Liza aurata


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  • Hickling, C. F. 1970. A contribution to the natural history of the English grey mullets (Pisces, Mugilidae). J. mar biol. Ass. U.K, 50: 609-633.
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  • Lowe, R. T. 1843-1860. A history of the Fishes of Madeira, with original figures from nature of all species by the Hon. C. E. C. Norton and M. Young. London: 196 pp., 27+1 pl. Part I, July 1843: pp. i-xv i+1-20, 1 pl. plain + col. pl. IIV; Part 2, Sept. 1843: pp. 21-52, pl. V-VIII; Part 3, Nov. 1843: pp. 53-84, pl. IX-XII; Part 4, Janv. 1844: pp. 85-116, pl. XIII-XVII; Part 5, Oct. 1860: pp. 117-196.
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  • Perlmutter, A.; Bograd, L.; Pruginin, J. 1957. Use of the estuarine and sea fish of the family Mugilidae (grey mullets) for pond culture in Israel. Proc. Fish. Counc. Mediterr. F.A.O., 4: 289-304, 7 pl.
  • Popov, A. M. 1929. A preliminary revision of the Russian mullets (Pisces, Mugilidae). Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,.
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  • Rafail, S. Z. 1968. Investigations of mullet fisheries by beach seine on the U.A.R. Mediterranean coast. Stud. Rev. gen. Fish. Coun. Mediterr., (35) :1-19.
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  • Svetovidov, A. N. 1964. Rîbî Chernogo Morya. [The fishes of the Black Sea]. Opred Faune SSSR, 86: pp. 1-552, fig. 1-191 (in Russian).
  • Thomson, J. M. 1964. A bibliography of systematic references to the grey mullets (Mugilidae). Tech. Pap. Div. Fish. Oceanogr. C.S.I.R.O. (16) :1-127.
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  • Vodjanitzki, W. A. 1936. [Beobachtungen über die pelagischen Eier der Fische des Schwarzen Meeres]. Trudy sevastopol '. biol. Sta., 5: 3-43, 9 fig. (Russian with German summary).
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