Pholis gunnellus


  • Andriashev, A. P. 1954. Ryby severnykh morei SSSR. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Moskwa-Leningrad. (English trans. 1964, Jerusalem, IPST, 617 pp., 300 fig.).
  • Bloch, M. E.; Schneider, J. G. 1801. M. E. Blochii Systema Ichthyologiae iconibus cx illustratum. Post obitum auctoris opus inchoatum absolvit, correxit, interpolavit J. G. Schneider, Saxo. Berolini: Ix+584 pp., 110 pl.
  • Bonaparte, C. L. 1845. Catalogo metodico dei pesci europei. Atti. Soc. ital. Sci. nat., pp. 1-95 (also publ. sep., Napoli, 1846, 97 pp.).
  • Collett, R. 1875a. Norges Fiske med Bemaerkninger om deres Udbredelse. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Krist., 1874 [1875]: pp. 1-240, pl. I-II, 1 map (inset).
  • Cuvier, G.; Valenciennes, A. 1828-1849. Histoire naturelle des Poissons, Paris-Strasbourg, 22 vol., 11030 pp., 621 pl. (numb. 1-650).1,1828: xvi+573 pp., pl. I-VIII [author: Cuvier]; 2, 1828: xxi+490 pp., pl. 9-40 [Cuv.: pp. 1-238, pp. 249-262, pp. 387-490; Val.: pp. 238-249, pp. 262-386]; 3 April 1829: xxiii+500 pp., pl. 41-71 [Cuvier]; 4, 1829: xxvi+518 pp., pl. 72-99 [Cuvier]; 5, 1830: xxviii+499 pp., pl. 100-140 [Cuvier]; 6, 1830: xxiv+pp.559 pp., pl. 141-169 [Val.: pp. 1-425, 493-559; Cuv.: 426-491]; 7, 1831: xxix + 531 pp., pl. 170-208 [Cuv.: 1-440; Val.: pp. 441-531]; 8, 1832: xix+509 pp., pl. 209-245 [Cuv.: pp. 1-470; Val.: pp. 471-509]; 9, 1833: xxix+512 pp., pl. 246-279 [Cuv.: pp. 1-198, pp. 330-359, pp. 372-427; Val.: pp. 199-329, pp. 359-371, pp. 429-512]; 10, 1835: xxiv+482 pp., pl. 280-306 [Val.]; 11, 1836: xx+506 pp., pl. 307-343 [Val.]; 12, 1837: xxix+507 pp., pl. 344-368 [Val.]; 13, 1839: xix+505 pp., pl. 369-388 [Val.]; 14, 1840: xxii+464 pp., pl. 389-420 [Val.]; 15, 1840: xxi + 540 pp., pl. 421-455 [Val.
  • Day, F. 1880-1884. The Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. London-Edinburgh, 2 vol., cxii+336 pp., 5 +7 fig., 92 pl. and 388 pp., 87 pl. 1880: 1(1): pp. 1-64, pl. I-XXVII; 1881: 1(2) (3): pp. 65-240, pl. XXVIII-LXVIII; 1882: 1(4): pp. 241-336, pl. LXIX-XCII; 2 (5): pp. 1-96, pl. XCIII-CXVI; 1883: 2 (6): pp. 97-176, pl. CXVII-CXXXII; 2 (7): pp. 177-272, pl. CXXXIII-CXLVIII; 1884: 2 (8): pp. 273-368, pl. CXLIX-CLXXIX.
  • Duncker, G.; Mohr, E. W. 1929. Die Fische der Sudsee-Espedition der Hamburgischern Wissenschaftlichen Stiftung 1908-1909, 3 Teil. Mitt. zool. St Inst., Hamb., 44: pp. 57-84, fig. 1-9.
  • Ehrenbaum, E. 1905-1909. Eier und Larven von Fischen der Nordischen Planktons, Teil I, 1905, 4: iv + I 1-I 216 + iii, fig. 1-82; Teil II, 1909, 10: I 217-I 413, fig. 83-147.
  • Ehrenbaum, E. 1936. Naturgeschichte und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Seefische Nordeuropas, in Handbuch der Seefischerei N. Eur., 2: x+337 pp., 276 fig., 2 tabl., 26 pl.
  • Ehrenbaum, E.; Strodmann, S. 1904. Eier und Jugendformen der Ostseefische. Wiss. Meeresunters. Abt. Kiel und Abt. Helgoland, 6: pp. 57-126, 17 fig.
  • Faber, F. 1829. Naturgeschichte der Fische Islands. Frankfurt am Main, 206 p.
  • Fleming, J. 1828. A history of British animals exhibiting the descriptive characters and systematical arrangements of the genera and species of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fishes, mollusca and radiata of the U.K.; including the indigenous, extirpated and extinct kinds, together with periodical and occasional visitants. EdinburgLondon, xxiii + 565 pp. (2nd ed., 1842, same pag.).
  • Fries, B. F.; Ekström, C. U.; Sundevall, C. J. 1836-1848. Scandinaviens fiskar målade efter lefvande exemplar och ritade på sten af W. von Wright, med text af . . . Pisces Scandinaviae . . . versio Latina. Bihang innefattande beskrifningar ofver de i Skandinavien bruklige fiskeredskap. Stockholm: iv+222 p., 63 pl.
  • Fries, B. F.; Ekström, C. U.; Sundevall, C. J. 1893-1895. A History of Scandinavian Fishes, rev. and compl. by F. A. Smitt, Stockholm & Paris, I, 1893: pp. 1-566+viii, fig. 1-134; II, 1895: pp. 567-1240, fig. 135-380; Atlas, Pt. I, 1893, pl. I-XXVII; Pt. II, 1895, pl. XXVII A-LIII.
  • Gill, T. N. 1862c. Catalogue of the fishes of the eastern coast of North America from Greenland to Georgia. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 1861[1862],13 (suppl.) :1-63.
  • Girard, C. F. 1850. Acanthocottus labradoricus sp. n. In: Storer, Observations on the fishes of Nova Scotia and Labrador, with descriptions of new species. Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 6 (2): 247-250, 7 tabl., 3 fig.
  • Gottberg, G. 1910b. Pholis gunnellus vid Finlands kuster. Meddn Soc. Fauna Flora fenn., 36: 36-38, 217.
  • Gray, J. E. 1854. Catalogue of fishes collected and described by Laurence Theodore Gronow, now in the British Museum: vii + 196 p.
  • Günther, A. 1861b. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygian fishes in the collection of the British Museum. 3. Gobiidae, Discoboli, Pediculati, Blenniidae, Labyrinthici, Mugilidae, Notacanthi. London, xxv+586 pp.
  • Hamilton, R. 1852. Ichthyology. British fishes. Pt. I: 313 p., 34 col. pl., The Naturalist's Library, ed. by Sir W. Jardine, vol. XXXVI. Edinburgh (2d ed.).
  • Jensen, A. S. 1942. Contribution to the ichthyofauna of Greenland 1-3. Spolia. zool. Mus. haun., 2: 7-44, 8 pl.
  • Jenyns (post. Blomefield), L. 1835a. A manual of British vertebrate animals, Cambridge and London, xxxii + 559 p.
  • Kröyer, H. N. 1838-1853. Danmarks Fiske. Kjøbenhavn. 1, 1838: 616 pp.; 2, 1843-45: 644 pp.; 3, 1846: 320 pp.; 4, 1849: pp. 321-640; 1852: pp. 641-960; 1853: pp. 961-1279.
  • Lacepède, B. 1798-1803. Histoire naturelle des Poissons, 5 vol. in-4, Paris. I: 1798, 8+cxlvii+532 pp., 25 pl., 1 tabl. (inset); II: 1800, Ixiv+632 pp., 20 pl.; III: 1801, 558 pp., 34 pl.; IV: 1802, xliv+728 pp., 16 pl.; V: 1803, xlviii+803 pp., 21 pl.
  • Lilljeborg, W. 1884-1891. Sveriges och Norges Fauna. Fiskar, Upsala, 3 vol. 1, 1884: i-xxii + 782 p.; 2, 1891: 830 p.; 3, 1891: 788 p.
  • Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, ed. X, vol. 1, 824 pp. Nantes & Pisces: pp. 230-338. (Reprint, 1956, London.).
  • Linnaeus, C. 1766. Systema Naturae. Editio duodecima, reformata. Nantes & Pisces: pp. 394-532.
  • Maclntosh, W. C.; Masterman, A. T. 1897. The life histories of the British marine food fishes, London: xv+516 pp., fig., 20 pl.
  • Makushok, V. M. 1958. [Morphology and classification of Stichaeidae and allied families of fishes (Stichaeoidae, Blennioidei, Pisces)]. Trudy zool. Inst., Leningr., 25: 3-129, 82 fig. (in Russian, Engl. transl. 1961).
  • Malm, A. W. 1877. Göteborg och Bohusläns fauna. Ryggradsdjuren. Göteborg, 674 p., 9 pl.
  • Mela, A. J. 1882. Vertebrata fennica. Suomen luurankoiset eli luonnontieteellisen Suomen luurankoiselaimisto. Helsingfors: 440 p., 215 fig.
  • Mitchill, S. L. 1815. The fishes of New York, described and arranged. Trans. Iit. phil. Soc., N.Y., 1(5): pp. 355-492, 6 pl.
  • Mohr, N. 1786. Försog til en Islandsk naturhistorie, med adskillige oekonomiske samt andre anmaetkninger, etc.... Kjöbenhavn: xvi+413 p., 7 pl.
  • Montagu, G. 1811. An account of five rare species of british fishes. Mem. Wern. nat. Hist. Soc. Edinb., 1808-10,1: 79-101.
  • Moreau, E. 1881-1891. Histoire naturelle des poissons de la France, Paris, I, 1881: pp. I-VII+1-480, fig. 1-82; II, 1881: pp. 1-572, fig. 83-145; III, 1881: pp. 1-697, fig. 146-220; Suppl., 1891: pp. 1-144, fig. 221-227.
  • Moreau, E. 1892. Manuel d'Ichthyologie française, Paris: viii+650 pp., III pl.
  • Muller, O. F. 1776. Zoologiae Danicae prodromus, seu animalium Daniae et Norvegiae indigenarum characteres, nomina, et synonyma imprimis popularium, Havniae, xxxii+282 pp.
  • Muller, O. F. 1788-1806. Zoologia danica, seu animalium Daniae et Norvegiae rariorum ac minus notorum descriptiones et historia. Havniae, 4 vol., 160 pl. [1, 1788: 52 pp., pl. I-XL; 2, 1788: 56 pp., pl. XLI-LXXX- 3, 1789: 71 pp., pl. LXXXI-CXX (completed by P. C. Abildgaard); 4, 1806: 46 pp., pl. CXXI-CLX (compl. by P. C. Abildgaard, J. S. Holten, M. Vahl and J. Rathke)].
  • Möbius, K.; Heincke, F. 1883. Die Fische der Ostsee in Bericht der Comission zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der Deutschen Meere in Kiel. Berlin :1-206, fig., 1 map.
  • Nilsson, S. 1832. Prodromus Ichthyologiae Scandinavicae, Lund: iv+124 p.
  • Nilsson, S. 1855. Skandinavisk Fauna. Fjerde Delen: Fiskarna, Lund: xxxiv+768 p.
  • Olafsen, E. 1772. Vice-Lavmand Eggert Olafsens og Land-Physici Biarne Povelsens Reise igiennem Island, 1:1-618, 51 pl.
  • Pertseva, T. A. 1939. [Spawning, eggs and fry of fishes in the Motovsky Bay]. Trudy vses. nauchno. issled. Inst. morsk. ryb. Khoz. Okeanogr., 4: 417-470, 25 fig. (Russian with English summary).
  • Rass, T. S. 1949. Sostav ichtiofauni Barentsova morja i systematicheskie prisnaki ikrinok i lichinok rib etogo vodojema [Ichthyofauna of the Barents Sea and systematical characters of eggs and larves of fishes of this basin]. Trudy vses. nauchno-issled Inst. morsk. ryb. Khoz. Okeanogr., 17: 9-65, 32 fig., 5 tbl. (Russ.).
  • Reinhardt, J. C. H. 1837a. [Ichthyologiske bidrag til den grönlandske fauna]: pp. 8-12. In: H. C. Örsted, Overs. K. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. (1835-1836): pp. 1-32 [also publ. in K danske Vidensk. Selsk. Naturvid. Math. Afhandl., 1837, 6: cix-cxi].
  • Reinhardt, J. C. H. 1837b. Ichthyologiske bidrag til den grönlandske fauna. København, pp. 1-114, col. pl. I-VIII [also publ. in K. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Naturvid. Math. Afhandl., 1838, 7: pp. 83-196, col. pl. I-VIII].
  • Retzius, A. J. 1800. Faunae Sueciae a Carolo a Linne . . . inchoatae pars prima [sistens mammalia, aves, amphibia et pisces] quam recognovit, emendavit et auxit A. J. Retzius . . . Lipsiae: x+362 p., 1 col. pl. (Pisces: 297-362).
  • Saemundsson, B. 1949. Marine Pisces. Zoology Iceland, Copenhagen and Reykjavik, 4 (72): pp. 1-150.
  • Schnakenbeck, W. 1934. Zoarces viviparus (Linné 1758). In: L. Joubin, ed., Faune ichthyol. Atlant. N., Copenhagen: fiche 318.
  • Seba, A. 1761. Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio et iconibus artificiosissimis expressio, per universam physices historiam. Opus, cui, in hoc rerum genere, nullum par exstitit. Ex toto terrarum orbe collegit, digessit, descripsit, et depingendum curavit. Amstelaedami, 3 :1-212 (Latin and French), pl. 1-116.
  • Seidlitz, G. 1877. Fauna Baltica. Die Fische (Pisces) der Ostsee-Provinzen Russlands. Dorpat: 138 p.
  • Storer, D. H. 1837. Description of a new species of the genus Hydrargyra; with some additions to the catalogue of the fishes of Massachusetts in Hitchcock's Report. Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 1(4): pp. 416-418.
  • Storer, D. H. 1839a. A report on the fishes of Massachusetts. Proc. Bosron Soc. nar. Hisr., 2 (3-4), Art. XII: pp. 289-558, pl. VI-VIII.
  • Storer, D. H. 1839b. Fishes of Massachusetts: pp. 1-202, pl. I-III in Reports on the fishes, reptiles and birds of Massachusetts. Boston, 426 pp.
  • Storer, D. H. 1846. A synopsis of the Fishes of North America. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts Sci., 2: pp. 253-550.
  • Storer, D. H. 1850. Observations on the fishes of Nova Scotia and Labrador, with descriptions of new species. Proc. Boston Soc. nar. Hisr., 6 (2): pp. 247-270, pl. VII, fig. 1-3.
  • Storer, D. H. 1853-1867. A History of the Fishes of Massachusetts. Mem. Amer. Acad. Arrs Sci., (n.s.), 5, 1853, Part II: pp. 49-92, pl. 1-8; pp. 122-168, pl. 9-16; pp. 257-296, pl. 17-23, 6, 1858, Part II: pp. 309-372, pl. 24-29; 8, 1861 [1863], Part II: pp. 389-434, pl. 30-35; 9, 1867, Part I: pp. 217-256, pl. 36-39.
  • Suief, W. 1783. Blenniorum duae species ex Musaeo Academico describuntur. Acta Acad. Imper. Sci., Petropoli, 1779 [.
  • Turton, W. 1807. The British Fauna, containing a compendium of the zoology of the British islands; arranged according to the Linnean system. Swansea-London: vii+230 p.
  • Yarrell, W. 1836-1839. A History of British fishes, illustrated by nearly 400 wood-cuts, in two volumes, London, 1836,1: xxxvii+408 pp., 2: 472 pp., fig. n. num.; 1839, supplement: vi+48 pp., fig. (2nd ed., 1841, with suppl.; 3rd ed., 1859, additional species by J. Richardson, 1: xxxviii+675 pp., 2: 670 pp., 522 fig.).