name | cicerelle |
name | sandgrevling |
name | lanzon voladores |
name | kysttobis |
name | smooth sand-eel |
name | kleiner Sandaal |
Alternative name | småsil |
Alternative name | salton |
Valid name | Gymnammodytes semisquamatus |
Synonym | équille [France and Belgium] |
Synonym | smooth sand-eel [UK and USA] |
Synonym | Common names: |
Synonym | cicerelle [France and Belgium] |
Synonym | Gymnammodytes semisquamatus Jourdain, 1879 |
Synonym | Ammodytes lanceolatus (non Le Sauvage): Kändler, 1941: 81 et seq. |
Synonym | Ammodytes siculus: Günther, 1862: 386 (part.). |
Synonym | Gymnammodytes semisquamatus Macer, 1965: 197. |
Synonym | Ammodytes semisquamatus Jourdain, 1879, Rev. Sci. nat., Paris, (2)1: 208, pl. II (fig. 13) (St. Malo, France). |
Synonym | Ammodytes cicerellus (non Rafinesque): Day, 1882: 333, pl. 92 (fig. 3) | Moreau, 1891: 58 | Smitt, 1895: 573, fig. 136 | |
- Gymnammodytes semisquamatus [species]