Phrynorhombus norvegicus

Phrynorhombus norvegicus Günther, 1862


Rhombus norvegicus Günther, 1862, Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus., 4: 412 (west coast of Norway).
Pleuronectes cardina (nec Cuvier): Fries, 1839: 181 | Fries et al., 1846: 200, pl. 50.
Zeugopterus noryegicus: Collett, 1875: 138 | Saemundsson, 1927: 36.
Lepidorhombus norvegicus: Collett, 1880: 77 | Jordan and Goss, 1889: 253.
Scophthalmus norvegicus: Smitt, 1893: 453, pl. XIX (fig. 1).
Phrynorhombus norvegicus: Norman, 1934: 276 -277, fig. 211 | Wheeler, 1969: 523-524, fig. | Joensen and Tåning, 1970: 184185.

Common name:

norwegian topknot [UK and USA]
dwergbot [Netherlands and Belgium]