Lebetus scorpioides


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  • Andriashev, A. P. 1954. Ryby severnykh morei SSSR. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Moskwa-Leningrad. (English trans. 1964, Jerusalem, IPST, 617 pp., 300 fig.).
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  • Demir, N.; Russel, F. S. 1971. On the postlarva of the goby Lebetus. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K, 51: pp. 669-678.
  • Dollfus, R. Ph. 1955. Première contribution à l'établissement d'un fichier ichthyologique du Maroc atlantique de Tanger à l'embouchure de l'Oued Dra. Trav. Inst. scient. chérif., Zool, (6): 227 pp., 1 map.
  • Duncker, G. 1928. Teleostei Physoclisti. 9. Gobiiformes. In: G. Grimpe & E. Wagler, Die Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostsee, 12 (12): g121-g147, 16 fig.
  • Fage, L. 1918. Shore-Fishes. Rep. Dan. oceanogr. Exped. Mediterr...., 2, Biology, (A.3): 154 pp., 114 fig., 16 maps.
  • Günther, A. 1888. Report on the fishes obtained by Mr. J. Murray in deep waters on the North-West coast of Scotland, between April 1887 and March.
  • Holt, E. W. L.; Byrne, L. W. 1903b. The British and Irish gobies. Rep. Sea. inld. Fish. Ire., 1901, 2: pp. 37-66.
  • Le Danois, Ed. 1948. Les Profondeurs de la Mer, Paris: 303 pp., 56 fig., pl. I-VIII.
  • Miller, P. J. 1963. Taxonomy and biology of the genus Lebetus (Teleostei-Gobioidea). Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist., Zool., 10: 205-256.
  • Miller, P. J. 1971c. The species of Lebetus [Teleostei: Gobiidae]. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., 51: 771-776.
  • Saemundsson, B. 1949. Marine Pisces. Zoology Iceland, Copenhagen and Reykjavik, 4 (72): pp. 1-150.
  • Smitt, F. A. 1893-1895. (ed.) A history of Scandinavian fishes, Stockholm and Paris, Atlas, I, 1893, pl. i-xxvii.
  • Smitt, F. A. 1899. Preliminary notes on the arrangement of the genus Gobius, with an enumeration of its European species. Öfvers. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl.,.
  • Wheeler, A. 1969. The Fishes of the British Isles and North-West Europe. Macmillan, London, Melbourne and Toronto: pp. i-xvii+1-163, 5+177 fig., 392 fig. (princ. sp.), 92 n. num. fig., 16 pl., maps.
  • Winther, G. 1877-1878. Om de Danske fiske af slaegten Gobius. Naturh. Tidsskr., Kjøbenhavn, (3)11: pp. 41-56.