Genus Loweina

Loweina Fowler, 1925

Snout conical and more or less protruding. Mouth moderately large, sub-terminal. Jaws extending about one eye diameter behind posterior margin of orbit. Caudal peduncle short, its least depth about 2 1/2 times in its length. Lateral line weakly developed. Dn and Vn present. PLO in front of and at or slightly below level of upper end of base of pectora fin. Five to six PO, level but grouped. VLO nearer to ventral base than to lateral line. Two to four (five) VO, with VO1 mesoventrally displaced Two to three SAO. AO series divided into AOa and AOp. One Pol. Two Prc. Males with supra-caudal luminous gland; caudal luminous gland absent in females.
High-oceanic, mesopelagic in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters of all three oceans; nyctoepipelagic at surface.

Species 3; in Clofnam area 2.

Recent revisions: Wisner (1976); Nafpaktitis et al. (1977).

Species of this genus in the program:
Loweina interrupta
Loweina rara