Genus Leptacanthichthys

Leptacanthichthys Regan and Trewavas, 1932

Type-species by monotypy: Dolopichthys (Leptacantichthys) gracilispinis Regan 1925, eastern North Atlantic, Gulf of Panama). Given generic status by Bertelsen (1951:94).

Females distinct from other oneirodids in having extremely elongate pectoral fin lobe with 18-23 finrays along dorsal margin and with well-developed mandibular spine considerably longer than quadrate spine. Sphenotic spines well developed; esca without filamentous appendages, a compressed posterior appendage. Males parasitic.

Species 1.

Recent revision: Pietsch (1978).

Species of this genus in the program:
Leptacanthichthys gracilispinis