Icelus bicornis


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  • Johansen, F. 1912. The fishes of the Danmark Expedition. Meddr Grønland, 45: 131-676, pl. XLIV-XLVI.
  • Kendall, W. C. 1910. Report on the fishes collected by Mr. Owen Bryant on a trip to Labrador in the summer of 1908. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 38: 503-510, pl.
  • Knipowitch, N. M. 1926. Guide for determination of the Fishes of Barents-Sea, White-Sea and Kara-Sea. Trudy Inst. Izuch. Sev., 27: 1-183, fig. 1-126.
  • Kröyer, H. N. 1845a. Ichthyologiske Bidrag. 7. Icelus hamatus. Narurh. Tidsskr., 1(2): pp. 253-259, pp. 261-263.
  • Le Danois, Ed. 1914. l'Études sur quelques Poissons des Océans Arctique et Atlantique. Annls Inst. océanogr., Monaco, 7 (2): pp. 1-75, 22 fig., 1 pl. (6 fig.).
  • Lilljeborg, W. 1884-1891. Sveriges och Norges Fauna. Fiskar, Upsala, 3 vol. 1, 1884: i-xxii + 782 p.; 2, 1891: 830 p.; 3, 1891: 788 p.
  • Lütken, C. F. 1876c. Korte Bidrag til nordisk Ichthyographi. I. Foreløbige meddelelser om nordiske ulkefiske (Cottoidei). Vidensk. Meddr dansk naturh. Foren., Københ.: pp. 355-388, fig., Résumé: pp. 72-98.
  • Lütken, C. F. 1898. The ichthyological results. Dan. Ingolf-Exped , 2 (1): pp. 1-38, 2 fig. n. num., pl. I-IV, 1 map.
  • Malm, A. W. 1865. Ichthyologiska bidrag til Skandinaviens fauna. Forh. Skand. Naturf.,Møte, 9: 405-414.
  • McAllister, D. E. 1963b. Systematic notes on the sculpin genera Artediellus, Icelus and Triglops on arctic and atlantic coast of Canada. Bull. natn. Mus. Can., 185: 50-59, fig.
  • Rass, T. S. 1941. Analogous or parallel variations in structure and development of fishes in northern and arctic seas. Jubilee publications of the Moscow Society of Naturalist, 1805 to 1940. Moscow: pp. 1-60, 8 fig.
  • Rass, T. S. 1949. Sostav ichtiofauni Barentsova morja i systematicheskie prisnaki ikrinok i lichinok rib etogo vodojema [Ichthyofauna of the Barents Sea and systematical characters of eggs and larves of fishes of this basin]. Trudy vses. nauchno-issled Inst. morsk. ryb. Khoz. Okeanogr., 17: 9-65, 32 fig., 5 tbl. (Russ.).
  • Reinhardt, J. C. H. 1840. [Grönlands Fiske]: pp. 8-10. In: H. C. Örsted, Overs. K danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. (1839): pp. 1-44 [also publ. in K danske Vidensk. Selsk. Naturvid. Math. Afhandl., 1841, 8: Ixxiv-lxxv].
  • Saemundsson, B. 1949. Marine Pisces. Zoology Iceland, Copenhagen and Reykjavik, 4 (72): pp. 1-150.
  • Schmidt, E. J. 1927. Eel larvae in the Feroe Channel. J. Cons. perm. int. Expl. Mer, 1: 38 43.
  • Smitt, F. A. 1893-1895. (ed.) A history of Scandinavian fishes, Stockholm and Paris, Atlas, I, 1893, pl. i-xxvii.
  • Soldatov, V. K. 1923. [The materials to the fish fauna of Kara and East Barents Sea, based on the collections of the F. M. Sc. Inst. and on those of Mr. Streljnikov]. Ber. Wiss. Meeresinst., 3 (62A): pp. 1-180 (Russian with English summary).