogastères [France and Belgium], Familia – synonym of Gobiesocidae, Familia
Les Temnodons Cuvier, 1817, Règne animal, 2: 346 (type: Cheilodipterus heptacanthus Lac., by orig. design. and 1829, Regn – synonym of Pomatomus, Genus
Lightfishes [UK and USA], Familia – synonym of Gonostomatidae, Familia
Limaces de mer [France and Belgium], Familia – synonym of Liparididae, Familia
Linnaeus, by subs. design. of Jordan, 1917: 95). – synonym of Torpedo, Genus
Lizardfish [UK and USA], Familia – synonym of Synodontidae, Familia
Longnosed rabbitfishes [UK and USA], Familia – synonym of Rhinochimaeridae, Familia
Loosejaws [UK and USA], Familia – synonym of Malacosteidae, Familia
Louvereaux [France and Belgium], Familia – synonym of Luvaridae, Familia
Lumpsuckers [UK and USA], Familia – synonym of Cyclopteridae, Familia
Luvars [UK and USA], Familia – synonym of Luvaridae, Familia