Familia Megalomycteridae


by J. R. Paxton

Small midwater fishes of brown colour (when skin remains). Head moderate to large; mouth moderate and terminal. Eye small; olfactory organ exceptionally large. No fin spines; dorsal and anal fins opposite and posterior, with 12-31 rays; pectoral fin with 19-23 rays; pelvic fin absent or jugular with 1-3 rays. No abdominal ribs. Scales over entire body and slightly overlapping or restricted to tail and not overlapping; no specialised lateral line scales. Lateralis system cavernous on head and present on anterior body in at least one genus. Body soft; abdominal region distensible. Vertebrae 45-55.
Little known of general biology. Rare bathypelagic fishes, largest size 62 mm SL. Few examined specimens all males.

Genera 4; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Myers and Freihoffer (1966); Bekker (1981--generic key).