Phrynorhombus norvegicus


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  • Collett, R. 1875a. Norges Fiske med Bemaerkninger om deres Udbredelse. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Krist., 1874 [1875]: pp. 1-240, pl. I-II, 1 map (inset).
  • Collett, R. 1880a. Meddelelser om Norges Fiske i Aarene 1875-78. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Krist., 1: 1-107, 2 pl.
  • Ehrenbaum, E. 1905-1909. Eier und Larven von Fischen der Nordischen Planktons, Teil I, 1905, 4: iv + I 1-I 216 + iii, fig. 1-82; Teil II, 1909, 10: I 217-I 413, fig. 83-147.
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  • Günther, A. 1862. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. 4. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygii Pharyngognathi and Anacanthini in the collection of the British Museum. London, xxi+534 pp.
  • Joensen, J. S.; Tåning, Å. V. 1970. Marine and Freshwater Fishes in Zoology of the Faroes, Copenhagen, 3 (62-63): 1-241.
  • Jordan, D. S.; Goss, D. K. 1889. A review of the flounders and soles (Pleuronectidae) c. America and Europe, Rept. U.S. Commnr Fish. for 1886,14: pp. 225-342, 9 pl. (23 fig.).
  • Norman, J. R. 1934. A systematic monograph of the flatfishes (Heterosomata). Vol. 1. London, 459 pp.
  • Petersen, C. G. J. 1909. On the larval and postlarval stages of some Pleuronectidae (Zeugopterus, Arnoglossus, Solea). Meddr. Kommn Havunders., Ser.: Fisk., 3 (1): 1-18, 2 pl.
  • Saemundsson, B. 1927a. Synopsis of the Fishes of Iceland: pp. 1-66, Reykjavik.
  • Schmidt, W. 1968. Vergleichend morphologische Studie über die Otolithen mariner Knochenfische. Arch. FischWiss., 19 (1): pp. 1-96, 184 fig., 25 pl.
  • Smitt, F. A. 1893-1895. (ed.) A history of Scandinavian fishes, Stockholm and Paris, Atlas, I, 1893, pl. i-xxvii.
  • Wheeler, A. 1969. The Fishes of the British Isles and North-West Europe. Macmillan, London, Melbourne and Toronto: pp. i-xvii+1-163, 5+177 fig., 392 fig. (princ. sp.), 92 n. num. fig., 16 pl., maps.