Howella brodiei atlantica

Author: Post and Qurero, 1991

Howella brodiei atlantica Post and Qurero, 1991

Diagnosis: upper end of opercle with a simple or branched upper and a very deeply branched lower spine; upper spine shorter than lower one. Vomer either with a group of a few closely spaced teeth or with a single tooth; palatines with a single row of teeth. Lower gillrakers on first arch 19-22. 2 dorsal fins well separate: D 1 VIII; D2 I + 9; A III + 7. Oblique scale rows in front of first dorsal fin 11-12. Lateral line interrupted close behind dorsal origin and again below interdorsal space, scales 2 + 6 + 27. Colour: dark brown, head lighter, with silvery reflections. Size: to about 90 cm SL.

Habitat: juveniles pelagic from 26 to 300 m, adults bathypela probably benthic when mature. Food: no data. Reproduction: no data.

Distribution: reported from Madeira. Elsewhere, in all oceans in tropical and subtropical areas; in the Atlantic, from about 33-35° N southward to about 40° S.

Eggs, larvae and young stages. Fedoryanko, 1976: 176.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.