Dentex maroccanus

Dentex (Polysteganus) maroccanus Valenciennes, 1830


Dentex maroccanus Valenciennes, 1830, in Cuv. Val., Hist. nat. Poiss., 6: 174 (Morocco). Holotype: ZMHU no. 8597.
Dentex maroccanus: Steindachner, 1867: 628, pl. 4 (fig. 1) | Fowler, 1936, 2: 815, fig. 353 | Lozano Rey, 1952: 132, fig. 8, pl. 7 (fig. 3) | Bini, 1968, 4: 99, fig. | Wheeler, 1969: 350, fig. 118, map.

Common names:

denté du maroc [France and Belgium]
morocco dentex [UK and USA]
sama marroqui [Spain]