Authors(s) | Jordan, D. S.; Gilbert, C. H. |
Year | 1883b |
Title | Synopsis of the Fishes of North America. Bull. U.S. natn. Mus., (16), 1882 [1883]: Ivi +1018 pp. |
- Artediellus atlanticus
- Chaetodon
- Chiasmodon niger
- Chimaera
- Euthynnus
- Gasterosteus
- Histrio histrio
- Lophius
- Lumpenus fabricii
- Malacosteus niger
- Nomeus
- Notolepis rissoi
- Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
- Oncorhynchus keta
- Petromyzon marinus
- Pomatomus saltator
- Ranzania laevis
- Salmo
- Sarda sarda
- Scomber
- Scomber japonicus
- Seriola
- Sphyrna