Genus Lampadena

Lampadena Goode and Bean, 1896

Mouth moderately large, jaws extending one-half eye diameter or more behind posterior margin of orbit. Maxillae not or only slightly expanded posteriorly. Origin of dorsal fin directly above or in advance of base of ventral fin. Lateral line well developed. Dn absent Vn small. PVO1 about under PV02. Five to six PO, level or with P04 highly elevated. Three to six VO, sometimes arched. Three SAO, weakly angulate. AO series divided into AOa and AOp. One Pol. 2 + 1 Prc, with Prc3 at level of lateral line. Both sexes with large undivided supra-caudal and infra-caudal glands, bordered by black tissue.
High-oceanic, mesopelagic and bathypelagic in tropical, subtropic and temperate waters or pseudoceanic, pelagic in tropical waters.

Species 8; in Clofnam area 3. Recent revisions: Nafpaktitis and Paxton (1968); Krefft (1970).

Species of this genus in the program:
Lampadena chavesi
Lampadena speculigera
Lampadena uropaos subsp. atlantica