Arctogadus glacialis

Arctogadus glacialis Peters, 1874


Gadus glacialis Peters, 1874, Zweite deutsche Nordpolarfahrt, 2: 172 (Sabine-lnsel). Holotype: ZMHU.
Phocaegadus megalops Jensen, 1948, Spolia zool. Mus. haun., 9: 140, pl. II (Denmark Harbour, Northeastern and Northwestern Greenland). Types not design., syntypes: ZMUC no. P 37631, Melville Bay, by subs. design. of Nielsen and Jensen, 1967.
Arctogadus glacialis: Nielsen and Jensen, 1967, 184 (2): 7, fig. 1-3, pl. I (fig. B).

Common names:

arctic cod [UK and USA]
ledjanaja treska [Russia]
morue du groenland [France and Belgium]