Argyropelecus hemigymnus


  • Baird, R. C. 1971. The systematics, distribution, and zoogeography of the marine hatchetfishes (family Sternoptychidae). Bull Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard, 142 (1): 128 pp., 80 fig.
  • Borodin, N. A. 1930a. Fishes (collected in 1929) in Scient. Res. 'Ara' Exped . . . 1926-1930 . . . Bull Vanderbilt mar. Mus., 1(2): 39-64, pl. I-II.
  • Brauer, A. 1906. Die Tiefseefische. 1. Systematischer Teil. Wiss. Ergebn. dt. Tiefsee-Exped. 'Valdivia', Iena, 15 (1): pp. 1-432, 18 pl., 176 fig.
  • Clarke, F. E. 1878. On two new fishes. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst., 10: 243-246, 1 pl.
  • Cocco, A. 1829. Su di alcuni nuovi pesci de'mari di Messina. Giorn. Sci. Lett. Arti Sicilia, (7) 26 (77): pp. 138-147.
  • Cuvier, G.; Valenciennes, A. 1828-1849. Histoire naturelle des Poissons, Paris-Strasbourg, 22 vol., 11030 pp., 621 pl. (numb. 1-650).1,1828: xvi+573 pp., pl. I-VIII [author: Cuvier]; 2, 1828: xxi+490 pp., pl. 9-40 [Cuv.: pp. 1-238, pp. 249-262, pp. 387-490; Val.: pp. 238-249, pp. 262-386]; 3 April 1829: xxiii+500 pp., pl. 41-71 [Cuvier]; 4, 1829: xxvi+518 pp., pl. 72-99 [Cuvier]; 5, 1830: xxviii+499 pp., pl. 100-140 [Cuvier]; 6, 1830: xxiv+pp.559 pp., pl. 141-169 [Val.: pp. 1-425, 493-559; Cuv.: 426-491]; 7, 1831: xxix + 531 pp., pl. 170-208 [Cuv.: 1-440; Val.: pp. 441-531]; 8, 1832: xix+509 pp., pl. 209-245 [Cuv.: pp. 1-470; Val.: pp. 471-509]; 9, 1833: xxix+512 pp., pl. 246-279 [Cuv.: pp. 1-198, pp. 330-359, pp. 372-427; Val.: pp. 199-329, pp. 359-371, pp. 429-512]; 10, 1835: xxiv+482 pp., pl. 280-306 [Val.]; 11, 1836: xx+506 pp., pl. 307-343 [Val.]; 12, 1837: xxix+507 pp., pl. 344-368 [Val.]; 13, 1839: xix+505 pp., pl. 369-388 [Val.]; 14, 1840: xxii+464 pp., pl. 389-420 [Val.]; 15, 1840: xxi + 540 pp., pl. 421-455 [Val.
  • Ehrenbaum, E. 1905-1909. Eier und Larven von Fischen der Nordischen Planktons, Teil I, 1905, 4: iv + I 1-I 216 + iii, fig. 1-82; Teil II, 1909, 10: I 217-I 413, fig. 83-147.
  • Geistdoerfer, P.; Hureau, J. C.; Rannou, M. 1971b. Liste préliminaire des espèces de Poissons de profondeur récoltées au cours de la campagne 'Noratlante' du N.O. Jean Charcot en Atlantique Nord (aout-octobre 1969). Bull. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, 42 (6): 1177-1185.
  • Gilbert, C. H. 1905. The Deep Sea Fishes of the Hawaiian Islands. Bull. U.S. Fish Commn, 1903 [.
  • Holt, E. W. L.; Byrne, L. W. 1913. Sixth report on the fishes of the Irish Atlantic slope. The families Stomiatidae, Sternoptychidae, and Salmonidae. Fish. Ireland scient. Invest., 1912 [.
  • Jespersen, P. 1915. Sternoptychidae. Rep. Dan. oceanogr. Exped. Mediterr., 1908-1910, (A 2) 2 (Biology): 1-41.
  • Jespersen, P. 1933-1934. Gonostomatidae and Sternoptychidae. In: L. Joubin, ed., Faune ichthyol. Atlant. N., Copenhagen: fiches 70-89.
  • Jespersen, P.; Tåning, Å. V. 1919. Some Mediterranean Sternoptychidae. Vidensk. Meddr dansk naturh. Foren, 70: 220-228, pl. 17.
  • Joubin, L. ed. 1929-1938. Faune ichthyologique de l'Atlantique nord. Cons. perm. Int. Expl. Mer, Copenhagen. Fiches faunistiques, 418 pl. (With systematic and alphabetic index by H. Blegvad, 1938.).
  • Koefoed, E. 1960. Isospondyli, 2. Heterophotodermi. 2. Rep. scient. Results Michael Sars N. Atlant. deep Sea Exped., 1910, 4, II (8): 15 p., 9 fig., 1 pl.
  • Kotthaus, A. 1967. Fische des Indischen Ozeans. Ergebnisse der ichthyologischen Untersuchungen während der Expedition des Forschungsschiffes 'Meteor' in den Indischen Ozean, Oktober 1964 bis Mai 1965. 'Meteor' Forsch. Ergebn., (D) 1: 1-84, fig. 1-96.
  • Maul, G. E. 1949a. Monografia dos peixes do Museu Municipal do Funchal. Ordem Isospondyli, Conclusao. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal, 4: 1-20.
  • Nybelin, 0. 1948. Fishes collected by the Skagerak Expedition in the eastern Atlantic 1946. Göteborgs K. Vetensk.-o. VitterSamh. Handl., (B) 5 (16): pp. 1-95, 9 fig., 6 pl. (also publ. in Meddn Göteborgs Mus., zool. Avd., 121: pp. 3-95, 6 pl.).
  • Parr, A. E. 1937. Concluding report on fishes with species index for articles 1-7. (Fishes of the third oceanographic expedition of the 'Pawnee'.) Bull. Bingham oceanogr. Coll, 3 (7): 79 pp., fig. 1-22.
  • Peres, J. M. 1958. Remarques générales sur un ensemble de quinze plongées effectuées avec le bathyscaphe F.N.R.S. III. Annls Inst. océanogr. Monaco, 35 (4): 259-285.
  • Regan, C. T. 1908. The systematic position of Stylophorus caudatus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2: 447-449.
  • Sanzo, L. 1928a. Uova, sviluppo embrionale, stadi larvali, post-larvali e giovanili di Sternoptychidae e Stomiatidae. 1. Argyropelecus hemigymnus Cocco. Monogr. R. Com. talassogr. ital., 2: pp. 1-68, pl. I-VII.
  • Schultz, L. P. 1961. Revision of the marine silver hatchetfishes (Family Sternoptychidae). Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 112: 587-649.
  • Zugmayer, E. 1911b. Poissons provenant des campagnes du Yacht 'Princesse Alice'. Résult. Camp. scient. Prince Albert 1, 35: 174 pp., 6 pl.