Authors(s) | Shaw, G. |
Year | 1803-1804 |
Title | General zoology or systematic natural history . . . with plates from the first authorities and most select specimens. London: 14 vol. (1800-26); 4, 1803 (2): pp. i-xiii+187-632, pl. 26-92; 5, 1804(2): pp. i-viii+251-463, pl. 133-182. |
- Anguilla anguilla
- Brama brama
- Chauliodus sloani
- Chimaera monstrosa
- Conger conger
- Dactylopterus volitans
- Diplecogaster bimaculata
- Echelus myrus
- Histrio histrio
- Lepadogaster purpurea
- Lepidopus
- Lepidopus caudatus
- Microstomus kitt
- Ophichthus ophis
- Raja fullonica
- Raniceps raninus
- Regalecus glesne
- Rhinobates cemiculus
- Tarpon atlanticus
- Trichiurus lepturus