Genus Lampanyctus

Lampanyctus Bonaparte, 1840

Mouth large, jaws extending beyond posterior margin of orbit. Maxil only slightly expanded posteriorly. Dn absent, Vn small. PVO1 almost directly below or below and slightly in front of PV02. Five PO, with P elevated. Four VO (rarely five) level, arched or with V02 elevated a anteriorly displaced to about above VO1. SAO usually angulate. AO series divided into AOa and AOp. Two Pol, obliquely arranged. Four Prc, continuous with or separate from AOp. Both males and fema with supra-caudal and infra-caudal glands, consisting of numerous ov lapping scale-like luminescent structures. Luminous scale(s) at adipose origin or slightly in front of adipose origin present or absent. Cheek photophores and secondary photophores present in some species.
High-oceanic mesopelagic/bathypelagic in warm, temperate and cool waters of all three oceans and in Mediterranean.

More than 35 species; in Clofnam area 10.

Recent revisions: Wisner (1976); Nafpaktitis et al. (1977).

Species of this genus in the program:
Lampanyctus alatus
Lampanyctus ater
Lampanyctus crocodilus
Lampanyctus cuprarius
Lampanyctus festivus
Lampanyctus intricarius
Lampanyctus lineatus
Lampanyctus macdonaldi
Lampanyctus photonotus
Lampanyctus pusillus