Conger conger


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  • Bloch, M. E.. 1785-1795. Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische, Berlin, 1, 1785: viii+ 136 pp., 36 pl. (CIX-CXLIV); 2, 1786: viii+160 pp., 36 pl. (CXLV-CLXXX); 3, 1787: xii +146 pp., 36 pl. (CLXXXI-CCXVI); 4, 1790: xii + 128 pp., 36 pl. (CCXVII-CCLII); 5, 1791: vi + 152 pp., 36 pl. (CCLIII-CCLXXXVIII); 6, 1792: iv +126 pp., 36 pl. (CCLXXXIX-CCCXXIII); 7, 1793: xii +144 pp., 36 pl. (CCCXXVCCCLX); 8, 1794: iv +174 pp., 36 pl. (CCCLXI-CCCXCVI); 9, 1795: ii +192 pp., 36 pl. (CCCXCVII-CCCCXXIX).
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  • Castle, P. H. J. 1963. The systematics, development and distribution of two eels of the genus Gnathophis (Congridae) in Australasian waters. Zoology Publs Vict. Univ. Coll, Wellington, (34) :15-47, 10 fig.
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  • Cunningham, J. T. 1891a. On the reproduction and development of the Conger. J. mar. biol Ass. U.K, 1891-92 (n.s.), 2 (1) :16-42, 3 fig., 2 tab.
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  • Dollfus, R. Ph. 1955. Première contribution à l'établissement d'un fichier ichthyologique du Maroc atlantique de Tanger à l'embouchure de l'Oued Dra. Trav. Inst. scient. chérif., Zool, (6): 227 pp., 1 map.
  • Donovan, E. 1802-1808. The Natural History of British Fishes including scientific and general descriptions of the most interesting species, and an extensive selcction of accurately finished coloured plates, London. 1, 1802: [1-70], pl. I-XXIV; 2, 1903: [71-164], pl. XXV-XLVIII; 3, 1804: [165-300], pl. XLIX-LXXII; 4, 1806: [301-406], pl. LXXIII-XCVI; 5, 1808: [407-516], pl. XCVIICXX.
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  • Facciolà, L. 1893b. Le metamorfosi del Conger vulgaris e del Conger mistax. Naturalista sicil., 12 (7-8): 194-200; 12 (9): 223-226; 12 (10): 254-259; 12 (11): 287-288; 12 (12): 309-312.
  • Facciolà, L. 1893c. Le metamorfosi del Conger vulgaris e del Conger mistax. Naturalista sicil., 13 (1-2): 25-35; 13 (3): 56-60.
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  • Ridewood, W. G. 1908. Guide to the gallery of fishes in the department of zoology of the British Museum. London, v+209 p., 96 fig.
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  • Schmidt, E. J. 1909c. Remarks on the metamorphosis and distribution of the larvae of the eel (Anguilla vulgaris Turt.). Meddr. Kommn Havunders., Ser.: Fisk., 3 (3): pp. 1-17, 5 tabl., 2 pl.
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  • Strömman, P. H. 1896. Leptocephalids in the University Zoological Museum at Upsala. Upsala, vi + 53 p., 5 pl.
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