Genus Lepidophanes

Lepidophanes Fraser-Brunner, 1949

Mouth large, extending one or more times the eye diameter behind posterior margin of orbit. Posterodorsal margin of operculum broadly rounded, posterior margin not sharply anteriorly concave. No crescent of whitish tissue on posterior half of iris. Dn absent, Vn small. Five PO, with P04 elevated. Five (sometimes six) VO, with V02 elevated. AO series divided into AOa and AOp. Two Pol. Four Prc. Supra-caudal anc infra-caudal luminous patches or scale-like structures present. Luminous scale-like tissue at bases of dorsal and anal fins and on trunk.
High-oceanic mesopelagic in warm and temperate waters of Atlantic Ocean only.

Species 2; both in area.

Species of this genus in the program:
Lepidophanes gaussi
Lepidophanes guentheri