Authors(s) | Nybelin, 0. |
Year | 1948 |
Title | Fishes collected by the Skagerak Expedition in the eastern Atlantic 1946. Göteborgs K. Vetensk.-o. VitterSamh. Handl., (B) 5 (16): pp. 1-95, 9 fig., 6 pl. (also publ. in Meddn Göteborgs Mus., zool. Avd., 121: pp. 3-95, 6 pl.). |
- Anotopterus pharao
- Argyropelecus affinis
- Argyropelecus hemigymnus
- Argyropelecus olfersi
- Bathypterois grallator
- Benthalbella infans
- Chalinura mediterranea
- Chauliodus danae
- Chiasmodon niger
- Conocara macroptera
- Conocara werneri
- Coryphaenoides guentheri
- Cyclothone microdon
- Cyclothone pallida
- Cyema atrum
- Eurypharynx pelecanoides
- Gonostoma bathyphilum
- Gonostoma elongatum
- Halosauropsis macrochir
- Hygophum benoiti
- Lampanyctus ater
- Lampanyctus crocodilus
- Lampanyctus intricarius
- Lampanyctus pusillus
- Myctophum punctatum
- Notolepis rissoi
- Notolychnus valdiviae
- Notoscopelus kroeyerii
- Paralepis coregonoides
- Pseudoscopelus altipinnis
- Rouleina attrita
- Sphagemacrurus hirundo
- Sternoptyx diaphana
- Stomias boa
- Synaphobranchus kaupi
- Xenodermichthys copei